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  • Hi everyone, this is a little long please bear with me. Okay im 22 years old and I don’t have a lot of experience when it comes to dating. I’ve been with my boyfriend for over 4 months now but it’s a long distance thing.

    We were out in a public ,on a bridge and we were basically leaning on the rail. At times I’d put my head down between my arms and he would bend down to look at my face and also caressed my cheek, chin and pinched my nose. He also pinched my nose when I put my head up.

    He put right arm around me and held my right hand with his. In that position he even put his head against mine or my left shoulder at times. He also put his thumb on my lower lip and sort of pulled it down and touched it. He put his face right next to mine and looked at me. Did he want to kiss me?

    He was staring at me for a while and said he thinks my face is beautiful

    He stood behind me with one leg on a stoop at one point and I could feel his pelvis against my bum. So I innocently shifted positions a few times so my bum rubbed against that area lightly. A while later I could have sworn I felt something move very slightly and a very mildly wet feeling against my bum. What was that? He later kept accidentally touching my leg with his leg , even went so far to put my hand on his thigh over his jeans.

    Another thing he did a lot of was crossing his arms over the rail and placing my left hand on top of his arm, then using my hand to rest his head down on. With his head down on my hand he would kiss it constantly and nibble on it and rub his chin on it. He did this kissing thing for a long time. I noticed he was breathing faster

    I blew in his ear a few times to be playful and noticed he has this dazed squinty eye expression with a light smirk when he put his head back up, then he put it back down on my hand and was mildly panting sort of and his face got very very warm. He kissed my hand more and he kissed my cheek after a while. Was he turned on?

    Later on at night he got a bit touchy feely trying to put his arms around my waist and trying to get me to put my arms around him. All I did was run my fingers on his palm and he said he got goosebumps, I’m guessing that turned him on?

    He holds my hand whatever chance he gets and doesn’t want to let go. Even takes my hand in his arm and and we walk around like that, at one point he squeezed it really hard.

    I can’t decipher him does he actually care for me or is this just physical?

    He calls me daily and misses me when we go 1 or 2 days without talking. We can talk for hours over the phone but in person when we meet we are usually very quiet.

    Also, I’m a modest person so does it make me less modest by letting him do these things?

    Hiya, welcome to PV :weee:

    Four months you’ve been together, and you’ve not even kissed yet?

    From the description you’ve given it sounds to me as if yes, he does want a bit more intimacy with you, also sounds like you pretty much know this. Again going off the information you’ve provided I’m assuming you’ve never been sexually involved with anyone before? (This would explain the lack of confidence which is making you uncertain of the situation). Just your words are seemingly of those who lack experience in this department. I can’t be sure of this though; but you know who does have the answers, your boyfriend.

    I’d be happy to discuss this and try and guide you further but asking strangers on-line is unlikely to produce the answers you seek. Speaking about it with your boyfriend will produce these answers; as long as you approach it correctly. To me, although I’m missing a lot of information, it sounds like he may be on the same wavelength as you, i.e. you’re both waiting for the other to make the first move. I’ve been in this situation in a relationship myself and I can tell you now unless you talk about it nobody will make that move and in all probability you’ll grow bored of waiting for each other. Perhaps raise this issue with him over the phone if that is how you both communicate with greater ease than face to face.

    You just have to relax and let things flow. May be you are a little shy, but that’s ok for a first relationship. It looks like your boyfriend wants intimacy, it is up to you to decide whether you want it or not.

    get in there, you can do all this blowing in ear stuff when you’re old >.>






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Forums Love, Sex & Relationships Advice Im CLUELESS please please help!