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Drug deaths hit record levels

Forums Drugs Drug deaths hit record levels

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  • Looks like you guy’s version of DARE didn’t work either.

    You ever try Kratom? We (and by we I mean the DEA) are making it Schedule 1 at the end of the month…

    Sorry to triple post but it seems like the U.K. is quite literally just trying to kill the drug users.

    @Shakyamuni 985882 wrote:

    You ever try Kratom? We (and by we I mean the DEA) are making it Schedule 1 at the end of the month…

    Every day mate, have a kilo plus maybe 50g of the last kilo left. DEA are dumb as fuck

    @Shakyamuni 985883 wrote:

    Sorry to triple post but it seems like the U.K. is quite literally just trying to kill the drug users.

    I try to avoid conspiracy theories but this is increasingly the impression I get – and it is not merely from one or two misguided politicians. The worst part of it is its certainly not the case British people have all become all right wing nutcases; any more than the people in the Phillipines or other nations with harsher régimes are. The last two elections in this country and the EU referendum might well have yielded disappointing results to those who are progressive minded, but they were at least free and fair (putting aside the flaws with first past the post representation).

    All it takes is disruption to the economy and a feeling that “criminals are getting away with it” to create this kind of backlash, where the ordinary people especially the middle classes push politics to the right. I suspect this is is happening in many bits of USA as well and is the real reason why people are even contemplating electing someone like Trump.

    PH and UK might be thousands of km apart but have two things in common – a divided population paranoid about foreign cultural influences and terrorism, and a relatively high population and birth rate.

    Unfortunately as humans are fast reproducing this means that older people in power often genuinely feel they can write off entire generations especially from those perceived to be in lower socioeconomic groups; or even middle/upper class kids who have dared to challenge the system and made a wrong move with lifestyle choices.

    The competitive exam and university system in the UK and Asia is a major part of this).

    It may not be as easy in NL, DE, DK and surrounding nations to harbour such views as they are still under the shadow of real time fascism in the 20th century and birth rates are lower (even with migration) so every child and young person is valued slightly more, but all this Brexit aftermath is making the rightwingers in those countries look enviously at England which is TBH worrying…

    Just seen reports of 240mg pills being distributed at some event in Germany I believe. There was no link to a source in the tweet but I did ask for one although I have no questions it’s genuine.

    its the same load of pills in the other thread and the event was in Zurich, Switzerland. I’m not sure if testing is permitted or encouraged by Germany’s drugs laws which are almost or just as harsh as those in the UK; as I’m reading the same reports of overdoses (especially of slightly older, long term drug users) in Polizei Bayern press releases.

    Incidentally one reason drugs treatment for these older UK users is not working in initial cases its been taken out of the hands of the NHS and left to local authorities with instructions to only fund abstinence-based treatments.

    Where I live they appear to have even cancelled the contract for the Christian group (who had to be fair started doing good work especially for young cannabis and NPS users) because they were seen as “too tolerant of ongoing drug use!” So the NHS only see patients by the time they are very ill, have been detained by Police on mental health grounds or other reasons or have been bluelighted into an already underfunded and overworked Emergency Department.

    @General Lighting 985901 wrote:

    its the same load of pills in the other thread and the event was in Zurich, Switzerland. I’m not sure if testing is permitted or encouraged by Germany’s drugs laws which are almost or just as harsh as those in the UK; as I’m reading the same reports of overdoses (especially of slightly older, long term drug users) in Polizei Bayern press releases.

    Incidentally one reason drugs treatment for these older UK users is not working in initial cases its been taken out of the hands of the NHS and left to local authorities with instructions to only fund abstinence-based treatments.

    Where I live they appear to have even cancelled the contract for the Christian group (who had to be fair started doing good work especially for young cannabis and NPS users) because they were seen as “too tolerant of ongoing drug use!” So the NHS only see patients by the time they are very ill, have been detained by Police on mental health grounds or other reasons or have been bluelighted into an already underfunded and overworked Emergency Department.

    Thanks for all the clarification bud 🙂

    @General Lighting 985901 wrote:

    its the same load of pills in the other thread and the event was in Zurich, Switzerland. I’m not sure if testing is permitted or encouraged by Germany’s drugs laws which are almost or just as harsh as those in the UK; as I’m reading the same reports of overdoses (especially of slightly older, long term drug users) in Polizei Bayern press releases.

    Incidentally one reason drugs treatment for these older UK users is not working in initial cases its been taken out of the hands of the NHS and left to local authorities with instructions to only fund abstinence-based treatments.

    Where I live they appear to have even cancelled the contract for the Christian group (who had to be fair started doing good work especially for young cannabis and NPS users) because they were seen as “too tolerant of ongoing drug use!” So the NHS only see patients by the time they are very ill, have been detained by Police on mental health grounds or other reasons or have been bluelighted into an already underfunded and overworked Emergency Department.

    In America with our present opiate problem it always takes a spat of overdoses for the police to do anything because this is generally how they become aware of a problem, same for rolls it seems.

    @Shakyamuni 985914 wrote:

    In America with our present opiate problem it always takes a spat of overdoses for the police to do anything because this is generally how they become aware of a problem, same for rolls it seems.

    If that was the case why have they ever enforced cannabis prohibion, as it’s deadliness doesn’t exist, only the blackness of the people that they want shot.

    @tryptameanie 985920 wrote:

    If that was the case why have they ever enforced cannabis prohibion, as it’s deadliness doesn’t exist, only the blackness of the people that they want shot.

    I don’t think they honestly care about people dying other than it making the news; I was mentioning to GL how the UK seems to just tacitly comply with letting users kill themselves. What happens is half a dozen people die or end up in the ER from a bad batch and then the local law enforcement agency has a press conference and basically says “we’re going to get to the bottom of this and keep our kids safe” or some other liked minded bullshit.

    Marijuana is easy and long has been the low hanging fruit because it smells, it takes up a lot of space and the people selling it are usually less violent than those selling other drugs. It is worth mention that marijuana is almost always seized when harder drugs are found so while it isn’t logical to focus policing efforts on marijuana it does work some of the time because hard drugs are also found. Law enforcement is often about the easiest route not the ‘right’ course of action.

    Also one reason behind the recent USA EDM boom where so many European event promotions companies sold out to American buyers was the European folk who set them up are reaching their 40s and 50s and getting tired of dealing with the costs of harm reduction initiatives and licensing requirements for events in Northern Europe. These are now much less common than they were before and tend to happen in deprived coastal areas so any increase in drugs related incidents can be pushed under the carpet.

    I even suspect its a low level distraction technique for young Americans; Tony Blair briefly tried the same in Britain during the late 1990s (which is why we had Britpop and a boom in EDM events) but abandoned it by the early 2000s due to binge culture encouraging youngsters to take drugs on top of alcohol (whilst not being courageous enough to push forward real harm reduction).

    That led to all sorts of carnage that the NHS soon noticed and and a massive public backlash from the older middle classes across the political spectrum.

    I remember Obama saying more than once he greatly admired Tony Blair and there are similar elements in his leadership methods especially his embracing of media and music personalities (although I at least credit Mr Obama with a better taste in music).

    Even in the UK there has only recently been a panic about party drug deaths since middle class young teens (especially young girls) have been keeling over; whilst hypocritically young adult men and women barely a few years older who suffer any harm from drugs just get written off as junkies etc and their parents are often too ashamed to take part in harm reduction campaigns as they fear being judged and abused in mainstream and social media.

    @Shakyamuni 985928 wrote:

    I don’t think they honestly care about people dying other than it making the news; I was mentioning to GL how the UK seems to just tacitly comply with letting users kill themselves. What happens is half a dozen people die or end up in the ER from a bad batch and then the local law enforcement agency has a press conference and basically says “we’re going to get to the bottom of this and keep our kids safe” or some other liked minded bullshit.

    Marijuana is easy and long has been the low hanging fruit because it smells, it takes up a lot of space and the people selling it are usually less violent than those selling other drugs. It is worth mention that marijuana is almost always seized when harder drugs are found so while it isn’t logical to focus policing efforts on marijuana it does work some of the time because hard drugs are also found. Law enforcement is often about the easiest route not the ‘right’ course of action.

    Thanks and sorry about that. No question the police wait for a death then raise hell, and even blame deaths on whichever drug they want rid of at the time, without a fucking shred of evidence it’s true and always turns out fucking false. Law is fucked up over here but where I live at least there are signs that a much more sensible approach to drugs is being taken due to its new chief constable.


      @tryptameanie 985870 wrote:

      Drug deaths hit record levels | The Independent

      If u can find the drug death statistics from my country from the 80’s to today, u would be surprised how the drug strategy worked well since the introduction around 1994 of the four pillars which was :
      1) prevention
      2) therapy
      3) harm reduction
      4) law enforcementlevel politic (NOT THE BEST OF THE 4 PILLARS :biggreen: )

      MaPaDro III, the third package of measures drawn up by the federal government to tackle drug-related problems,
      outlines the existing state of affairs and the underlying principles of drugs policy and on this basis defines the federal government’s undertakings in this area for the next few years.
      At the end of the 1980s it was largely pressure from the public in response to the open drugs scene which forced politicians to act.
      As a result, the federal government embarked on a policy consisting of four pillars of prevention, therapy, harm reduction and law enforcement,
      and implemented two packages of measures.

      Sources; Federal Office of Public Health – The federal government?s third package of measures to reduce drug-related problems (MaPaDro III) 20062011

      Some pictures taken in the late 80’s to middle 90’s : I was just 20 years old and was going there a few times a week to buy drugs

      These pictures made the news around the world and is the beginning of a real will to help the addicted people and try to manage that growing
      problem in my country using an other approach than only repression. The politic woman (Ruth Dreyfuss) said these kind of words which became symbolic :

      “Look at these young people. They are not criminals, but our children which doesn’t need repression but help and care”









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    Forums Drugs Drug deaths hit record levels