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2 redbulls, 5 cans diet coke, 6 cups of joe, 1 big cup of addiction

Forums Drugs Drug Addiction & Recovery 2 redbulls, 5 cans diet coke, 6 cups of joe, 1 big cup of addiction

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  • 15mg? serious?

    Yep, 15 1mg pellets. Never done more than 8 before and it usually only takes 4 to send me off. Only like my 6th time doin em. I have stupidly high and often heavily fluctuating tolerence to shit like this for some reason. First time I did vals I needed 25mg to feel anything at all

    25mg isn’t really that high a dose man especially with all the shit valium about and even if you had NHS vals 25mg in my opinion is a standard dose.

    @p0ly 499050 wrote:

    25mg isn’t really that high a dose man especially with all the shit valium about and even if you had NHS vals 25mg in my opinion is a standard dose.

    I know 25mg isn’t much for recreational purpose, and I have used it for that, but on this occasion I simply wanted help relaxing before going to sleep. Considering im only 5’8″ and 9.5stone I thought that was a fair amount for somebody who’s never touched it before, and yeah it was proper nhs stuff.

    @p0ly 499053 wrote:

    Im guessing you also haven’t slept and are just posting whatever comes to mind first

    @The Psyientist 499056 wrote:

    Im guessing you also haven’t slept and are just posting whatever comes to mind first

    nope and nope. Got 2-3 hours just woke up and off to do some errands. This p0lygon don’t need much sleep livin’ the healthy livin mang makes things easy as pieeee woop woop.

    i just think that’s a classic NHS reference if you don’t then someone else surely will, it’s ali g MENNNNG!

    @MR207 498828 wrote:

    Ok so you don’t have to tell me…I know this is a stupid thread but I don’t know if I should be concerned…..My daily intake consists of on average 2 12 oz. red bulls, 6 cans of diet coke, and 6 cups of coffee, sometimes even 3 redbulls, my heart races alot and I feel jittery, that’s why I suffer from lack of sleep..but Im addicted and I can’t stop! Is this consumption normal? Can you OD on caffeine?

    a friend of mine used to drink a lot of red bull and other energy drinks everyday cause she always had a busy schedule but then one day she found out there was a blood clot by her heart I do believe and was told to cut back she still intakes caffeine but not nearly as much as before

    @DOTM 499060 wrote:

    You probably are not getting any real stuff

    I won’t deny that possibility as I used a different vendor on this occasion.

    HEY GUYS! I’ve cut back, down to 5 cups of coffee now:) And…..1 red bull

    I used to be like you, in one day I could drink 4 relentless and a 2L bottle of Diet Coke. I never used to sleep properly (I used to be a bit of a nerd gamer :L)

    I cut it all out and within a couple of days I was sleeping properly again and felt no need to drink such vast amounts anymore!






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Forums Drugs Drug Addiction & Recovery 2 redbulls, 5 cans diet coke, 6 cups of joe, 1 big cup of addiction