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what is your favourite stoner food ?

Forums Life Food & Drink what is your favourite stoner food ?

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  • Chilli !

    Yesterday during epic munchies pandemic I created what I christened ‘the diabetes test’. Meaning if you can eat it without collapsing all deaded you don’t have diabetes. I think it is as thorough as any current medical methods of detecting such disorders.

    It consisted of 3 blueberry muffins, 1 meringue nest, 1 tin of custard (warm or cold), 4 crumbled Maryland gooeys cookies crumbled over the top and a generous tablespoon of jam. This was after I’d roasted a chicken for me and girlfriend to eat but she ended up working overtime so I had two persons worth of roast dinner and a curry (the curry was meant to be pudding but only after eating spicy curry did I realise my palette still needed cleansing with something sweet). After I’d completed the test I then had a large bowl of porridge and 4 crumpets swimming in golden syrup. After all this was consumed within an hour I went to bed feeling very full, very stoned, a little bit ill and still very hungry lol.

    pizza lol i have a never ending craving for pizza. but for stoner munchies a made a cheese,peanut butter and honey sandwich shit was da bomb!

    @The Psyentist 554298 wrote:

    Yesterday during epic munchies pandemic I created what I christened ‘the diabetes test’. Meaning if you can eat it without collapsing all deaded you don’t have diabetes. I think it is as thorough as any current medical methods of detecting such disorders.

    It consisted of 3 blueberry muffins, 1 meringue nest, 1 tin of custard (warm or cold), 4 crumbled Maryland gooeys cookies crumbled over the top and a generous tablespoon of jam. This was after I’d roasted a chicken for me and girlfriend to eat but she ended up working overtime so I had two persons worth of roast dinner and a curry (the curry was meant to be pudding but only after eating spicy curry did I realise my palette still needed cleansing with something sweet). After I’d completed the test I then had a large bowl of porridge and 4 crumpets swimming in golden syrup. After all this was consumed within an hour I went to bed feeling very full, very stoned, a little bit ill and still very hungry lol.

    You eat so much shit and don’t get fat, basically you are living the dream.

    Don’t really get bad munchies when I’m stoned any more, but when I fucked my back up a couple of weeks ago and had those nitrazepam, I ate so fkin much man, think I put on a stone in a few hours!

    Pizza, bombay mix, marshmallows

    I don’t eat when I’m stoned because my brain is delayed. So when the food is available, I don’t even know it’s food until it’s gone and THEN i’m hungry

    Pate de foie gras sandwiches, gillardeau speciale oysters, beluga caviar and 1889 champagne. It’s actually a prescribed diet. Doctor’s orders and all.

    It’s bad enough if I’ve helped stone somebody to death. I am not going to help eat them afterwards…

    Lobster, roast pork or weed brownies :love:







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Forums Life Food & Drink what is your favourite stoner food ?