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Getting illegal parties legalised?

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  • the french have done it, so why cant we?

    if we got organised about this, we could form a pretty decent lobby group, alongside some of the heads from squatjuice, and make the case for legalising them.

    if we could sort out rubbish collection, site allocation and toilets, i recon that would be half the battle. thereis the drugs issue, but clubs are legal, and as long as it isnt to blatant they stay open.

    check out this beast from gerard la rouge off sj:

    19 tons lorry decorated as a giant fly

    5 meters of urinal, 6 cabins all decorated by a different artist

    non stop air-freshener, dedicated cleaning staff, free tea & coffee, 3kw sound system and video projection on the roof.

    Monique la mouche can be found at festival across europe every summers, she’s not scared of teknival.

    You only need to pay for her travel and provide food & drinks to the staff.

    You also need to provide running water and 3 16A lines.

    yeah it would b cool dude to get it legalized. All we need is sites around the UK which can be designated to us. Then if we leave the sites in a total mess then they could remove it from the list if it persists then we wouldnt hav ne sites left and there would b no one to blame other than ourselves. U can c at most raves that the party people are up for keepin the area clean. I find cleanin up is like a disease, once some1 see’s some1 start litter picking duty every1 else joins in. But every1 knows wot our governtment is like instead of tackling it by bringing it into the open and givin areas for us to do this they just push us further underground makin out like we dont exist until we hav a party.

    yer, i just found out that they arent properly legal in france, only for the larger events.

    this country has a much less cerebral tradition of law enforcement and legislation, tho.

    never know until we try. i knocked up a press release for this site a while back, which never got used for fear of backlash, but its been deleted from the post it was in, prolly by the crash a week or so back. :sick: bollocks is all i can say.

    we need to fight this battle on two fronts – media and legislative. we need to be promoting our scene in the press, and petitioning the government for tolerance over raves.

    USE wrote:
    . we need to be promoting our scene in the press

    can we trust them to give a true look at the parties tho, or will they pick holes and use it against us by showing the other illegal activities which go on, such as drug dealing etc. every1 knows how well the press can blow things out of proportion.

    yer, thats why you dont wanna use mainstream press, at least at first. style mags and random undergound publications would be a good first step, as they arte the trend setters, and once they have deemed something to be a certain way, most other publications will follow suit.

    at the end of the day, papers and mags exist to sell papers and mags, nowt else. they only bitch about raves coz it sells papers. if bigging raves up, and defending them sold papers, thats what they’ll do.

    DJ FATTMAN wrote:
    every1 knows how well the press can blow things out of proportion.

    there have been a couple of positive pieces recently, but everytime a friendly piece gets pressed, I expect it provokes a nimby into action elsewhere…

    for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction

    and all that :good_evil

    i think the one of the best ways to make the scene more accessible is by doing our best to plan parties well and cause the minimum of damage or disruption and allow people to discover what it is all about gradually, without pushing… the more diverse the people who come to and enjoy free parties are, the more support we will win


    There are indeed plenty of things we can learn from the French, however we must not make the same mistakes.

    I have had a number of long discussions with a French chap from our area who has been involved in raves on both sides of the Channel.

    sadly many Brits look across the channel upon the French scene with rose-tinted specs; I was guilty of doing so myself until I had been informed of the real facts.

    There was indeed a time when the French Government were more tolerant of raves – perhaps 5 or 6 years ago. Indeed, one year the Culture Minister
    even attended a techno parade in Paris!

    Unfortunately, without the authorities hassling them the French rave crews did not deal with other issues affecting their scene; events were held and clean up not done properly, there was crime and violence at large teknivals (really nasty stuff, including girls being raped,surrounding villages being actually invaded, with houses being burgled and trashed).

    it appears that many of the gains made by French ravers are now lost; the government permits less events than before and the environmental damage from previous events now causes the French Green party to oppose them – this year it was particularly snide as their environmentalists and other antis just stalled a lot of the licensing negotiations until the very last minute; and did not even alert people to the presence of the dangerous irritant caterpillars which caused many people health problems (a friend of mine who was attacked by them remains in a poor state of health 🙁 )

    Those events which are attempted without authorisation are broken up violently by cops, Gendarmes and apparently even the regular Army.

    shazbart. thats mental. and not gonna do our case too much good. if we bring up france, that is what the press and govt will bring up.

    if we could sort out just one massive rave that proved that we can do it properly without polluting or scaring or owt, and we documented it properly, i recon it would be a good foundation to build off, if nothing else.

    if i hadnt quit my job last week, i wouldnt have been too skint to go to the tek, and i would have distributed that leaflet i knocked up about good rave guide, and filmed its light side for the data banks. i really need to pull my finger getting frustrated by being skint and stranded. have an interveiw tomoz tho. wish me luck!

    having said that, the clean up did seem not bad (at least compared to steart beach!) and the locals weren’t too pissed off. went pretty well, from what i gather.

    USE wrote:
    shazbart. thats mental. and not gonna do our case too much good. if we bring up france, that is what the press and govt will bring up.

    the govt and the press will bring it up anyway.

    we will need to be prepared to admit mistakes were made in France, and that they have been taken on board by UK crews to ensure the same mistakes will not be made here.

    yer, we need to put together some kind of well square and sensible document for the suits to read. long ting, but blatantly worth it. im not sure where to start, to tell the truth.

    for information these are the govt departments who would be involved

    DCMS (departmment for Culture Media and Sport) = overall PEL issues

    Home Office = security/drugs/crime issues (incidentally they once had a “minister for raves!” but he resigned when the war started).

    Defra (Department for Environment, Food and rural affairs) = access to open spaces, prevention of noise pollution etc

    as well as the local authority for the area in which you are having your event

    you would have to get all these officials talking and agreeing with each other.. and its an extra task when all these departments are being downsized….

    OTOH I reckon the best argument is a financial one – it costs more to shut down a rave and to process people through the criminal justice system then to let it happen, also closing down these events destroys police-community relations and could potentially increase anti-social behaviour, binge drinking and addictive class A drug use,

    stopping rave parties doesn’t remove the demand for drugs; dealers will still operate but without the informal “policing by peer pressure” which occurs on the rave scene to often dissuade people from more problematic drug use patterns.

    but you will have loads of shit from the antis and perhaps even licensed club promoters like mean fiddler – they may argue we paid loads of money, why should people do it for reduced cost/free?

    minister for raves? that would be great, i’d follow him around all day, whispering pro-rave sweet nothings in his ear.

    departmment for Culture Media and Sport should prolly be our first call, work out what they want, and get their support and that would be a nice first step. if we can get them to beleive we are socially beneficial, thats a good start. the Home Office are bastards, totally corrupt and corporate. they will be the hardest, as they are traditionally all powerfull and deaf. not a good combo. Department for Environment, Food and rural affairs will need proof that we can stay within the limits, and that we have a genuine interest in the same things as they, and can be mostly self policing. that remains to be seen, tbh, but i live in hope.

    your last point about mean fiddler is prolly the stickiest. they have a lot of clout and make a lot of money. they have their way of doin it and it works. to convince people to accept this new type of legal event, when mean fiddler is havbin words i the ears of newspaper editors, is gonna be a bastard.

    from what gerarde has said on sj, he makes out that the rave community basically threatened their govt into legalising teks,as they will happen anyway, and its better if the authorities are kept in the loop for everyone’s sake. i dont know how true that is, but i dont know that that would work here, as govt doesn’t take kindly to threats. we are one atm, anyway, tho…

    that was off the top of my head. im off to check out their sites and i’ll be back.

    USE wrote:
    from what gerarde has said on sj, he makes out that the rave community basically threatened their govt into legalising teks,as they will happen anyway, and its better if the authorities are kept in the loop for everyone’s sake. i dont know how true that is, but i dont know that that would work here, as govt doesn’t take kindly to threats. we are one atm, anyway, tho…

    the 5th republic?

    we haven’t even managed to oust the royals, let alone threaten the govt with raving in their face

    surely there are more than four republics in the world atm? or do islamic and peoples republics not count?

    the royals are just decoration, the primeminister writes the queens speech, so what else do they do, except visit foreign countries and embarrase us all?

    just because we have a monarchy, doesn’t mean we are primarily a monarchist state. the french got rid of their monarchy because they were trying to run the country, and being bastards about it. we just told ours to shut up, and they have.

    if the queen had any clout, id be inviting her to our raves and writing her letters. my housemate wrote to the queen saying it was shit he got nicked for growing medicine nesseccary to his wellbeing (ganj) and she wrote back saying she’d look into it. and do what? fuck all.

    USE wrote:
    surely there are more than four republics in the world

    france currently has it’s fith republic: 5 revolutions have occured and 5 constitutions written; so the current french system is known (to the french) as the 5th republic

    what I meant was that the french are better at threatening their govt than we are :you_smart (with strikes etc)

    mind you, perhaps that’s why there’s three times more investment capital leaving france than entering france, and 10% unemployment.






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Forums Life Law Getting illegal parties legalised?