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How many cigarettes do you smoke a day?

Forums Drugs Cigarettes, Smoking & Tobacco How many cigarettes do you smoke a day?

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  • Personally, since I don’t really smoke it depends. I will go weeks/months without any or have 1-3 a day for a while.

    Do enjoy the occasional fag but I couldn’t smoke like 10 a day every day for years.

    Rarely. If I smoke at all it’s when I’m out drinking, and I’ll try to avoid fags if I can and go for a pipe instead as I don’t like inhaling the smoke in my lungs. To this day I still find it horrifying that people put tobacco in their spliffs here. It is a practice that is unheard of in Brazil.

    @barrettone 545422 wrote:

    Rarely. If I smoke at all it’s when I’m out drinking, and I’ll try to avoid fags if I can and go for a pipe instead as I don’t like inhaling the smoke in my lungs. To this day I still find it horrifying that people put tobacco in their spliffs here. It is a practice that is unheard of in Brazil.

    Yeah I don’t smoke joints with tobacco in, it means I have to smoke my own when with friends but i’m not complaining (I rarely smoke weed now anyway.. well certainly less then I did!). I do enjoy a cigarette when high though occasionally, its nice to just chill with one but smoking them together is a big no no for me.

    To be honest I went through a phase where I smoked 7 a day for 2 weeks and quit no problems because I thought it was dirty.. I don’t see how they’re addictive..

    yeah i rarely smoke anymore, its just rank. if im drinking or pilled up though a ciggy is a delight. i am making a conscious effort to try and cut down a lot though

    Yeah when i’m on stims thats when I really go crazy. When I did meph it wasn’t unknown for me to smoke at least a 12.5 of cutters choice to myself in a night. Lungs would kill for days though

    The amount I smoke when on stims is obscene :/ barely ever smoke otherwise though.

    On work days, about 10-12 a day, cant smoke in work so mostly in the evening

    On non-work days 20+ a day

    Again the truth of recreational drugs leading to harder, more harmful and horribly addictive & expensive drugs shows through

    I only started smoking tobacco mixed with weed in spliffs & bongs, and didnt start smoking cigarettes until I started taking Es in clubs and needed something to take the edge off


    Weed, because of cost ( only expensive because illegal ) lead to mixing with tobacco

    Clubs & E’s because weed is illegal lead to smoking cigarettes

    Very rarely have Es or weed anymore, but now horribly addicted to the ciggies

    If weed had been legal I probably wouldnt have had to mix it, and definitely would have smoked weed in clubs not ciggies, so silly laws on recreations got me addicted to tobacco…………. well done politicians you fucking muppets lol

    I quite like the action of smoking but I dont like the flavour of fags (so once in a blue moon I like a joint)

    Maybe I should get a shisha pipe mmm

    @barrettone 545422 wrote:

    Rarely. If I smoke at all it’s when I’m out drinking, and I’ll try to avoid fags if I can and go for a pipe instead as I don’t like inhaling the smoke in my lungs. To this day I still find it horrifying that people put tobacco in their spliffs here. It is a practice that is unheard of in Brazil.

    Weed smokes poorly in joints without tobacco and can see why peeps do. Even the Africans smoking natural weed put fag baccy in it’s pretty standard practice. Vaped pure weed is the only way to go. oral always best.

    Havent smoked a fag for two years …

    but started again last night . im off to the fag shop now for some Camel andv some special brew

    Smoking maybe around 8-10 a day at the moment and will probably continue for another month or so, then i will be reducing again.

    For when i start smoking weed i think i’m gonna invest in a vape this summer to further reduce the amount of tobacco i smoke :weee:

    @Bogey 545592 wrote:

    Havent smoked a fag for two years …

    but started again last night . im off to the fag shop now for some Camel andv some special brew

    Well, congrats to quitting those 2 years.

    Me I smoke FAR TOO MUCH. WAY too much. It’s not clever of me, it’s very stupid.

    @p0ly 545576 wrote:

    Weed smokes poorly in joints without tobacco and can see why peeps do. Even the Africans smoking natural weed put fag baccy in it’s pretty standard practice. Vaped pure weed is the only way to go. oral always best.

    Thats not true at all lmao. I only smoke pure joints and they never go out unless i’ve rolled it badly or the weed isn’t dried/cured as much as it needs to be.

    Gotta agree oral is the best way though (haven’t tried vaping) it’s like a completely different drug

    @DeezNuts 545671 wrote:

    Thats not true at all lmao. I only smoke pure joints and they never go out unless i’ve rolled it badly or the weed isn’t dried/cured as much as it needs to be.]

    Remember weed is in very high demand and most growers here in the UK want their money invested in hydroponic set up and other growing equipment back ASAP. Once it has been harvested they will often see their job as done so yeah often it isn’t given enough time to dry. Once off the plant they want it out on the streets.

    @The Psyentist 545676 wrote:

    Remember weed is in very high demand and most growers here in the UK want their money invested in hydroponic set up and other growing equipment back ASAP. Once it has been harvested they will often see their job as done so yeah often it isn’t given enough time to dry. Once off the plant they want it out on the streets.

    I know dude but my point is it isn’t the weed itself its the unregulated market and poor education. To be honest it is so easy to dry/cure anyway, I never smoke buds that aren’t dried/cured properly, just not worth it. If you’re going to do it do it right..






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Forums Drugs Cigarettes, Smoking & Tobacco How many cigarettes do you smoke a day?