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  • a well written (not overly technical or confusing) and pragmatic (no tinfoil helmet) site about peak oil and how to prepare for it – written for and by someone in Britain raaa

    Wolf at the Door

    Until recently i would have been in agreement with most of the info in the site linked above, however, after reading James Lovelock’s “Vanishing Face of Gaia” issued earlier this year i’ve reconsidered previous views held.

    One area of contention is the nuclear energy option which the above site claims to produce as much or more CO2 than fossil fuel methods which is simply not true and the volume of waste generated is inaccurate. Much as i dislike the idea of nuclear energy it appears to one of the few viable energy options left on the table (renewables alone will not be sufficient). Also coal reserves are plentiful so available energy sources are not really the issue as opposed to the effects of their use. Bear in mind that with ice caps melting more oil reserves will probably become accessible

    On a more positive note there is a lot of research going on to remove CO2 from the atmosphere and the following examples seem quite encouraging

    1. Conversion of bulk agricultural waste into bio char which is inert ie atmospheric oxidation nor micro organisms return it as CO2 to the air

    2. Ground serpentine rock (common igneous rock) that consists of approx 50% magnesium oxide which reacts with CO2 to form magnesium carbonate (a stable white powder 😉 that can be used as building material or component of cement)

    I would have thought the cost of building a nuke wasn’t that much more than a conventional power station, but what about the security infrastructure required?

    Although protesters target coal power stations, there isn’t a lot of terrorism you could do with coal, other than throw it at people

    The Opportune Overthrow of Humpty Dumpty – Wikisource

    and anyway I think the stuff used in power stations is very small bits of coal…

    There are two main issues I see with nukes

    1. the business is in private hands so often safety pays second fiddle to profit

    2. we in Britain have pissed off so many nations with the war for oil that nuclear power stations are a obvious big target.

    I wonder out of all of the people who are “eco warriors”, will they be prepared to sacrifice their night life?

    EDF could easily switch off the leccy for a few hours after midnight each night and it wouldn’t defrost everyones freezers – OK computer and telecoms installations need constant power but they will have to invest in UPS or gensets or solar panels… (but its easier for these places as 12-48 volts DC power kit is often used anyway in the UPS and linking it to renewables is actually “free” power!)

    General Lighting;313490 wrote:
    and anyway I think the stuff used in power stations is very small bits of coal…

    Nuclear – 4grams CO2 per kWh generated
    Coal – 955grams per kWh generated

    Above data taken from James Lovelock ‘Vanishing Face of Gaia’

    I agree nuclear would require high level security which is why terrorists would probably look at easier targets like contaminating the food chain or water supplies to promote their cause. Dont wish to list too many opportunities and give them ideas though

    do those figures include the cost of transporting the fuels / waste products and the estimated CO2 footprint of the security infrastructure or merely concentrate on the technology?

    At Thetford, there is a “renewable” energy power station – although its really just a big incinerator what burns anything combustible; anything from poultry litter, or the leftovers from forestry operations, to shredded speaker cabinets confiscated off ravers! (yes, the feds/FC actually thought it was a good idea although IMO it seems like a perfect way to put youths against otherwise good environmental ideas…)

    But this is protected by a single gate/perimeter fence, just like many other industrial premises in the Breckland area.

    Of course Sizewell has much more robust security than that…

    but even when they build Sizewell C and perhaps Sizewell D, how long will it take before even a watt of electricity is generated?

    I think the reality though is consumption has to be decreased even if we build all sorts of new power stations (renewable or otherwise..)

    General Lighting;313541 wrote:
    do those figures include the cost of transporting the fuels / waste products and the estimated CO2 footprint of the security infrastructure or merely concentrate on the technology?

    Yes, the figure given includes all emissions over the entire operation of the generators listed, although the corresponding wind operation not mentioned above and listed at 8 grams per kWh does not include the large output of CO2 from the back up fossil fuel power station required when the wind is too high or low. (p69 of the Vanishing Face of Gaia book if you get the chance to check if near a book shop in the near future)

    Just in case anyone here is not aware of James Lovelock – he was the inventor of the device in the late 70s that accurately measured CFC’s in the atmosphere which led to the worldwide action to reduce CFCs and prevent further damage to the ozone layer. Also founder of Gaia theory in which 80% of the original predictions have been proved through actual observations in the ‘field’.






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Forums Life Environment Wolf at the Door (at last, a decent UK based peak oil site!)