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Illegal Drugs and Anxiety

Forums Drugs Illegal Drugs and Anxiety

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  • If ur anxiety ridden it does seriously limit the drugs u take.the combo drugs an anxiety can play shit on your bloodpreSure,heart rate, which can effect u physically negativily.its better to b safe than sorry.

    Chúc bác d?t hÃ*ng. Có gì ?ng h? l?i giúp em nhé bác

    I think it’s something to do with serotonin, drone seems to deplete it more than any other rug, I could be wrong but it’s how i sees it lol!

    mephe as a psychoactive compound is only 30% effective on serotonin (compared to mdma) whereas it is still 100% on the dopamine pathway (there are papers on this tho i don’t have the links right now). the upshot is tat if you take enough to get a serotonin effect, it depletes your dopamine proportionally much more. messes hell with satisfaction and motivation even just as primary effects.

    necropost but i tend to get anxiety before, during, and after drug use. my method of getting the fuck over it is
    a) just drink a few beers before.
    b) have a little note in your top pocket (especially good for hallucinogens) which says

    “Have a seat. Its OK.
    Everything is fine,
    YOU ARE SAFE! :)”

    lots of water helps too (but not too much you crystal-heads!!)

    i get that a lot, fist felt anxious when in situations like having to stand up and sound off at an event or in college. valium will sort it but tolerance to that grows soon enough. exercise is great but it you always exercise when you need to hey. i went to me gp once and he told me i may have GAD general anxiety disorder which scared me enough to drop a couple of vals straight away! i go to the gym work out work as a chippy so am fairly fit healthy etc but still the anxiety comes, its inherent with naff all i can do about it. …ya gotta love valium! one fing wen i stopped doin coke it lessened and smokin isnt a great idea if youve got any weights on ya brain!

    good luck matey!

    I get anxiety of taking chemicals, also really bad panic attacks sometimes! How can you prevent this happening? Thank you Thomas

    @Thomas123 563940 wrote:

    I get anxiety of taking chemicals, also really bad panic attacks sometimes! How can you prevent this happening? Thank you Thomas

    benzodiazepines are good for resloving panic attacks(if you are actually having panic attacks and not something more generalized that you are misconstruing as panic attacks).

    maybe you should take a bit of time off from all chemicals and see if things improve.

    Thank you for your reply. I am trying to take time off but I just love to go out and have a good time haha!
    I will take a look into Benzodiazepines, I think my vendor has them in stock.
    Thank you





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Forums Drugs Illegal Drugs and Anxiety