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Forums Drugs Drug Addiction & Recovery CRAVEN A’s ..HOOKED 4 LIFE…??

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  • Most of it is in the mind when it comes to addiction…I found. It is by no means easy to think positive and be up for becoming clean for yourself. I have done more detox,s in jail than I can recall and when in there you know your not getting any H so you get on with the rattle and it aint so bad.. On street though its different.. If your feeling rough and say three or four days into your detox you can say “forget it” and go score. Prison has a lot To Do with me still being alive and kinda healthy..I classed the spells in jail as breaks to my body. Time to recouperate. MY Drug worker is getting me a gyn pass so I can go train to fill my boring days at home. If I stay home looking at the Mrs all day I will go mad before the years . I aint useD for a while now and plan to £eave it too some other mug to try.. I have said before I wouldn’t wish heroin or any addiction on my worst enemy but having said that, pedofiles need to be od,d with the dtuff on a daily basis…IF you agree let me know…God Bless and be strong..

    have they taken all the drugs out of prison now then? I must have missed when they did that. Indeed God bless us all…

    More or less. Security is tight in most jails and plus for what you would get would not tickle your toes….plus you get a beating for default of payment..wouldn’t recomend it.

    They haven’t taken drugs out of prisons, I was talking to someone the other day about it and apparently they are still there just extortionate.

    It cost a guy a tenner for a baby skin spliff..

    Exactly, not worth winding yourself up getting it mate. As I say the days when you could send powder in cards and felt tip pens were good when it happened but they caught on to all the scams nowaday in jails…

    the only way you will stop using substances is ‘when you want to’

    Jail / prison wont do it for you – as it is a forced detox, and you will use when out – as it sounds as if you have

    If you wanna stop – either do the cold turkey thing – or go to a doctor and get on a program and slowly reduce,
    only you can decide when you are ready

    (and if you want get in to the rooms – NA, AA, CA etc)

    take care of yourself

    Dudes right in a way wrong in another i was imprisoned in a USA state prison,For a couple years.It was the way i got clean From heroin,after 8yrs of iv use,many rehabs n detoxes prison did it.but not cuz the drugs werent there but because when i went to prison no family would write,phone visit me that compiled with prison politics just broke me and i realized i could no longer use dope without losing freedom.ego loss in a way.but as i said i had no family connection,so no funds,i had a job were i could transfer contriband.For my benifit.n yes i enjoyed a spliff,small.maybe1gram For 25$usd..however hard drugs were availible..heroin was availible For 25usd ud get maybe 1/20 gram.alcohol was reasonably priced tho.2$ For a 20Oz pop bottle full of oj wine.good buzz,terrible alcohol was made in mass constantly.really the only substances not found were psychedellics.yet ppl would take pills containing dxm to get a high.drugs are probabbly the second leading cause of violence.race sadly being first.drugs will always be in jails an expecially prisons.what about a cancer pateint in prison pain meds were also a major player in the drug game in prison.but personally it took prison to break my addiction.but sadly maybe if ibogaine or even a profound dmt experience in which i exaimined myself objectivly,i may have never needed the prison system to get sober.well stop slamming dope my opinion mind state wins over your environment when it comes to being sober






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Forums Drugs Drug Addiction & Recovery CRAVEN A’s ..HOOKED 4 LIFE…??