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  • DJCliffy;241612 wrote:
    Mate i was gonna but the aliens might get me. :hopeless:

    That would be true, but aliens don’t have “teh internetz” as they can’t even afford dial-up.

    O-D;241620 wrote:
    That would be true, but aliens don’t have “teh internetz” as they can’t even afford dial-up.

    Is that right, so that means i’ve been wearing this tin foil hat for nothing then? :hopeless:

    DJCliffy;241642 wrote:
    Is that right, so that means i’ve been wearing this tin foil hat for nothing then? :hopeless:

    I suppose you could recraft it into a tin foil sword and kill the heathens and blasphemers.

    Raj;49608 wrote:
    i think religion is a personal thing and everyone has to find their own unique path

    What he said. I think Christianity, particularly Catholicism which I was brought up on, is for the unimaginative lot. And I’m sure it’s been said a million times before, but I’m sure the reason many people commit to a religion is because they’re hedging they’re bets – they’re not sure whether there is something more than this life but they’d rather not take the chance on missing out on it if there is…

    I was raised Catholic, and I tend to agree……memorizing and endlessly repeating passages is NOT gonna get you saved! :you_crazy And yes, it is sorta hedging you bets……hey I struggle too! And you guys are plain SILLY! :bounce_fl:bounce_g: Sounds like you’re stuck in the OT…Jesus never said ‘kill the unbelievers’! We’re sposed to LOVE em! :love:

    I think the whole problem with religions in general (and christianity in particular) is this idea that we need saving from something… What do we need saving from?

    Add to that the whole idea that this life is some sort of prelude to the main event in which the people who believed this often faintly ridiculous set of fables get to go to the heaven club, and those who questioned it get eternal hellfire and damnation… I mean – really? I find it amazing that people can take the utterly fantastic reality that is the universe we inhabit and believe that it can be explained in terms I would expect to hear in a primary school playground…

    If by some inexplicable twist god does actually exist, then he went completely up the pole a long time ago IMO, and spends his time having fun playing twisted tricks on his creation. I mean – Garden of Eden, everything perfect EXCEPT you can’t touch this apple tree (but you have free will, and there is not only a big sign saying “forbidden tree here”, but also a really persuasive snake who keeps saying “you know you want to”)…… Displays either a level of naivety unbecoming in an omnipotent being, or a level of twisted amusement thats somewhat worrying in an omnipotent being….

    Sorry – no… God doesn’t exist anywhere other than in the minds of people… We made him up in an attempt to explain something that we lack the ability to comprehend – which is why god is seen as a “he”, and why he does human things like judging the morality of someone’s life, and meteing out rewards and punishments… We made him in our image as a way to try and give meaning to things we don’t understand because the lack of understanding scares us (which is why in our fantasy we are the center of his creation, and he has a plan for all of us… Nice simple set of rules – follow them and all will be well….)

    Just my tuppence worth 😉

    noname;242343 wrote:
    I think the whole problem with religions in general (and christianity in particular) is this idea that we need saving from something… What do we need saving from?

    Add to that the whole idea that this life is some sort of prelude to the main event in which the people who believed this often faintly ridiculous set of fables get to go to the heaven club, and those who questioned it get eternal hellfire and damnation… I mean – really? I find it amazing that people can take the utterly fantastic reality that is the universe we inhabit and believe that it can be explained in terms I would expect to hear in a primary school playground…

    If by some inexplicable twist god does actually exist, then he went completely up the pole a long time ago IMO, and spends his time having fun playing twisted tricks on his creation. I mean – Garden of Eden, everything perfect EXCEPT you can’t touch this apple tree (but you have free will, and there is not only a big sign saying “forbidden tree here”, but also a really persuasive snake who keeps saying “you know you want to”)…… Displays either a level of naivety unbecoming in an omnipotent being, or a level of twisted amusement thats somewhat worrying in an omnipotent being….

    Sorry – no… God doesn’t exist anywhere other than in the minds of people… We made him up in an attempt to explain something that we lack the ability to comprehend – which is why god is seen as a “he”, and why he does human things like judging the morality of someone’s life, and meteing out rewards and punishments… We made him in our image as a way to try and give meaning to things we don’t understand because the lack of understanding scares us (which is why in our fantasy we are the center of his creation, and he has a plan for all of us… Nice simple set of rules – follow them and all will be well….)

    Just my tuppence worth 😉

    I wholeheartedly agree with you there mate! My view on this is that God was invented just so the masses could be controlled. I mean you drive through a small village and look at the church. It will be the most impressive and best designed building (in a small village remember) standing taller than anything else and is the centre point of the village.

    This is because back in the old old old days, the church demanded that villagers pay a tithe say 20% of their income (sound familar :you_crazy) otherwise they would risk being sent to hell when they died. It’s this sort of bullshit that proves the church and most religions are a way of controlling the little man.

    I tell ya if the local priest around here tried to get me to give him a tithe, I would say only two words, the second being ‘off’!! 😉

    God is all seeing, all knowing, and yet he commited genercide and mass murder because he didnt forsee the evil of humanity. Doesnt really add up does it. You could go on for hours like this, but sadly proof denys faith and without faith he is nothing.

    (for an oncore man then proves that white is black (and black is white) and gets killed on the next zebra crossing) 😉

    amyberthelet;242410 wrote:

    that counteracted all those arguments perfectly! you win, im a convert. praise the lord. :p

    That was just something that came to my mind…not intended to answer all your questions….that is what the ‘Hard Answers’ book is for! I will post a topic/question a day….love to stay on here and debate all day long, but there’s work to get done…..

    I have to say that what I dislike most about organised religions is their endless pontification about why theirs is the only true path. That and the hypocrisy of most of the practioners I have met in my life.

    I am not [and never have been] impressed by the ‘only we are right’ attitude of every organised religion enventually stoops to. The unbearably smug attitude that they know whats better for me than I do and that I am a poor misguided sinner:you_crazy What an amazing arrogance that displays.

    I would be a whole lot more bloody impressed if instead of canting and preaching endlessly they went and did something a darned sight more useful and actually physically helped folks. I know some groups do this and those are the ones I will choose to spend time with regardless of denomination. Never mind the next life – lets make this world a better place.

    I want to see actions – anyone can talk the talk but most never walk the walk. Its easy to preach and say love thy neighbour and Jesus will save you but I personally think that if Jesus was as switched on as christians all say he was [this kind of people do genuinely exist] he would be out there not talking but doing. Actions speak louder than words ever have. Instead of telling me why my choice is wrong go live your life by the moral code of your religion. Now that would impress me – the whole turn the other cheek and forgiveness thing is easy to spout but hard to live by.

    The shallowness of saying the words and then not living your life by the very rules your chosen religion preaches smacks to me of cherry picking the good bits and ignoring the rest – just like an adulterous husband who wants to have his cake and eat it [get the benefits of a marriage and the excitement of an affair]. To pay lip service to the bits which you find convenient and ignore those you dont makes you no better than any other person out there.

    I have my own personal moral code – I am not so incapable of seeing the difference between right and wrong that I need to rely on an external source for rules by which to live. I take personal responsibility for myself and make my choices and do not hide from them by pretending that I was led to make poor choices by an external influence [eg the devil]. When I make mistakes I simply admit I have done so and then learn from my mistakes. Nor would I ever allow someone else to dictate to me what is and is not allowed. I am perfectly able to make these choices for myself.

    Abdication of personal responsibility is something which I see as a complete cop out – people who arent prepared to stand up and be honest about what they feel or stick to their guns when the going gets tough.
    Lets be honest – how much easier is it to let someone else make your choices for you – when it all goes tits up you have someone to blame dont you. :you_crazy:you_crazy Life is to short to be wasted in this kind of bullshit. Be a real person – if you dont think something is right say so – stop being a cardboard cutout and letting other do your thinking for you.

    Anyway I shall get off this soapbox and go do something more useful than typing my opinion into a forum. 😉

    Well, Jesus DID say I am the Way the Truth and the Life……not A way

    And you are 100% right about disliking the hypocrites – unfortunately there are plenty of those…..Christianity is about faith AND action.

    As far as being sinners, we ALL are. NOBODY is perfect, no matter what they claim!

    And you can be a ‘good’ person all you want – still won’t get you to heaven.

    As far as ‘why do I need to be saved’……suppose you are wrong and find out that after death the Christians were right all along……

    I’m just saying that as someone who truly believes in a righteous Judge and heaven and hell…I don’t want ANYONE to end up in hell!

    TBH if there is a heaven I am not sure I would want to go there anyway…

    but thanks for caring 😉

    amyberthelet;242484 wrote:
    Well, Jesus DID say I am the Way the Truth and the Life……not A way

    And you are 100% right about disliking the hypocrites – unfortunately there are plenty of those…..Christianity is about faith AND action.

    As far as being sinners, we ALL are. NOBODY is perfect, no matter what they claim!

    And you can be a ‘good’ person all you want – still won’t get you to heaven.

    As far as ‘why do I need to be saved’……suppose you are wrong and find out that after death the Christians were right all along……

    I’m just saying that as someone who truly believes in a righteous Judge and heaven and hell…I don’t want ANYONE to end up in hell!

    You can still be a good person and not believe in God. Thats how i live my life, was baptised an all that but don’t believe in any of it. Say i live my life in a good way and die and find out there is a heaven, how can they not let me in?

    Just because my allegiance doesn’t lie with that particular branch of religion, why will that bar me from entry? :you_crazy






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