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What’s your favorite benzo [username]?

Forums Drugs Over the Counter & Prescription Drugs What’s your favorite benzo [username]?

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  • Do many of you notice much of a difference between them? I find it hard to tell not that I have much experience.

    Out of the two I have tried, Lorazepam over diazepam because of the faster onset and shorter length of effects, meaning if you are less likely to feel groggy morning after taking it.

    Definitely Xanax!!

    i’ve tried etizolam, valium and recently pyrazolam. i’ve never done valium in higher doses but i kinda have (depending on perspective of high) with etiz and pyraz i’d like to tell u what it was like but i cant remember that much other than that there wasn’t too many fireworks and i slept a lot. im gona trying some vallies with a good rep soon, so i’ll see what they’re like. maybe its just different between ppl or maybe u have to get into to it to really notice how it works… so not sure either

    lol, i did sleep a lot, it was like someone had stolen my time

    Valium > Everything

    Valium and Xanax are my fav’s. You can feel the difference between the two in my opinion.

    Especially when you smoke some weed with them. :weee:

    klonopins (clonazepam)

    got the best euphoria off that, i was on xanax as well though! but the clon klon just made it mentally nice

    @p0ly 516786 wrote:

    klonopins (clonazepam)
    got the best euphoria off that, i was on xanax as well though! but the clon klon just made it mentally nice

    Clonazepam is very nice too. Longer-acting benzo too. 2-3mg can last me the whole day and night.

    can anyone do benzos and still get up at a reasonable time?… i find with no alarm i can sleep on and on…

    @know_hope 516876 wrote:

    can anyone do benzos and still get up at a reasonable time?… i find with no alarm i can sleep on and on…

    It depends on the half-life of a benzo and how long its effects last.

    Xanax, Lorazepam and Etizolam are short-acting benzos/thienodiazepine. Max half-life for them is around 12hrs which means the chemical is excretted from the body quickly.

    Clonazepam, Diazepam, Rohypnol, Phenazepam and a few others are longer acting with half-lifes of 40+hrs. These are the ones that would be harder to get out of bed from because they are still in your system working away when you wake up.

    You will build up a physical and mental tolerance to benzos quicker and feel the urge to dose more frequently with shorter-acting benzos.

    i’ve heard that some find it hard to get out of bed after taking rohypnol, often cos they’re still tied up

    Byy leaps midalozam but thats friendly benzo usually is only for hospitol use an rophies r okay but been very hard to find unless on of ur mates just got back from Mexico,an im not sure the source but they were mothers little helper is most euphoric to me

    I wanna try Bromazepam and Temazepam..

    There are some new benzos on the RC market though I reckon people should be careful with. Pyrazolam is one I want to check out but with it not being an actual pharmacutical and it being made pretty much for grey-market distribution (In my eyes), I would be careful as to were you get it. Flubromazepam has also very recently come about…

    @Sychonaut 516944 wrote:

    I wanna try Bromazepam and Temazepam

    Can’t say I’ve heard of Bromazepam but don’t bother with Temazepam. Had them prescribed by doc for my insomnia. Was given 28x 10mg pills and told one a night. The doctor was aware of my previous valium abuse and high tolerance to benzos as this is what we’d discussed in the consultation prior to receiving my prescription. Anyway was a good boy that night and decided to follow the instructions, so initially I remained sober and took 1. After am hour nothing, took 2 more and after a further 30mins nothing. So I gobbed 3 more so 60mg in total and had a spliff. Felt moderately stoned afterwards but no hint of a benzo high which was annoying as I was genuinely seeking sleep and not a recreational high.

    I returned the rest of them to the pharmacy the following day.






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Forums Drugs Over the Counter & Prescription Drugs What’s your favorite benzo [username]?