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Benzodiazepine Addiction

Forums Drugs Drug Addiction & Recovery Benzodiazepine Addiction

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  • Here is some useful information for anyone who has a problem with these or knows someone who does.

    Firstly here is a definition:

    Benzodiazepine – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    and then some sites to help with the problem:

    Welcome to

    This site has some great reading material including a how to quit manual which explains everything you need to know about the drugs and how their withdrawl should be handled [obviously medical supervision is required]. They have information for countries other than UK despite the address and I am very impressed with the site.

    Benzodiazepine Side Effects, Dependence, Withdrawal and Information Group

    This is site is also full of useful information and links. One of the links is to a support forum for addicts which also has a lot of relevant information.

    Worth checking out these links if this problem affects you in anyway as the information is first class.

    Benzo addiction is nasty. Physical withdrawls are supposed to be hell on earth, and benzo addiction seems to creep up on people faster than most do. Be careful.

    would you class taking a few pretty much every weekend as addiction…? probably about 0-40mgs over 2 days depending on what i get up to… unless im at a fest in which case it goes through the roof :you_crazy:

    Mainly these sites are targeted at those taking them everyday and often on medical prescription. Obviously they are open to all those who feel they have a problem. The number of tablets of the most acute cases escalates from the initial amount until tolerance develops to the point where they are taking large doses and still the drug doesnt work. They are then taking the drugs because they are physically addicted to them but they are providing little real benefit.

    The effects of this increasing consumption on those around them can be devastating and very destructive. They can develop a Jekyll and Hyde personality depending on the length of time since their last dose [obviously this depends on their initial personality] while others struggle on trying to hide their problem from their loved ones and try and lead a normal life till something gives.

    They are very seductive drugs as they seem to initially help overcome the problems for which they are being used but in most cases addressing the root of the problem would be a far safer idea than trying to cover up the symptoms.
    People use them to help them get to sleep but in fact on valium, for example, the drug supresses REM sleep so you dont really get a proper sleep and yet you have been unconscious and think you have. If you do this over a longer period you can get the psychosis which results from sleep deprivation….while having slept.

    Raj;233367 wrote:
    People use them to help them get to sleep but in fact on valium, for example, the drug supresses REM sleep so you dont really get a proper sleep and yet you have been unconscious and think you have. If you do this over a longer period you can get the psychosis which results from sleep deprivation….while having slept.

    nice one. :love: im planning on calming down a bit now anyway.. :bounce_flash:

    djprocess;233375 wrote:
    nice one. :love: im planning on calming down a bit now anyway.. :bounce_flash:

    Yeah, I doubt you could get physically addicted doing them weekly. You might have a mild psychological addiction, but that will be much easier to deal with than physical benzo withdrawal, which is supposedly the absolute worst.

    Using recreational benzos can be okay, as long as your very careful and DON’T MIX (even with alcohol), but lots of people who turn to drugs because of underlying anxiety and such find being high on benzos to be an extremely attractive proposition; particularly since they’re so easy to get your hands on.

    Good info, thanks 😉

    Thanks for the links Raj, read and bookmarked ! I have Temazepam prescribed on an occasional basis for sleeplessness from anxiety. I deliberately use it as little as possible, might have to have it 2 nights running (or even in daytime sometimes) if recollections of old shit have triggered a bad episode or if I have a stressful time approaching, but then I can usually give it a rest for some weeks.

    But I have always felt very cautious about it cos I remember the way Valium was mass-prescribed in the 70s and 80s leading to thousands of diazepam addicts, who actually needed help and advice in sorting out life problems but ended up just being soma’d up by health practitioners so as not to worry.

    If I use Tz it’s deliberately planned to help me sort out a current problem, not to escape from it. I decide what I am going to do whilst the sedative effect lasts and then get it done whilst I still can. Usually then the anxiety can lift of its own as the stimulus for it is reduced.

    Interesting to read about the Z-drugs. A mental nurse friend persuaded me Zopiclone was different and safer. My GP asked the pharmacist about it, who at least did say they were still basically similar to diazepams in mechanisms and had the same risks. I tried it but hated it – zonked me but didn’t stop the anxiety or let me get anything done afterwards. I now feel much better informed on them too !

    Cab;233333 wrote:
    Benzo addiction is nasty. Physical withdrawls are supposed to be hell on earth, and benzo addiction seems to creep up on people faster than most do. Be careful.

    I seen people have nasty withdrawals if they’ve been on a substancial amount for a length of time,
    fits / seizures in acute withdrawal can be lethal

    if you wanna stop and have been using to the extent of physical withdrawals seek medical advise or go down 2mg every 2 / 3 days no point in rushing it

    but they are nice occasionally 😉

    I was taking valium reguarly for just over a year. Started to cut down (from 50mg+- day) after a few months, mainly to stop my GFs nagging.

    Then had to quit abrubtly when we split up, because i’d run out of money, living on the streets (different reasons). TBH I didn’t notice any physical withdrawls, from that small amount.

    I think ther’s a fine line between using & abusing. I self perscribed, after spending almost a year completely isolated, paranoid mess. After a few weeks of taking, I was back out there in life, with a beutiful gf & sound group of friends. Anxiety in the past.

    When I quit, a year later, life had changed for the better even with the “withdrawals”

    Saying that, its a few years later back in the same position (weed psychosis) & just got 100 vals through the post. 😀 Lets hope I have the same luck this time.

    All in all, if you’re suffering anxiety it can help.

    But “Abusing” benzo’s is bordering on excapism imo & asking for problems.

    Like everything, its good in moderation.

    Bring back acid TBH :p

    pixx;250982 wrote:
    Like everything, its good in moderation.

    good to here your still wiv us :group_hug

    Good to know i’m welcome 😀

    Just transcended over from SJ, so its a bit of a culture shock with all the :love: about :p

    That is all!

    pixx;250993 wrote:
    Good to know i’m welcome 😀

    Just transcended over from SJ, so its a bit of a culture shock with all the :love: about :p

    That is all!



    SJ – I jus love it :love::love::yakk::yakk::yakk::yakk::yakk::yakk::yakk::yakk::yakk:

    Its not too bad. Once you reach the 10,000 post mark, they send you a free tie.

    @pixx 250993 wrote:

    Just transcended over from SJ, so its a bit of a culture shock with all the :love: about :p

    That is all!

    Like everything else, it’s good in moderation :laugh_at:

    Welcome raaa






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Forums Drugs Drug Addiction & Recovery Benzodiazepine Addiction