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  • So.

    Ive been having trouble with my drugs recently and have, in the past 8 months or so, had a couple blackouts and panic attacks as well as some fairly serious heart palpitations and at one point my heartbeat was completely replaced with a flutter. i mean completely.

    Had a lot of tests with my GP and after a lot of to-ing and fro-ing he basically came to the conclusion that while he couldnt diagnose me with anything it would appear that i have developed some kind of hypersensitivity to stimulants.

    So forgetting all the boring stuff i can do without like red bull, coffee etc that means

    No Weed
    No Speed
    No MDMA (:hopeless:)
    No Coke

    or anything which might induce a panic attack so

    No Shrooms
    No Cid
    No DMT
    No Salvia

    at least for another 6-8 months

    you guys know any fun depressants? 😎

    dont take this in a party pooping way, but seems your body is giving you a message. maybe consider finding non drug stimuli for a while and give yourself some recovery time… if you cant think of anything, get a bit imaginative. kayaking, painting, cooking, running, travelling?… why not save up your drug money for a surfing or snowboarding holiday?

    No weed? im outta here

    Fuckin’ hell man, your doc may as well have turned round and said ‘Don’t do anything fun, stay indoors and watch bullshit shows which are made to make Simon Cowell even fucking richer. If you don’t want to watch them, read the works of Proust instead. Oh, and if you could become a miserable vegan as well, that’d be splendid!’

    Sorry to hear that news dude, but I guess it’s better than the alternative, just about anyway!

    Get some benzos or opiates?

    Or maybe some K.

    go wake-boarding with mr chrispy 🙂

    @Tzzer 549661 wrote:

    you guys know any fun depressants? 😎

    Natural endorphins from working out?

    That would include dance floor action, without the drugs. 😉

    Get a nice gram of heroin and take it all in one hit, I doubt your heart will be palpatating then..

    Ketermine ? – not the best party drug but in a relaxed environment ‘k-holes’ are supposed to be amazing. ( although not had one myself)

    Personally for me if it’s only 8 months, I would find loads of hobbies to take up my time (the hobbies of which partying can distract you from) On average a good night out costs what…40 quid ? (in travel, drinks, drugs and entrance) That is a lot of money, you can book to do something really fun with that like no hope mentioned.

    So the average cost of four nights out (160 quid) you could go to france for the day.

    Your doctors basically just said ‘drugs are bad mmmmkey!’
    I think you should take up working out like pat said, that gets you really high and is addictive 🙂
    I’d stay off drugs because as somebody else mentioned, your body is telling you something

    Yeah mate in all seriousness find some exercise you really enjoy and can get involved in – I would reccomend weight training (if you enjoy it of course) as this has a wealth of benefits, but you will also need to do some form of cardio which will benefit your heart and enable you to recover quicker.

    Whatever exercise you do just make sure you’re consistent and try and progressively get better at it otherwise it is pointless..

    ketamine and other dissociatives may slow the heart during the hit, but that doesn’t mean its a go if you have heart problems. all drugs (maybe except few psys) stress the body in some way. maybe dont think of it as quitting/abstinence, but the start of something new, whatever that may be

    know_hope, ive already got a fair few non-drug stimuli to keep me going for a while, i.e. making and listening to music, social events, and not least of all college. its just that drugs make these much more fun!

    G_Tek you’re right man. i guess at the end of the day your health matters more than anything

    Chrispydelic, opiates are a big no-no for me. never tried benzos and ive only ever tried a line of neigh and it didnt have much effect, but i guess it was just bad K. what can i expect from larger (not significantly) doses of ketamine?

    Pat, korno, deez unfortunately i seem to have developed a mild phobia of exercise, mainly cause of how scatty my heartbeat goes afterwards. ive been doing your basic push ups and sit ups to get myself started cause i dont reckon i could last 20 mins on the running machines lol. i should probably quit smoking!

    all in all i figure i should get my head down and stop bitching, but ive been off the drugs for a couple months and cold turkey is no fun. i was never even a huge caner so i never realised what a big part of my life having the occasional spliff or night out on MD was. i guess its just hard to go from considering yourself to be failrly ‘hardcore’ to being afraid to have more than a couple tokes on a joint here and there for fear of a panic attack.

    thanks for the advice though people, gave me some food for thought :group_hug

    All benzos and all opiates. no need for stims when u get a fat xanax morph combo.

    Read some Ketermine trip reports:

    Erowid Experience Vaults: Ketamine – Amazing First-time Experience in the K-hole – 90988

    This is a pretty good one, but it you click on the hyperlink that says ‘ketermine’ it will give you a miriad of good and bad ketermine experiences.






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