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What they want to change the drug classification to!

Forums Drugs Drugs Research, Drugs Studies & Media Requests What they want to change the drug classification to!

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  • *Sorry would post this in the Drug Forum but its blocked on my work PC*
    Scientist’s say they want the current drug classification to be changed, They want to have a scale done on how harmful these drugs are. This study was published in the Lancet (woop i work for them so i am gonna have a good read), it is also mentioned on the BBC news website although its not as indepth as the Lancet study.


    This is the scale as they have set it, what i love is good ol Acid and E’s are lower than solvents, tobacco and alcohol!


    The researchers said the current ABC system was too arbitrary, and failed to give specific information about the relative risks of each drug. It also gave too much importance to unusual reactions, which would only affect a tiny number of users.

    Professor Nutt said people were not deterred by scare messages, which simply served to undermine trust in warnings about the danger of drugs.
    He said: “The current system is not fit for purpose. Let’s treat people as adults. We should have a much more considered debate how we deal with dangerous drugs.”
    He highlighted the fact that one person a week in the UK dies from alcohol poisoning, while less than 10 deaths a year are linked to ecstasy use.

    It would be nice to think our government would treat us as adults and let us take informed decisions, but we all know that this is never going to happen.

    Well i am gonna sit and have a read of the full article written in the Lancet, it is accessable on their website but it aint free…..






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Forums Drugs Drugs Research, Drugs Studies & Media Requests What they want to change the drug classification to!