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  • Can anybody tell me what happens to a dna sample if you are proven innocent. I was aquitted a while ago and am concerned about who might have access to it. Does it get destroyed or is there a massive database where its kept? Also how are the so called anti terror laws going to affect the free party scene. With the amount of new surveilance officers drafted in will they start to channel extra resources into wiping them out? At a recent party I saw more plain clothes police than i have anywhere. It seemed to me they were on to it a long time in advance and only allowed the rigs to set up so they could gather evidence on the sly before shutting it down. Maybe we should ban all cameras at parties and then it would be easier to spot old bill.btw the reason i know they were plain clothes is because i was standing next to a bloke filming people on his phone. The cheeky fucker had a big grin on his face, When a police land rover pulled up he strolled on over greeted the driver and donned his stab vest and stupid fucking belt. As we watched about five more people one woman i believe, did the same. all with phones.

    dont they just get rid of dna samples? or keep record of them or sumthing?

    I know a mate of mine had photos and fingerprints etc taken for something, and when found innocent he had to go down the pig station and request for them to be removed from database and destroyed.

    I think you’ll find the criminal justice and police bill from around 2001, states that the police can keep dna and fingerprints on their database even when that person has been acquitted.

    Agent Subby wrote:
    I think you’ll find the criminal justice and police bill from around 2001, states that the police can keep dna and fingerprints on their database even when that person has been acquitted.

    Yeh they do the dirty bstards…

    I expect the cops keep them – or send them off to the Govt forensic lab to be archived somewhere. its all digital data nowadays which can be instantly sent anywhere else.

    BTW to “the rev” – the anti terror laws have been used to justify monitoring free party people and activists since 2000 (they were put in before 9/11!)

    The reason i asked is because i heard they had turned the whole site of the bank holiday riot into a crime scene. Wondered how likely it is that they would collect samples from bottles, fag buts and the like. Wouldn’t put it past the sneaky bastards.:bitter:

    the rev wrote:
    The reason i asked is because i heard they had turned the whole site of the bank holiday riot into a crime scene. Wondered how likely it is that they would collect samples from bottles, fag buts and the like. Wouldn’t put it past the sneaky bastards.:bitter:

    that would be the whole idea of them doing it TBH… they wouldn’t spend the money calling out SOCO on a holiday if they didn’t think it was gonna bring results of some sort.

    mind you its not quite like on the movies where its found instantly and the DNA that is taken off you in the police station can only identify groups or families rather than individuals.

    And think about this; someone drinks from a bottle and then (stupidly) throws the bottle on the ground, someone else picks the bottle up to lob at a copper.. Because of this what they find can only be used as “soft intelligence” rather than hard evidence against somebody or could only be used to prove that someone was at the scene, rather than actual proof they committed serious crime there.

    It will probably result in people being pulled up 6 months later when they thought it was all forgotten about – but probably people also wanted for other stuff as well as medium level dealing, or other crimes.

    Maybe they could do another series of C.S.I

    C.S.I ESSEX!

    if you write to them within a month you can have it destroyed, however i wrote to them within a week i had no previous convictions and the case was dropped however they refused to destroy it. It all depends what your involved in

    the rev wrote:
    Maybe they could do another series of C.S.I

    C.S.I ESSEX!

    they actually have one, its called 999 Frontline and one of the few programmes that Anglia TV still make..






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Forums Life Law Who can you trust?