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    @georgeliverpool94 490002 wrote:

    Call the line after 11

    Yeah man sure will, don’t forget your AA batterys

    Least they were polite enough to let you know you were rejected I don’t even get that!

    Ended up going back to the agency in town, doesn’t seem to matter how many times they give me shitty jobs and I fuck it off after a few weeks, 6 months later I appear again asking for more work n they find some! They do work on commission I spose. Anyway this time I said I’m looking for something a bit more substantial don’t mind what but the main thing is I don’t want to do sales. So next day they ring me saying they got something great for us, ‘merchandising/admin’ role, and now over the course of 3 conversations it’s changed to ‘accounts assistant’ to ‘trainee trade account exec/business development’ – so basically fucking telesales and I’ve already agreed for an interview FFS!!

    Silly loggy going to interviews pie-eyed.
    BTW you can earn ALOT of money selling used knickers.

    Where are you living log?

    Nevermind just saw your thing. Try farms, gardeners and stuff, people always need physical labour, there’s loads of stuff for cash to keep you rolling until you get something permanent as long as you look hard enough.

    @spangle 490048 wrote:

    Least they were polite enough to let you know you were rejected I don’t even get that!

    Ended up going back to the agency in town, doesn’t seem to matter how many times they give me shitty jobs and I fuck it off after a few weeks, 6 months later I appear again asking for more work n they find some! They do work on commission I spose. Anyway this time I said I’m looking for something a bit more substantial don’t mind what but the main thing is I don’t want to do sales. So next day they ring me saying they got something great for us, ‘merchandising/admin’ role, and now over the course of 3 conversations it’s changed to ‘accounts assistant’ to ‘trainee trade account exec/business development’ – so basically fucking telesales and I’ve already agreed for an interview FFS!!

    this was why I got the fuck out of Reading. Luckily in this area (though its not by any means “backward”, quite the opposite) they still need folk who are prepared to do the “boring” ICT jobs like build networks and phone systems and finance databases (got another one to do on monday) which is at least solving folks prob lems (as they need them systems to do buisiness) rather than selling crap peopel don’t need..

    It was prob the anxiety that did your eyes in, I get this when uber anxious – and job interviews are right up there!

    I generally find the attitude that ‘they will be lucky to have me accept their offer’ helps me, but i am lucky to already be in a job and looking

    Its a tough market out the Marcus is still trying to get work in london and signed up to a few agencies this week, but is still working in the midlands most of the time, when there is work for him

    I do remember going to an interview when a teen, on a load of speed, and it made me cry with laughter watching trainspotting and spud’s interview scene – as that was me, in a patchwork mini dress, long raggedy hair being interviewed for a saturday job for …… Laura ashley!!! ha ha!!

    keep with it, someone will give you a chance!
    just dont let the ‘rejections’ get you down, its not personal – you just dont have the skills they are looking for, its lack of skills, not personal

    @Tank Girl 490264 wrote:

    It was prob the anxiety that did your eyes in, I get this when uber anxious – and job interviews are right up there!

    I generally find the attitude that ‘they will be lucky to have me accept their offer’ helps me, but i am lucky to already be in a job and looking

    Its a tough market out the Marcus is still trying to get work in london and signed up to a few agencies this week, but is still working in the midlands most of the time, when there is work for him [/quote]

    this is also a big reason why I am at the arse end of the country – stuff needs to be shited on them containers and that creates jobs for everybody (and in the Midlands they bash the metal to make the containers) whilst in London all the “nice/fun ” jobs are long bangalored, olympics or no fucking olympics. The things I used to once get paid for are non-jobs now, ironcally due to the same factors what make party vibe radio, soundcloud and other similar things possible and quite frankly I’d rather fix computers for the bumpkins than the corporate scum who infest London these days even if it pays slightly less (and its not even that much of a pay cut)

    TBH loggue is probably in a better position than Londoners. I did look for any vacancies in the place I get gadgets for work (I think its near where he lives) from as he knows enough to sell them but they are running on a shoestrng budget as it is and not hiring as I expect their sales are down and the last piece of kit I bought got shipped from elsewhere rather than then keeping the stock in the local unit which is always a bad sign 🙁

    I do remember going to an interview when a teen, on a load of speed, and it made me cry with laughter watching trainspotting and spud’s interview scene – as that was me, in a patchwork mini dress, long raggedy hair being interviewed for a saturday job for …… Laura ashley!!! ha ha!!

    in the 80s/early 90s they used to employ girls like that in shops selling things like art supplies, which was cool as the more tolerant/less judgemental society of them days and many flyers/urban art still being done manually meant a lad could get away with hanging around in such places and still be masculine enough (as WH smiths didn’t sell decent markers or carded you thinking you were solvent abuser). you could also flirt with the girls in these shops who were about your age or slightly older (as trying to flirt with 14 year old school girls from the nice grammar schools would only result in shocked looks and a warning from the bobby even by those days moral standards). I wonder what happened to all these girls? probably all working in call centres and mums now. OK a few “lucky” ones went uni became “artists” for a bit and some live round my way but they all are now 40 something and write long blogs bemoaning failed relationships and being a starving artist and keep 20 cats. They do make good art to be fair but I can’t afford it or have no space for it..

    @General Lighting 490267 wrote:

    I wonder what happened to all these girls? probably all working in call centres and mums now. OK a few “lucky” ones went uni became “artists” for a bit and some live round my way but they all are now 40 something and write long blogs bemoaning failed relationships and being a starving artist and keep 20 cats. They do make good art to be fair but I can’t afford it or have no space for it..

    LOL, I recon I’m one of them! I couldnt afford to go to art college, went to a few interviews in stratford etc, but the reality of it – well we just didnt have any money
    I do have a cat, and still make art, and am even gonna try and sell some next weekend, but I grew up quick and got a propper job so I wont ever have to rely on a man like my mum.

    unfortunatley round my way no one would give me a job looking like I did, they wanted nice ‘cleaan girls’ who ‘fit in’ with suburbia, but hey thats a long time a go now.

    But your earlier point – exactly what Marcus is saying – they dont make nothing down here, this is why he is struggeling to get work, no industry,
    due to his hernia I think he is still worried about lifting – and lighting work – which is what he was doing when he first moved down.
    this is what he does in the midlands, make stuff,
    but he had thought he’d get work with the olympics – but to be fair I’m not sure how hard he tried……

    You should research into a career that doesn’t involve just working for some corporate company, you’re better than that. Think outside the box.
    I’ve heard the windfarms are making a boom right now, it costs a bit to train up but the money is really fucking good (about 100 quid a day)
    You could start some sort of business…or use your musical skill somehow…teach kids or something??
    If you don’t try these things you won’t ever know!

    -not knocking anyone who works fora big corporate company cause its so so hard not to in this economic climate, but the fuckwits really do shit on everything and everyone 🙁

    good idea,
    Marcus has now decided what he wants to work in and is working backwards,
    he’s just starting a maths a level as this is a qualification he needs for this job and hopefully this is a good way to start

    I think its difficult when your are on benefits as they are just wanting you off them and in any job so its difficult to be picky, but its good to ‘feel’ good about who and what you work in – but not always easy to be ethical when the government are breathing down your neck..

    @apatheticsquirral 490269 wrote:

    You should research into a career that doesn’t involve just working for some corporate company, you’re better than that. Think outside the box.
    I’ve heard the windfarms are making a boom right now, it costs a bit to train up but the money is really fucking good (about 100 quid a day)

    I have a nasty feeling they drug test folk for these jobs and many other “makign stuff” jobs (why else am I seeing loads of folk asking about drug tests from UK IP addresses when it was prevously only foreign ones?) . even top ICT jobs now have drug testing in case you fuck up a production server when high – I’m just lucky I got into mine during a good time. even then if it weren’t for some high level family connections my CRB with drugs record wouldn’t have looked good.

    also UK windfarms are hit badly by nimbys and economic depression/cost cutting (leading us to spunk money on designs what don’t work) – its not impossible to get jobs in these fields but helps if you know another North European language.

    That said they do at least still make stuff in Sussex, Essex, Kent and Suffolk and places just outside London like Slough and Reading but competition really is intense. The eco friendly jam woman even got busted by trading standards because she was mislabelling foreign jam due to competition (she even ended up being sectioned as she thought everyone was persecuting her even though its made quite clear that local jam from Woodbridge shouldn’t come Poland – its OK if the workers are from there but not the jam)

    at my work you are getting white english blokes applying for the jobs looking after the old people and they are good chaps and do their work well but you can tell they would never have picked this career 10 years ago, they would prefer to be in the factory or on the building site.

    I hated being on benefits but to be fair it does give you loads of time to do something that makes you happy as apposed to working to keep someone else happy. You can just go for walks, get inspired and be creative. I’m writing and illustrating a book at the moment, it might not ever get read let alone published but I don’t want to be one of those ‘what ifs’ people. Although its quite hard for me to keep me nose down and get stuck into recently, I come back to it every so often.
    Well they have already made the plans for windfarms and are going ahead with them, they are vastly growing (even though it terns out they are probably not the best idea for efficient energy) So they do need a lot of people on them.

    @apatheticsquirral 490274 wrote:

    I hated being on benefits but to be fair it does give you loads of time to do something that makes you happy as apposed to working to keep someone else happy. You can just go for walks, get inspired and be creative. I’m writing and illustrating a book at the moment, it might not ever get read let alone published but I don’t want to be one of those ‘what ifs’ people. Although its quite hard for me to keep me nose down and get stuck into recently, I come back to it every so often.
    Well they have already made the plans for windfarms and are going ahead with them, they are vastly growing (even though it terns out they are probably not the best idea for efficient energy) So they do need a lot of people on them.

    agree with you, but they are getting so tight on benefits at the mo,
    I know alot of people who are getting theirs reviewed and stopped, love the torys eh?

    My mate- actually 2, have recently written books, one has self published on ‘leanpub’ and she’s sold quite a few, I’ve not read it as its to do with computers so out of my remit, but my other friend has written a children’s story book and its great, if a little scarey!






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Forums Life Working Another Job reject