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  • Ive had to deal with deppression quite a bit, it aint easy. in my case the pills the doc prescribed just turned me into a full blown zombie. Kinda scary……I found that talking about it helped a lot but it aint allways easy to do that, not many people understand What is goin on deep inside, but youve got to trust in those close to you, though sometimes when you feel at your worst thats a hard thing to do.

    depression is a nasty place:hopeless::hopeless::hopeless:

    i had undiagnosed depression for 10 years along with ME – i stayed at home, didnt see people for days at a time, didnt eat for some of the time, cried a lot about stupid things and was generally miserable and had no idea what was wrong with me:hopeless:

    eventually i went to see my GP because i couldnt sleep well anymore and he put me on antidepressants – we tried 4 different ones but when we found one that suited me i felt amazing
    after about a year i came off them and i feel much much better now and i am so glad i got treatment for it [at first i didnt want to believe i was depressed – in my family you just grinned nd got on with it]

    good diet with lots of b vitamins in it is good and helps a lot and so does fresh air and exercise
    not caning it too much all the time also helps:wink:


      I cant take pills,so talking is the only thing i can 😥 😥

      Wish i could get a pill to make it all go away..


      angel wrote:
      I cant take pills,so talking is the only thing i can 😥 😥

      Wish i could get a pill to make it all go away..


      i had counselling for a couple of years – it does help:groucho:

      Life’s got a way of kickin’ you when your’e down but gotta keep rockin on Im here if you wanna offload! it helps:love: :love: :love:

        OUTCAST wrote:
        Life’s got a way of kickin’ you when your’e down but gotta keep rockin on Im here if you wanna offload! it helps:love: :love: :love:


        Depression sux, while my first dvt was still undiagnosed i got depression triggered by the dvt and was put on seroxat. got out of hosp and about 3 months down the road got my head back on and realised this was something i had to fix myself. saw doc got meds reduced and stopped and got myself back to me.
        Dont let it take over, it can fuck you up bad.

        sexy_biatch19 wrote:
        guildford. u?

        just over in dorking for the next two weeks then im moving to winchester for a year. should be riveting.

        as for treatment of depression, i felt like pills (e) had sent me into depression in a way so i didnt want other ones to get out, i had a point to prove to myself. it made it very hard on others around me, some of whom tried to get me to take the anti depressants. councelling was a complete saviour, and it was thru my gp that i was refered to a free counceller as i was unemployed at the time. every week for four months, and i think ill get some more when im a but more settled, cos its just great having someone so passive to bounce your ideas off. it makes clarity of my thoughts.

        the dark thing was was when i was in bristol two year sago, and suffering chrocilly from depression and anxiety, i went to the doctor who said i couldnt get councelling because of lack of funding, so i went untreated for another year, which was not great at all. it was only because i moved back where there more money (the south east) that i was treated properly at all, and a lot of people dont have that option. it is fucked right up. i would say depression is the worst illness ive ever had, and there simply isnt adequate provisiona nd funding for its treatment. i think change is happening, at its usual british crawl.

          raj wrote:
          in my family you just grinned nd got on with it

          Its not a nice feeling knowing that your on your own…

          angel wrote:
          Its not a nice feeling knowing that your on your own…

          no its not


          at the time when it was worst i had no one at all in my life and my family said i should pull myself together – not a place in my life i remember with any pleasure

          no friends, no internet [how did i get by without it?:groucho:], no social activities and a family that kept telling me i just needed to get on with it when i did speak to them

          [ i still hate speaking to them on the phone to this day – always wonder what i am going to get told i am not doing right and how its all my fault :you_crazy:you_crazy no one wants to be that ill mentally or physically – its is not enjoyable:you_crazy:you_crazy:you_crazy]

          the irony [if you like to think of it that way ] is that in those days i was as pure as virgin snow wrt drugs :groucho: a couple of aspirin was as exciting as it got :you_crazy:you_crazy:you_crazy

          USE wrote:
          just over in dorking for the next two weeks then im moving to winchester for a year. should be riveting.


          it will be, thats my neck of the woods and the winchester area has seen some decent parties this year.

          BigAndy wrote:
          Depression sux, while my first dvt was still undiagnosed i got depression triggered by the dvt and was put on seroxat. got out of hosp and about 3 months down the road got my head back on and realised this was something i had to fix myself. saw doc got meds reduced and stopped and got myself back to me.
          Dont let it take over, it can fuck you up bad.

          how did u find gettin off seroxat? iv tried many times but never been able to. apparently there proper addicitive. iv been takin them since i was 16… now at 22 and still takin them, cnt c myself ever comin off them.

          millions of people are depressed or have been sometime in their lifes…talking to someone definatly helps but the biggest boost i think is excercise pure and simple , just walking for half hour,running,swimming ,the list is endless it blows away the cobwebs sets your heart beating pumps the blood thru releases endorphins that make you feel alive…if i m down i just get out of the house ,an do one of them tings…i love to get out to the peaks i love the fresh air….i myself have been depressed in the past an i helped myself thru it…i think sometimes we are too hard on ourselfs i try not to take life so serious now days….life can be hard we all know that ,but nowadays you can go to the docs an make a appointment to see a councillor if you need to talk,..whenever i get to thinking about stuff that makes me sad,like i wish i could afford this i wish i could move away….i always think theres someone in a lot worse situation….we take for granted the little things like running water from a tap in the kitchen…when in other countries they have to walk miles for mucky water…we have homes,electricity,food, and i cant complain…..that is my way of dealing with life…… works for me…but most important move about do something …..peace an love xxxx

          i guess it depends on how depressed u r and how strong u can b.






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        Forums Life Health & Medicine Depression Depression!