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PC vs. Mac

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  • Mac for productivity.
    Linux for stability.
    Windows for solitaire.

    Also, bear in mind : all modern (intel based) macs will run both os x and windows.

    This pic cracked me up he first time i saw it :


    My brother went to art college and managed to get quite a nice mac free by way of a grant. Unless it’s free though, I’d say that, for the average user, they’re more trouble than they’re worth.

    My mother now has the computer in the loft, doing nothing.

    The first time she tried to connect to the internet, it told her the software needed to be upgraded. The Mac Man came and told her, no it didn’t. She had to pay anyway. Then it still didn’t work and the (hard to find) Macman came and upgraded it in the end. More money. Then it was dead slow, but it worked. Finally after getting broadband installed (BT were the only provider in the area) we she found out that the Mac is not compatible with BT broadband.

    Now she has an old PC, which works fine for what she needs it to do. I don’t want to have any more to do with Macs.

    I started off with an Amiga, lovely machine, never crashed. Then i sold out and brought a PC (cause it was cheap). Many years passed with me constantly fixing and upgrading it, spending as much time repairing as i was using it. Did my head in. Now i dont have to worry about my machine breaking down as its so much more stable. Imho its worth spending a few extra quid rather than have the headaches of using Windows / PC. OsX is miles ahead of Vista. XP aint too bad after service pack 300 or whatever they are on now. lol.

    macs raaa raaa raaa raaa

    mac if u can afford it

    people say mac if you can afford it, but why? my pc has always been pretty stable, except when parts have become old and needed replacing, which i’ve been able to do easily







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