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Need detox ideas fast… Please help!

Forums Drugs Quitting, Rehab & Detox Need detox ideas fast… Please help!

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  • This is a long shot but here goes…I go out with a lovely 16 yr old girl with a heart of gold but there is one problem shes addicted to herion, shes been on it since the age of 14.

    I met her at a rave in the summer, as she’d just started out partying some time earlier in the year. It’s changed her life totally she is a true raver, loves it to bits and she’d give anything to come of smack. There is absolutely no help avalaible to her she’s on a six month waiting list for methodone. She just does enough gear to stop the clucking and no more.

    Any ideas people? any of you know of any good rehab centres that give a shit or even what kind of drugs to get to force a home detox?


    drop me a line at my private address (, if you’re interested in speaking to a friend of mine who works in the South East as a family, drugs and alcohol support councellor…

    also you could subscribe to our drugs support mail list here:

    i don’t know the score in brum, but it’s worth trying to find a street drug project in the area. often they can help persuade your gp into giving you a meth or df script until she gets her apointment at the local cau. i think different health athorities have different guidelines but its worth a try.

    Go to and search for IBOGAINE

    Pop over to and have a talk to Alanj on the drugs forum.
    If he cant give you an answer then no-one can [Wink]






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Forums Drugs Quitting, Rehab & Detox Need detox ideas fast… Please help!