Party Vibe


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    Anyone into POI, juggling, uni-cycle, magic or just general sillyness? We have organised a circus night society type thing to start on tuesday 27th January @ rising sun arts centre in Reading starting from 7pm. There will be a big room to play in and an open bar…

    A one pound contribution to room hire would be lovely.

    Hopefully see as many people as poss there.



    Would come along mate, but I’m goin to the Circus of Horrors at the Hexagon that night.

    Hope it goes well tho.

    cool, its gonna be a weekly thing so bundle along the next week…



    So! It was an amazing night, loads of people turned up, lots of playing and fun… on every week, so bundle down if ya can…


    We have a small poi collective in Southend-on-sea & I think they still do stuff up in London (Spitalfields Market Tues night) you can find out on

    Would be good if there could be organised a ma-hou-sive poi gathering, sound system party type thang!

    Do you guys do fires too? We have some here who are using staff other who use poi & fires.

    We are still in hibernation poi-wise but there shall be lots going on come warmer weather – or just a drop in the damned wind !!
    Anyhow keep in touch & I’ll let you know if we do anything near you – or where we could all meet up…


    Yep all doing fire outdoors now, have braved the cold for a couple of nights now, got some fire pois and staff, and fire devil stick type things going on here, some pretty crazy fire poi are being made to. would be wicked to all meet up for a bit of a fire get togethere. also we are thinking about putting on a few parties, we just need to pool out equipment and get assess in to gear. Anyways exciting projects for the summer happening.

    keep in contact if you are down this way, and we’ll try and get a massive collective going on… yay! almost summer!


    Yes that would be good to all meet up… Perhaps we could arrange to have a meet somewhere halfway for both groups?

    I know there are a fair few poi-ers in London village ( Mark&Lard reference !! 🙂 )

    As you said summer on it’s way – does open up more opportunities!

    Happy Spinning!


    Any free parties going on down South near Reading way? Specially any outdoor ones now the summer’s here.

    Hi Skamp – good to see another Reading raver…

    i hope there will be for obvious reasons, but TVP have been a bit heavier on parties than previously (mind you we did proper rinse the Thames valley for years, and crews were perhaps not as mindful of the longer-term impact as they should have been 🙁 )

    A lot of my friends with connections to the area are going overseas this summer but I’m sure there will be some stuff not too far away.

    Yes…Check the party calender

    ello mate jamie b. here fellow raver from reading too. yes there are lots of partys in reading at the mo especially down near the madjeski stadium. if u want a real decent free party thats out doors then your proberly best off going to london and the ridgeway in oxford. was at a party there at the weekend ..awsome.. is all i can say mate. we go to partys most weekends so give me a call so we can hook up and get mash up..

    nuff respect.
    jamie.b. 07791331945

    please be careful mate about discussing actual or potential venues!

    OK its no big secret that parties happen in the two areas you have mentioned (they have done so for about 10 years now 😀 ) but the more info you give out in public the easier you make it for the cops and the harder you make it for crews who want to put on parties.

    Cops, rentaguards and building management companies read this board too!

    Although they often are surprisingly lenient when a derelict building is partied; when the fact that people are flouting the law is advertised openly on the net they start getting a bit harsher.

    Loose talk like this often results is more places being fenced off or guarded and less venues for winter.

    I heard there were a few indoor parties in summer though around South Reading – I tended to go to the outdoor ones this season so I guess they were a newer and younger lot putting them on whom I haven’t met yet; if they’re around for the winter no doubt some of the other Reading ravers on here will meet up with them.

    Also it can be dodgy putting your mobile number up on the net – although you are probably streetwise enough to deal with any “dodgy situations” this may cause (beware the “honeytrap” though!) people also harvest mobile numbers off websites to send spam SMS texts.

    Why not register? You can use the private message function to send stuff like phone numbers with a bit more security….

    I made a similar mistake a while back… I put an infoline number on the net and the damn phone vibrated itself to bits over the next few days!!;)

    too many ravers, not enough raves, I say

    No, not another remix of The_Dave’s tune but the Grauniads binge-drinking special reports..

    (long article, hence only URL provided. Part 2 has the most Reading-based content),3605,1354076,00.html

    I think the local raves are positively civilised affairs compared to the above..

    they’ve got a high-tech section for electronic and urban music, and I guess its a good thing this store is being picked in Reading

    but I find this slighly ironic when all our clubs get closed down either by violence or nimbys, our free party scene has been eradicated, the record label bosses get shot at in gang fights, our local TV station folded due to mismanagement and any band which makes too much din practising will get an asbo and their kit confiscated!

    this stores in a fairly convenient place for many musicians in the SE who don’t want to go to London so commercially its a good thing, but having lived here for many years I find the statement that Reading’s music scene is going through a good patch quite laughable -a bunch of middle class kids being payola’d through the indie charts is not a local music scene! (I’ve never heard of the bands mentioned in the article BTW, I don’t just listen to urban music and know a lot of the local band types,..)

    we did have a local music scene but nimbys, chavs and TVP killed it. its not 1997 any more, cool britannia is dead.

    20/10/2005 – Reading rocks for musicians

    Store opening: biggest selection of instruments in the south

    READING is poised to become a Mecca for musicians.

    The town’s famous ties with rock music and its convenient location has led to the largest music store in the South of England being created in Caversham Road.

    Merseyside music store chain Dawsons, which claims to have the widest selection of instruments in the UK, will open its brand new Reading branch at the 14,000 square foot former Office World building on Saturday, November 12.

    The move comes at a time when the Reading music scene is going through a purple patch, with bands Morning Runner, Pure Reason Revolution and The Race all achieving national recognition.

    Dawsons chose Reading partly because of its legendary festival and managing director David Briggs promises it will be a Mecca for all musicians.

    He said: “Reading will be home to our largest state-of-the-art megastore.

    “In fact it will be the biggest musical instruments store anywhere in the South of England.

    “We’re not just the biggest in terms of size but also in terms of range, choice of instruments and we give unrivalled value.

    “Reading is a great music-making town with loads of up-and-coming bands and a fantastic buzz, and we are really looking forward to playing our part.

    “The atmosphere in our stores is one that nurtures music-making and excites people to have a go – whether you are still in school, a professional musician or returning to music in your 40s.”

    As well as an entire floor dedicated to rock ‘n’ roll, the superstore will include grand pianos, orchestral instruments and hi-tech equipment for mixing.

    It will also feature three tuition rooms.

    The company has taken over Modern Music, which had a store in the Broad Street Mall.

    The store will close and seven employees from that shop have been retained for the new store.

    Dawsons spokeswoman Joanna Hartley added: “Dawsons’ store Manchester is the most impressive music store in Europe and this one is going to be two-and-a-half times bigger and even better.

    “There will be nowhere in the country like it.

    “There is not a musician that hasn’t been catered for.

    “Dawsons will want close ties with music venues in town and this will be very good for the local music scene.”






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