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where has Ketamine actually gone?

Forums Drugs Ketamine where has Ketamine actually gone?

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  • Hopefully parties I attend won’t just be full of nose dribble retard zombies quite so much 🙂

    fuck paying 20+ for a g of cut bullshit

    lol it was bad for a wile there but from the ppl i know its nearly returned to normal, nice racemic stuff for only 1 or 2 £ dearer in bulk which is really nothing but i really perfer the s-isomer stuff but you cant really complain when its back to cheap as chips

    Back up here too, can only get single grams for £20 rather than bulk buy cos prices have apparantly (the verity of this is unknown) gone up.

    Still not bothered enough to get back on it but it is weird to see how the clamp down has actually worked to an extent, but as said, when police etc. do things like this it just gives the dealers more incentive to start cutting it with more dangerous substances and increase the risk of someone getting hurt whereas maybe they wouldnt have before……I know, the greater good and all that but soon it will be wank like coke is! Fair play if K isn’t your thing but I think we should have a right to have the pure stuff! Haha.

    legalize em all

    Yeah, we’re obviously responsible enough as a society for that.

    Meh, not relevant. The responsibility should belong to us regardless. Having said that if drugs were to be regulated I would still be in favour of them only being avaialble from from medical practitioners who monitor your use and condition and not just down something you buy a multipack of down the local newsagents.

    Is Ketamine not still used to put horses to sleep? so legal for the vets? plus in Mexico they use it to put people in ketamine coma’s I forget what disease was called but people where in all round pain that would not go away with pain killers and they would put the patient into a “Ketamine comma” that would shut their system down like rebooting them and it managed to get rid of this pain people would go through but with a chance of death people would still risk it because the pain was that constant and bad

    It’s still used on humans medically, especially at accident scenes where you might not know if the people involved have allergies to other painkillers (ketamine is much safer in that respect).

    And yes it’s legal for vets and doctors, they have a license to use it.

    really? I had no idea about the accident scene thing that people with allergies would be given that drug, would it not send them into a K hole? lol

    @LysergicAcid 452747 wrote:

    really? I had no idea about the accident scene thing that people with allergies would be given that drug, would it not send them into a K hole? lol

    They have a dose so strong it makes them unconscious, but emerging from this does result in a k-hole experience, which is thoroughly documented in medicine. People have even sued the sate because they had ‘life changing’ experiences, confronting death, cant deal with life anymore ect (fucking pussies whinging about a free trip imo)

    For this reason in medicine they use the ‘least psychedelic’ variants of ketamine to cause the lease distress to the patient, compared to vetinary ketamine which is cheaper but more trippy cos horses dont sue.

    @Clusterfrog 452756 wrote:

    They have a dose so strong it makes them unconscious, but emerging from this does result in a k-hole experience, which is thoroughly documented in medicine. People have even sued the sate because they had ‘life changing’ experiences, confronting death, cant deal with life anymore ect (fucking pussies whinging about a free trip imo)

    For this reason in medicine they use the ‘least psychedelic’ variants of ketamine to cause the lease distress to the patient, compared to vetinary ketamine which is cheaper but more trippy cos horses dont sue.

    Gimme sum a dat howse sheeeeyyyt!

    @Clusterfrog 452756 wrote:

    (fucking pussies whinging about a free trip imo)

    What so you reckon that at whatever age you were before you’d done anything trippy, that you wouldn’t have been affected possibly in a terrible way by an unexpected, unforseen trip?

    Bad Shmad trip I say… I had endless bad trips and it never puts me off as I know it’s not real and will soon ware off

    am watching this medic show and this dude got his hand trapped under a truck and they filled a serynge (how ever you spell that) with ketamine and injected him and he was still in pain :S and the doctor is like, there is plenty more where that came from lol! crazy, when you said doctors give it in emergencies I thought you meant countries like Ukraine where they have no laws, not the uk






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Forums Drugs Ketamine where has Ketamine actually gone?