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xanis or zoloft?

Forums Drugs Trip Reports xanis or zoloft?

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  • either one make you trip? i don’t think xanis do, but what about zoloft? not very advanced in the pill region, be patient with me. 😛


    Do not take zoloft, do not take it!!

    Xanax will chill you.

    zoloft will do fuck all. if you take it for a few weeks it’ll make you feel slightly happier…. and rot your insides. JUST EAT HEALTHY FFS FUCK ANTI DEPRESSANTS

    Agreed ssri’s are not psychedellic in the least if u take to many ull have a general stupur but the side effects buzz.n they have a w//d symptoms,after just a wk of them.garbage for recreation .xanax can make u feel better,for anxiety and can give u almost a alcohol like slow buzz,without some shitty effects of alcohol.but is very habit forming.n requires u to increase the dose very fast to get desired effect

    Don’t take zoloft whatever you do.






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Forums Drugs Trip Reports xanis or zoloft?