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What Vladimir Putin probably listens to for gym music.

Forums The Vibe Jokes & Comedy What Vladimir Putin probably listens to for gym music.

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  • Mr Putin is well known to get up at 05:00 every morning and start with his workout (a lot of the action man stuff he does is real; especially anything to do with outdoors/environment). He must have at least one big screen monitor and sound system in his private gym; and is fluent in German :laugh_at:

    He worked in Germany in a University I believe when he worked for the KGB. Also a champion Judo dickhead or whatever they’re called.

    He had many covers during his reign at KGB, much attractive and even Wikipedia is altered from reality due to his secrecy,

    You know he runs the underworld in Russia right?

    I highly doubt he has any music interest in mobile devices, but rather live performances due to his generational standards.


    I think this is my new work out music!:good_evil

    Yes definitely, that shit rocks man…

    @MysticGirls69 969320 wrote:

    He had many covers during his reign at KGB, much attractive and even Wikipedia is altered from reality due to his secrecy,

    You know he runs the underworld in Russia right?

    I highly doubt he has any music interest in mobile devices, but rather live performances due to his generational standards.

    Mr Putin runs just about everything there (or at least tries to). I would expect he has his own personal gym with big monitor screens and comms equipment for keeping in touch with KGB/military but it would have decent loudspeakers on it. A bit like Baron Greenbacks command centre but with better equipment (fairly likely to be designed in Germany or the Nordic countries).

    He does like music; there is a video of him (from official Russian TV) of him singing “Blueberry Hill” for some charity concert; although I got the impression the idea was that if all the oligarchs watching didn’t pledge a few million rubles to the UNICEF he would keep singing :laugh_at:

    I recently watched both Soviet Victory Day celebrations (one from 1985 and this years one) – as well as the military march they had some musical/arts performance for the older people; which was a surreal mixture of Soviet Schlager and theatrical performances. At one point a short dude got up to sing – I thought it was Mr Putin again but it was someone else (to be fair the Russians have suffered enough already).

    I preferred the military parade TBH but the musical was strangely comforting – as it gave the impression “the Russians are Europeans just like we are, and nothing really to be frightened of”.






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Forums The Vibe Jokes & Comedy What Vladimir Putin probably listens to for gym music.