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Forums Drugs Ecstasy & MDMA – XTC ? Pl0x pl0x pl0x

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  • @HashHead 530678 wrote:

    So it took a while but I’m back with the results :
    We got fucked, the pill didn’t even work, we waited 2 hours + and nothing ever came.
    I got fucked on weed and I might’ve been a bit more high than usually but we basically got scammed. This pissed me off, we’ll buy off someone else next time…
    Ruined my first time 🙁
    Btw the pills were little,blue and with cherries on it.
    One of my friends tracked it (Sorry I’m french,idk how to say it in english) and he texted us it was working really well lol :/
    We had 4 pills, 4 people, no one really felt the buzz.

    in the end,fml.

    Sorry to hear that man, that sucks.

    Don’t let it put you off the mandy mate – it is a great drug and well worth the wait.

    Try to buy it in crystal form if you can next time, as although it doesn’t guarantee quality there is a very small chance of it being bunk.

    If your taking pills check pill reports. If your taking MDMA crystals then test it with an EZ test. Take around 150mg and top up later depending on how you feel

    lol first time I ever did a pill it was the same as you, got ripped off. I feel your pain bro.

    However don’t let it put you off, when you get good stuff you will know it!
    As everyone says Pillreports is very useful. Either that or just stick to MDMA crystals.

    Best advice I could give for a night out is to try and not get carried away getting fucked up. If you take too much MD, yeah it can be fun, but you will not remember any of it and the night will go insanely fast.
    It’s far better to be less fucked and remember it, as the memories are good..
    You can decide this for yourself though.

    Also, when the nights dying, it’s 6am and you’re off your tits loving life, don’t go taking more and try to find somewhere else to go, you never will lol and you will end up getting frustrated or at weird locations. It’s always good to finish on a good note, which is usually when you don’t want to leave!

    Also, little bit of weed after a night out on MD is the best thing for sleep, sleeping when you’re coming down isn’t very fun most of the time, but weed just takes the edge off nicely.

    @Revorocks 537070 wrote:

    Best advice I could give for a night out is to try and not get carried away getting fucked up. If you take too much MD, yeah it can be fun, but you will not remember any of it and the night will go insanely fast.
    It’s far better to be less fucked and remember it, as the memories are good..
    You can decide this for yourself though.

    Also, when the nights dying, it’s 6am and you’re off your tits loving life, don’t go taking more and try to find somewhere else to go, you never will lol and you will end up getting frustrated or at weird locations.

    Get as twatted as possible, all or nothing






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Forums Drugs Ecstasy & MDMA – XTC ? Pl0x pl0x pl0x