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  • shaikar wrote:
    Im no crie starting chav, and im certainly not bored. My problem isnt as simple as you’ve judged. I dont want to do anything, i dont want to change anything.
    Being a cunt and making other people scared and making ther enviroment a nasty place to live in for other people really doesnt tickle my fancy. Finding a ‘one true love’ thing dont satisfy me, ive got all my grades and more i can do anything with my life i can do anything, i know what i wanna do with a passion and im doing it, im studing in all my free time and i like it. But im not satisfied, everythings perfect but i dont se the point in doing it? getting all happy about the job your in, or the people around you means fuck all. Like well done you work for the system, you do what every single person in the human race does, but for what? I stick all this shit to the back of my head coz no one can understand me, it all comes back with weak, obveious answers what really cant persuade my brain to listen to. i need a better answer

    mate who said you’re bored? or that they didn’t have all the good grades they wanted? or that because they have a job they work ‘for the system’?

    you say you know what you want to do and you’re doing it with a passion. if it isn’t satifying you, it’s likely you’re doing what you’re ego tells you want to do, not what your id knows is right

    you’re not depressed, you’re just unaware of the true possibilites of your life and it’s bringing you down


    I stick all this shit to the back of my head coz no one can understand me

    this is not intended as an attack, just a wake up call. do you know how much that sounds like self-centred bullshit? how many billions of people on this planet? how much do you know about what those billions of people actually do in their lives? i think you’ll find that a great many people understand you better than you understand yourself.

    sexy_biatch19 wrote:
    yea doc said i had to reduce it slowly. but it gave me live electric shocks in the head lol, sounds funny but it scary as fuck. and i got migrains and the depression seemed worse so i carried on takin them. what sorta dose was u on?

    I had the shocks too, also became angry and v.anxious & generally no fun to be around…your body needs to readjust slowly. Seroxat support groups now operate so contact your local mind organisation, the following link might be useful:

    the only bad thing about councelling is that its not available everywhere, when i lived in bristol i was told to take drugs or fuck off, basically, by my doctor.

    if i hadnt moved back east god knows what state i would be in now, an organisation in brighton sorted me out free councelling which was the major catalyst in my recovery.

    i still have off days, but im better at dealing with em now, and they doint last all week or longer.

    Counselling of some form is always the best bet, the problem with taking antidepressants is that if your difficulties have a psychological route you only conceal them with the drug. I don’t think antidepressants are bad & they have their use but they are generally just a quick fix solution to what can be very complex problems.






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