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  • Ok people bare with me, this may get a bit long, but I appreciate any and all comments so long as they’re not full of shit. 🙂

    Four and a half months ago I started seeing a girl I was crazy about. Eventually she became my girlfriend and things were going great. Having a girlfriend, for me, shows how much I liked her cause she was only the 3rd gf I’ve ever had (I’m 24 btw). I’ll only settle down if a girl’s worth it, and this one definitely was. Anyway, the relationship ended only 10 days after we officially became a couple and in all I knew her for about a month, a month and a half, it wasn’t anything really long.

    To be honest with you, in the last week prior to the break-up I felt something was wrong, something was bothering her..but i just didnt know what. After going to new york with her classmates and reflecting upon what she wanted, she told me she wasn’t ready for a relationship just yet. She felt she was still so young, wanted to explore, have fun, bla bla bla…I was so sad that I didn’t even bother really contemplating whether or not her reasons made any sense at all, which they didn’t. Once it sunk it I knew she wasn’t telling me the truth, so 2 months after the break up I asked her to be up front with me and tell me the truth. She said the reason why she broke up with me was because she still had feelings for her ex..and he was in the back of her mind. She told me she wouldve been miserable had she stayed with me (b/c of that guy) and felt I didn’t deserve that, so she ended it.

    About a 1.5 months ago she ended all contact with that ex she still had feelings for. No msn, no phone..nothing. She wanted to completely cut him out of her life..and that was a bold move on her part cause she’s not the type to cut ppl out of her life.

    Now, she’s seeing someone else. To tell you the truth, i’m not jealous at all..i kinda want her to see other guys and realize that they just don’t measure up to me. I’m sorry if i sound cocky, but I just know I can out-class and out-measure most of the guys out there. Anyways, I’ve been on so many dates since our break up I can’t even count..but every time i was with another girl I just thought to myself how it just wasnt the same, i didnt feel the same way as i felt for that girl. We only saw each other for a month or so but I just KNOW that there’s something special there, and it troubles me that we didnt even give it a shot, that we didnt even give it a chance to see what was meant to be.

    Now, you may say that she just doesnt dig you, but I KNOW for a fact she did, she was so happy..i could see it in her face, and she told me herself..this asshole ex of hers got in the way unfortunately. By the way, since we’ve been broken up I’ve also learned (dont ask me how) that she wouldnt wanna marry anyone other than someone from her religion (christianity). I’m not christian, dont know if that affected things.

    I’ve never felt this way about a girl friends all told me the same thing, that they never saw me happier..and it’s so deflating that it’s come to this.

    What i wanna know from you guys is, should I just give up on this? Is it a losing battle in pursuing her?

    When we broke up I gave her her space that she asked for. I wasn’t one of those psycho ex-bf’s that constantly called her and begged her to come not that type of guy. I wasnt possessive at all. I would love nothing more than to just pick up where we left off..but if her heart isnt in it then I want no part of it.

    In the meanwhile I’ll be looking to date whatever girl interests me, but she’s at the top of my list, and I don’t see her moving from that #1 spot any time soon.

    Is there any point in hoping for something to happen between us, or should I just move on for good?

    If we end up back together, and things dont work out in the end, then I can leave with my head held high and leave no regrets, knowing that we gave it a shot and that it just didnt work out. But not knowing what could have been just bothers me, especially since I know that there’s so much potential.


      😥 I’m so sorry for you

      I think you should leave her alone,you are obviesly to good for here.Dont go and wait for somthing that might not happen,there are girls enough out there,you know.But i get the point,that she is still in love with her X,i know you say you dont care,but believe me,you will some day..Dont put your life on hold for that girl please,it will eat you up from the inside in the long run…Wish you the best..

      xoxo Angel

      angel wrote:
      😥 I’m so sorry for you

      I think you should leave her alone,you are obviesly to good for here.Dont go and wait for somthing that might not happen,there are girls enough out there,you know.But i get the point,that she is still in love with her X,i know you say you dont care,but believe me,you will some day..Dont put your life on hold for that girl please,it will eat you up from the inside in the long run…Wish you the best..

      xoxo Angel

      I’ve had my best friend’s gf tell me the same thing, that her breaking up with me was really her loss..but that’s little consolation to me right now.

      She’s not really in love with her ex anymore seeing as how she started dating a new guy recently. When I asked her for the truth, the real reason why she broke up with me, I don’t think she gave me the complete truth. The part about still having feelings for her ex I believe, but I have this feeling there’s more to it than that. At this point I don’t care what that other thing is, because even if she were to tell me I think it would just be another spare my feelings.

      I’m not gonna put my life on hold for her, that would be absurd..but at the same time i dont wanna give up..i wanna fight till i know all is lost..i think only then i could be able to move on for good. For now, i’ll continue going about my business and maybe i’ll run into someone else i’ll be crazy about..but she will not be forgotten..


        You just be careful not to have her in the back of your head when you find another,you will end up breaking her heart..Cant give you any other advice but i’m sure others at PV can..

        And by the way:wink:
        Welcome to Partyvibe..
        i’m glad you have found us,just sad i cant help you..
        I wish you all the luck in the world 🙂

        To be Honest mate,I think If somthing was going to happen it would have by now,She obviously knows how you feel about the situation and it sounds like she has had ample opportunity to do somehing about it had she wanted to.I dont want to sound too harsh but move on,Its her loss.I know its hard but you will look back at this some time in the future and realise it was for the best.


        angel wrote:
        You just be careful not to have her in the back of your head when you find another,you will end up breaking her heart..Cant give you any other advice but i’m sure others at PV can..

        It’s funny you mention that cause I was thinking even if i find a new girl, this one will likely be in the back of my mind. If I had to describe my dream girl she would be it..there’s no doubt about it. Any girl I meet from now on I’ll likely compare to her, and that could be dangerous. I’m at a point where even if i mislead the next girl to come along I wouldnt care, and I wont care if she gets hurt in the process. I know it sounds like a mean thing to say and i know 2 wrongs dont make a right, but that’s just the way i feel right now.

        This is the first time ive ever been dumped, Im usually the one ending things with the girl, not the other way around.. it’s new territory for me. I guess it’s true when they say a girl makes the asshole, and the asshole in turn manipulates the girl. Ahhh, karma!

        ..and thanks for the welcome! 🙂

        GoodDoG wrote:
        To be Honest mate,I think If somthing was going to happen it would have by now,She obviously knows how you feel about the situation and it sounds like she has had ample opportunity to do somehing about it had she wanted to.I dont want to sound too harsh but move on,Its her loss.I know its hard but you will look back at this some time in the future and realise it was for the best.


        Dude, I totally agree with you. She knows how i feel, and if she REALLY wanted to get back together she knows she had the opportunity to..her actions (or lack thereof) sent me a message.

        I just think the timing isnt right right now, but things could change in the future..that’s why im holding out some hope..cautious optimism if you will. Like I said earlier, im not gonna boycott dating others just so i can wait for her, cause i may just wait a hell of a long time and waste my life in the process.

        I see no harm in trying all that i can to get back with her, ive got nothing to lose. If I do nothing, we’ll never end up together..if i give it a try, my chances only increase.

        I guess ill just have to be patient. Time either brings back the ones you love, or makes you forget about them. I sure hope it’s the former.


          It is A mean thing to say..But when we are hurt we tend to let it out on others,instead of the person who made you feel the pain..Just becareful,you are sad and in pain now,dont make another person feel the same pain,that would not be fair..
          Please take this is not funny to feel heartbroken,it kills you from inside..Dont let it out on another girl please..

          mr-t33 wrote:
          Dude, I totally agree with you. She knows how i feel, and if she REALLY wanted to get back together she knows she had the opportunity to..her actions (or lack thereof) sent me a message.

          I just think the timing isnt right right now, but things could change in the future..that’s why im holding out some hope..cautious optimism if you will. Like I said earlier, im not gonna boycott dating others just so i can wait for her, cause i may just wait a hell of a long time and waste my life in the process.

          I see no harm in trying all that i can to get back with her, ive got nothing to lose. If I do nothing, we’ll never end up together..if i give it a try, my chances only increase.

          I guess ill just have to be patient. Time either brings back the ones you love, or makes you forget about them. I sure hope it’s the former.

          Then hang in there Mate,Hope it goes how you want:wink:

          Welcome to partyvibe Mr-t33.

          You’ve been given some good advice I think.

          If you do manage to win her back would you really feel the same way about her? Knowing that she dumped you and then ignored your feelings once more when she dumped her ex and got with someone else? I reckon your intense feelings would turn in to bitterness once you didn’t have to concentrate them on winning her heart.

          I’d give it up. I’d also avoid measuring other girls against her. It’s not fair to you or them. You might be missing the fact that they could be better for you than this other girl because you are drawing up comparisons and tick boxes rather than allowing yourself to take them on their own merits (which could be better than this other girl if you’d let them shine through).

          I also think that people aren’t stupid and the human brain is very good at picking up signals, even if just subconciously. Girls will be able to tell that something isn’t quite right and might not allow themselves to get attached to you in the way you’d like.

          I can run on for ages giving you advice and opinions and so can others. I know that it’s not going to change the way you feel “just like that” though, and uyou can’t just alter yourself overnight and swicth off. Just take some of the advice you’ve been given on board and think it over objectively.

          Good luck.

          devil’s advocate follows:

          you say you are measuring all other girls up against the [unnattainable] one.

          is this because its safer to discard all the new potential girls as not measuring up before they get close enough to you emotionally to hurt you? :hopeless:

          think about this carefully as you may end up being very lonely if this is why you are doing it as every individual is unique and it is a very safe bet you will never find another girl exactly like her:apathy::apathy::apathy:

          it is better to love people and lose them than to never take the risk and always be alone; sometimes we pick the wrong people but its part of being human to make mistakes
          even if the relationship doesnt stand the test of time you will have the opportunity to learn something new about yourself and what you want out of life from it

          devil’s advocate ends

          In your position what i do is move on and not look back on what might have been; once the trust is gone it is gone and without trust there is no long lasting relationship to be had:you_crazy

          good luck mate

          if its the first time you ve felt like this dont worry…it will happen again…everyone loses someone they love a first time…move on…stay on yer own a bit enjoy your freedom of being singles my advise…if your as nice as you say you are someone will come along oneday an make you feel all happy inside your heart…good luck x






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        Forums Love, Sex & Relationships Advice Need some advice..