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  • My best friend had 2 days left on her period when she and her man had sex and he came in her. Now she’s paranoid saying she won’t get pregnant. I heard its one of the biggest times to get pregnant, am I right? What should I tell her?


      Most women have normal 28- to 32-day cycles, and if someone with this cycle has an average two- to eight-day period, she will not get pregnant during her period.

      However, not every woman follows a 28- to 32-day cycle. “In less common scenarios, a woman with a shorter menstrual cycle (24 days, for example), could have seven days of bleeding, have intercourse on her final day of bleeding, and ovulate three days later. and since sperm live for three to five days, she could get pregnant.

      In addition, some women experience breakthrough spotting or bleeding between periods.
      This can occur during ovulation and be mistaken for a period, making it difficult to establish the exact place in the menstrual cycle.

      Maybe your friend should see a doctor, the problem don’t go away so it’s better to get it checked asap

      Good luck :group_hug

      Tell her stop winning






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