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Yesterday’s tea was kaputz!

Forums Drugs Trip Reports Yesterday’s tea was kaputz!

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  • I’ll never try McCormick brand poppy seeds ever again. Yesterday I bought 18oz worth of these little bottles and made a batch of tea that only made me mad!
    But, today I went and bought several bottles of Tones brand poppy seeds and a ton of these little pouches of organic poppy seeds and it took about 20 minutes to empty them all into a bottle through a funnel, but once I shook and shook and shook the bottle enough, today’s tea is much better indeed! Though, not really a trip, my chest feels nice and warm right now.

    very nice brother, keep up the good work. I bet it feels nice and warm in this cold winter night

    Oh, it does, brotherman! It’s 7 degrees above zero right now and on my walk to the store while ago was a frigid one! By the time I arrived at the front door of the store, I looked like Jim Carrey on “Dumb & Dumber” when they arrived in Aspen on that little moped. I had ice cycles hanging from my nose and my eyebrows were white with frost from exhaling warm, moist air around my rabbit fur ushanka!

    Nice to know there are some other parents on here mate 🙂
    Hope alls well.

    It sure is and the great thing about my parental situation is that I’ve never had any custody or legal issues with my two kids over my addiction status. Both my children are well behaved and have hearts as big as Alaska and as warm as can be! My little boy, Kyle, is such a giver! He’s always wondering what he can do for others and Zoe, my daughter, has two beautiful daughters of her own. My oldest grandchild is now three and the youngest is only four months old.
    I’m so, so, so very blessed to have them in my life and their lives are so very important to everyone else who knows them. My little Kyle is such a cuddler! When him and I cuddle, it makes my heart glow so bright to know I’m loved so much!!!

    Ahh your a grandad! Nice!
    Iv got a 16month old, it will be her first christmas where she is aware of everything.
    Shes the first grandchild and her nans quite posessive of her! Quite good though cause she looks after her every other weekend so I get to go out and let my hair down (although I cant handle it all to well nowadays)
    Kids are so lovely 🙂

    Yes indeed they are!!!
    My little Kyle is what pushes me to survive each and every day. My daughter just married a nice man who’s in the Marines and this will help her to mature faster by being with him and I don’t worry as much about Zoe as I do my little Kyle. Kyle and I talk on the phone every day and I can’t wait until I can get a newer and faster computer so I can use Skype to talk with him at the same time be able to look at his beautiful smile and hear his kind and loving words! When he’s with me, he never sleeps in his own bed; he “HAS” to sleep right next to daddy so we can keep each other warm he always says. lol!






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Forums Drugs Trip Reports Yesterday’s tea was kaputz!