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How many cigarettes do you smoke a day?

Forums Drugs Cigarettes, Smoking & Tobacco How many cigarettes do you smoke a day?

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  • Im smoking quite a few a day to get me through exams (the extra coffee and stims make me want to smoke much more aswell)

    I will be quitting cold turky next week though when I go back to my folks house for summer. Im at the age where they wouldnt have a problem if I did smoke but for their sake I would rather not make them feel bad (they are both smokers so may assume I picked up the bad habbit from them)

    I have an e-cig which I love, but I lost it a month ago and smoked triple the number of normal fags I do to cope with the nicotine needs :crazy_diz

    0 🙂 its great I highly recommend it.

    Did you see the E-Cig on QI, one was releasing water vapor and made a bus passengers bag look like it had smoke coming out, another passenger on the bus called the police and said they thought the bags owner was a suicide bomber and the police closed a road, stopped the bus and took everyone off at gun point lol

    So yeah, I want to quit smoking but Im scared if I do the police will shoot me lol

    I never saw anyone putting tobacco in weed either until i came to the uk, back home we would smoke pure green with a bong.
    On work days i’ll smoke probably no more than 5 rollups a day, but same goes as the boys said about stims, when i’m speeding i can get through a 12.5g pack in 1 day lol

    If you only smoke anally you soon quit

    do you need to supply with geese.

    I’ll admit to smoking the odd fag now and then but the thought of people smoking more than a couple of packs in a day, yuck!

    I generally smoke 1 to 2 packs a day…

    I smoke 1 or 2 cigarettes per day.

    Well, I have asthmatic problems so I do not really smoke.

    i smoke half a pack a day, used to be a pack but i quit for 8 months

    Actually I smoke half a pack a day. I like to smoke after drinking beer 🙂

    @Manuel Hex 575087 wrote:

    Actually I smoke half a pack a day. I like to smoke after drinking beer 🙂

    Seems so much nicer with a beer.

    Oh how times have changed. Used to smoke like twenty a day but now use an e-cigarette, don’t smoke anything, even weed. Vaping ftw 🙂

    it is a very harm to your body and also damage to your whole body…..quite smoking.






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Forums Drugs Cigarettes, Smoking & Tobacco How many cigarettes do you smoke a day?