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Is clubbing dying out?

Forums Rave Clubbing & Raving Is clubbing dying out?

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  • Clubbing has stuff like bouncers telling you what to do, where to sit, and making sure you don’t get too fucked. At free parties they aren’t there and that makes a total difference. Also outdoor free parties have such a wicked, natural atmosphere to them, you get to go where you want and do what you like, it’s amazing not having the confines of a club. Squats are also far more laid-back also, you can make it your own place without worrying about people yelling at you telling you where to sit or not to go in that door etc. Also there’s the whole money issue – clubs are definitely extortionate in London. And paying to put your coat away seems ludicrous to me.

    Some clubs are cool, some raves are cool. But they’re two very different things, I don’t think you can reconcile them.

    It also seems that people go clubbing for different reasons I think – When I asked on a clubbing forum why people go clubbing and what makes for a good club night this was the response i got:

    “would say from a male pint of view people go clubbing for these reasons, meet women (or men if they are gay) carry on drinking see and hear good dj’s and hear top dance music get off their heads and dance meet new people be part of a buzzing scene

    what makes a good clubnight?
    1. the dj’s
    2.the music
    3.the women
    4.a friendly atmosphere
    5.not to pricey
    6.relaxed dress policies
    7.good lights (visuals)”

    I can see that some of the elements are the same at free parties (friendly atmosphere etc)but the priorities seem odd (i.e. meeting women and drinking as the the main reasons)….maybe people are beginning to look for more from their free time??

    I’ve been putting free parties on for the last 9 years, and have seen the decline of the party scene. I put it down to the fact that in the begining of the 90’s you had to fight to get a party going, but the new generation have had it on a plate so where you would be lucky to go out twice a month to a rave, now its forced down your neck thurday 2 sunday – party party party – pay pay pay.

    no wonder the youngsters are fuck ups cause they see partys as there right of passage not something they gotta work with.

    hope they prove me wrong


    Originally posted by irdaze
    I’ve been putting free parties on for the last 9 years, and have seen the decline of the party scene. I put it down to the fact that in the begining of the 90’s you had to fight to get a party going, but the new generation have had it on a plate so where you would be lucky to go out twice a month to a rave, now its forced down your neck thurday 2 sunday – party party party – pay pay pay.

    no wonder the youngsters are fuck ups cause they see partys as there right of passage not something they gotta work with.

    hope they prove me wrong


    Sorry, don’t quite understand what you’re saying here, are you talking about how clubs are put on a plate or free parties? And how do you mean that youngsters are fuck ups now?

    Personally I know a lot of young people who go to free parties, could be classed as one myself, and they don’t seem like fuck-ups just cos they don’t have to fight to put a party on. Certainly there’s still lots of aggravation with putting on free parties and that – but you probably know more about that than me so I can’t say for sure just how hard it is these days. If you were talking about mainstream clubs, yeah you get a lot of stupid arses there, but a lot of the time that’s alcohol and not just young people. I think parties should be a rite of passage, I’ve gotten a lot out of them and met important people in my life through them. The easier they are to put on the better in my view. 🙂

    I think that if you go to the clubs that chrge you 30quid to get in then you are aving a laugh. For that sort of cash i can get wan*ered and still av some change. But in general clubs aint dying out at all. They still manage to manipulate the radio waves and get people thinking that there is a kicking party and most mugs tend to believe it and go to them.


    scottsummers wrote:
    I think that if you go to the clubs that chrge you 30quid to get in then you are aving a laugh. For that sort of cash i can get wan*ered and still av some change. But in general clubs aint dying out at all. They still manage to manipulate the radio waves and get people thinking that there is a kicking party and most mugs tend to believe it and go to them.

    it depends on some areas; in my city we’ve had 3 possible urban music venues reduced to one, due to complaints from locals, the old bill and violent incidents sparked off by people fighting for “turf” (either dealing territories or simply groups from different areas wanting to have a ruck).

    Some events still happen, OTOH many friends of mine who promote urban music events have either given up or do far less as there is so much opposition now 🙁

    Those venues which manage to keep their licenses are often turned into guanatanamo bay with hard house due to the amount of bouncers and CCTV..

    but that’s why free parties happened anyway.

    as for kids being “fuck-ups” thats often more to do with individuals moral values and knowing when to regulate their own lifestyles than the type of events

    and I’d also add that its a lot easier for cops to put pressure on a licensed club venue than a free party – when someones source of income is is at stake they will do whatever cops say to protect it, CCTV, bouncers, searches etc.

    Well it certainly aint in Liverpool thats for sure!

    Free parties do have a lot of advantages as long as there is some security sysyem in place. Also you are right about the fuzz because they do tend to act on anything to get an arrest and also the club owners always reserve the right to admission. BASICALLY you are a piece of meat that if it dont look nice you aint getting in. Or if you do something that doesnt look nice in there eyes then they will pounce on you.

    I say it is what is on the inside and not the appearance of a person.


    there’s a couple of decent venues with plenty of good music in exeter

    get’s a bit samey if you go too often, but it’s definately alive, if not thriving

    the clubbing scene is takin a dive because it’s so bloody boring! Since i started clubbin i’ve thought it been a whole pile a shit, coz the majourity of people who go are either lairy piss heads, prettyboys who are out 4 the ladies or just plain borin bastards minus the occasional few. Free party’s on the other hand, just have a bunch of free lovin hippies who go, get mashed on what ever, and give it rage at the stack! Not 2 miss the amount of m8’s you pick up on the way, better culture, costs less, it just like a grownup playground!
    Juz leave the clubs for people who wana grow up 2 b an asshole and leave the rest 4 ravin (borin people welcum 2!)

    I posted a note on Tidy message board replying to some guy who was praising the local cops in his area. I mentioned that where I lived the cops were a bunch of arses, this was a week after our party had been stopped by the ob… i was shot down in flames by nearly every shit on the message board, telling me how I was ‘gay chav scum’ and that my shitty little rave got busted because it was illegal and that I drank Lambrini !!! (obviously)
    Just shows the type of snobby twats that you get in the clubbing world, but on the other hand, my friend had his car broken into and his records nicked just before his set at one of our parties, on the same night someone started a fight with me, the cheeky shit had turned up at a party that I had organised and had the neck to start a fight with me………

    Just goes to show, there are fucking muppets in all walks of life!! so as to whether clubs are better than raves i suppose it all depends on whose there and what the music is like.

    They are both good in different ways ‘in my opinion’

    I think some areas have a higher proportion of idiots than others, and its hard for young men in particular to escape being drawn into the “competition fighting / violence” culture which leads to these incidents. We are all guilty to a certain extent – but on the rave scene I think these agressive tendencies and energy can always be put to good use for holding a better party!

    OTOH I’d be very wary of posting anything to do with freeparties on a board with strong links to a commercial club.

    For one thing even those with the best intentions may not understand the need for security and discretion should too much info leak out (it appears the recent multirigger was compromised this way); worse still there may be promoters who feel “we have invested good money in our event and gone through the proper channels” and be so angry that an illegal event was being discussed on “their” board that they grassed you up.

    General Lighting wrote:
    OTOH I’d be very wary of posting anything to do with freeparties on a board with strong links to a commercial club.

    For one thing even those with the best intentions may not understand the need for security and discretion should too much info leak out (it appears the recent multirigger was compromised this way); worse still there may be promoters who feel “we have invested good money in our event and gone through the proper channels” and be so angry that an illegal event was being discussed on “their” board that they grassed you up.

    never thought of that….most of our local free parties are announced on the boards for club dogma.

    it never used to be a real problem in the UK and if you have friends with a stake in the clubs events or who work there who are happy with what you are doing on the message board it still shouldn’t be a problem….

    in our city plenty of my friends attend or even promote club events but also respect free parties and know the score – there is room for all these events.

    but I am shocked with the hostility that people have mentioned between clubbers and free party ravers on certain boards; and there have been incidents where licensed venue promoters have been angry at “free parties stealing their punters”.

    its something which never seemed that bad a few years ago but as the urban music scene becomes more and more fragmented people develop a “silo mentality” and “defend their turf” – could well lead to snide comments being made to the wrong people.






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Forums Rave Clubbing & Raving Is clubbing dying out?