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Really like the guy; not attracted to his body

Forums Love, Sex & Relationships Advice Really like the guy; not attracted to his body

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  • Girl (or dude) NEVER start a relationship trying to change someone or in hopes that said someone will change. Think of it this way would you stop going to the gym and purposely put on weight for him? No I didn’t think so , you keep saying you really like him, I think u misunderstand really liking someone . It sounds more like you kinda like him. If you love someone trust me looks don’t matter and sex can usually still be amazing even if they’re not ur typical type.,because it will be on a deeper level. If the guy repulsed you then you need to let him find someone who truly accepts him for who he is. Like my first question says if that seems unreasonable to you for someone to expect you to change ,regardless of how unreasonable it may seem what you are expecting is no different. It’s not ur fault or his it’s chemistry you got it or ya don’t .






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Forums Love, Sex & Relationships Advice Really like the guy; not attracted to his body