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Robbed by a ‘friend’

Forums Life Money Robbed by a ‘friend’

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  • Today I found out that a person I believed to be my friend, lied to me saying he was going on holiday to get away from the fact that he had spent the money that I had accidentally left at his flat. I asked for it back a couple of weeks ago as I had various things I needed to pay for and he told me he was in the car on his way to go on holiday and he would pay me when he was back.

    In fact, he was at home as I was told by a friend who had just seen him, and he had just spent my money on weed, mandy and parties. I did actually believe he had gone on holiday (despite my past experience with his constant bullshit). He completely fucked me over as I had no money to get to and from college, and a 50 quid phone bill to pay. If he had asked to borrow some I probably would of let him, it was the fact that he was able to lie to me when he knew that I needed it back.

    Lost all respect for the untrustworthy bastard. Needs to learn that friends are more important than his bong :crazy:

    I know it’s only money but in my opinion thats no different to stealing from a friend.

    I guess you believed wrong. Sad to see your sorrow.

    Are you going to rob him in return? That was a rhetorical question and I do not expect an answer.

    “Don’t get mad – get even.”

    It hurts man believe. I have also been turned over by a “friend” when I was 16, he actually brok into my house and stole my PS2 to give to his son for a christmas presie cos he had spent the cash that his missis gave him to get one. (2001 ps2 were band new it had only come out on novenber 24th)

    My cous screwed me over money wise more times than I can count, dont think it was ever deliberate and her intentions were always good, she always regretted it and dug herself into hole trying to fix things…………….. but I still loved her regardless of her flaws

    Trust is often misunderstood, you cant trust people to be like you and do what you would do, you can only trust people to be who they are

    TBH if you knew your mate was flaky when it comes to drugs & money, then leaving a wad of cash at his/her place you should have expected the outcome you got

    I’m afraid this is very common place amongst drug users. If you’re friends prior to taking drugs you’ll usually be ok but it’s the friends you make whilst intoxicated that’ll fuck you over given halt a chance. I made a huge mistake when I left college of moving to an area with few friends in the vicinity and this was about the same time I started smoking weed (as an escape from my mental health problems but that’s a totally different story). Anyway I moved into a new area and quickly gathered a
    rather large collection of ‘friends’ who would come round my flat to smoke weed. They all still lived with their parents so I accepted my flat was the stoner home.

    What I’ve learnt from since is that they all started smoking at like 14-15 when the adolescent brain is still developing and that’s what fucked em up. It took me nearly 4 years of things being stolen, broken and generally disrespected before my eyes were thankfully opened by my current gf who I met through work. She is older and had been through this seen herself 15 years earlier so read all the signs and told me I was blatantly being taken advantage of. I kind of already knew this but simply didn’t want to admit it as it would have left me with few friends. By this point though a lot of them were sniffing a lot of beak which I very rarely participated in. Some were open about stealing from parents to feed their addictive and destructive lifestyles. I decided this girl may be my one opportunity to rescue me from the abusing drug fuelled abyss I was being consumed by.

    At the cost of a few quid, some heated discussion and a significant reduction on my friend count I found myself much happier in my new home living a new life despite my old flat being 2mins away and occasionally bumping into old ‘friends’. This is my story though.

    My younger bro 19 is basically doing what I was doing at 19 but with people he’s been friends with for years and there is none of that disrespectful shit going on.

    Bottom line is for better or worse prolonged drug use changes people and the younger you start the chances are you’ll be more of a fucked up bag head that everybody(including yourself) finds a massive burden to be around

    I actually believed him to be getting better though, i’ve known him for years and he was an alright guy when I met him. One of the first guys i smoked up with! He then turned into a complete cunt over the next year or so, he had a nuts ex-girlfriend and a harsh family so we used cut him some slack but this took the piss. He may have been a liar but I never expected this from him.
    What pissed me off the most was the lack of remorse, didn’t even seem sorry. Ah well, he’s lost a large amount of friends since I posted this due to them finding out so I am happy with that as revenge provided I get my money back.

    On a happier note, Merry christmas for in an hour Partyvibe :love:

    I’m afraid this is very common place amongst drug users. If you’re friends prior to taking drugs you’ll usually be ok but it’s the friends you make whilst intoxicated that’ll fuck you over given halt a chance. I made a huge mistake when I left college of moving to an area with few friends in the vicinity and this was about the same time I started smoking weed (as an escape from my mental health problems but that’s a totally different story). Anyway I moved into a new area and quickly gathered a
    rather large collection of ‘friends’ who would come round my flat to smoke weed. They all still lived with their parents so I accepted my flat was the stoner home.

    What I’ve learnt from since is that they all started smoking at like 14-15 when the adolescent brain is still developing and that’s what fucked em up. It took me nearly 4 years of things being stolen, broken and generally disrespected before my eyes were thankfully opened by my current gf who I met through work. She is older and had been through this seen herself 15 years earlier so read all the signs and told me I was blatantly being taken advantage of. I kind of already knew this but simply didn’t want to admit it as it would have left me with few friends. By this point though a lot of them were sniffing a lot of beak which I very rarely participated in. Some were open about stealing from parents to feed their addictive and destructive lifestyles. I decided this girl may be my one opportunity to rescue me from the abusing drug fuelled abyss I was being consumed by.

    At the cost of a few quid, some heated discussion and a significant reduction on my friend count I found myself much happier in my new home living a new life despite my old flat being 2mins away and occasionally bumping into old ‘friends’. This is my story though.

    My younger bro 19 is basically doing what I was doing at 19 but with people he’s been friends with for years and there is none of that disrespectful shit going on.

    Bottom line is for better or worse prolonged drug use changes people and the younger you start the chances are you’ll be more of a fucked up bag head that everybody(including yourself) finds a massive burden to be around

    I stole your post psy ^^^

    @The Psyentist 513489 wrote:

    What I’ve learnt from since is that they all started smoking at like 14-15 when the adolescent brain is still developing and that’s what fucked em up. It took me nearly 4 years of things being stolen, broken and generally disrespected before my eyes were thankfully opened by my current gf who I met through work. She is older and had been through this seen herself 15 years earlier so read all the signs and told me I was blatantly being taken advantage of.

    this is all true but another big factor was in the 1980s to 1990s, Northern European society changed loads. although some things were good like multiculturalism, gender equality and people being more tolerant there has also been USA-inspired hyperconsumption and ruthless individualism – so people seem to find it hard to behave nicely in groups and think that being nice to one another is uncool. It was getting bad in the 90s and only stopped for a bit as society briefly became more affluent in the late 90s/2000s so it no one bothered robbing from mates or family as everyone had enough.

    I don’t think this just affects drug users though, people I meet today who have never taken drugs in their life and only drink moderately clearly see friendships as disposable especially when there is competition for something, and its not just a problem with young people either as I’ve even seen it in my age group – TBH the only real reason many of my age group do not nick from our hurt each other is because they have learned they will get arrested, but if they have hit bottom like lost a significant relationship or career or are just angry enough they can be really fucking dangerous to others around them.

    this the reason I knocked on the head a plan to have a legal rave on my 40th birthday – I had worked out where to get the land, the sound system, the DJ’s and everything else needed but realised I’d have to put my name on the license application and if there was one incident it would be all over the papers and I would be judged for it, and it would only take one “sketchy acquaintance” to do this either deliberately or even accidentally – and in East Anglia (maybe in North Europe as a whole?) there is a culture of using social events to settle scores and arguments. ironically this is because we have very strong community/family values in this region so the angry people strike at a vulnerable point as it makes more of a impact.

    In the last 15 or so years I’ve lost (or drifted away from) friends simply for pointing out that partying and taking drugs doesn’t give people carte blanche to act like scum and the whole idea of the rave scene was to try and create something better than normal townie nightlife so the feds/councils/other authorities left you alone, not to try and provoke a confrontation with them for pointless reasons…

    Drop them and move on. It’s all you can do.

    Personally I trust no one with money anymore. Banks, friends or family, they all can and will fuck you over.

    I trust Daftfader <3 <3

    It’s sad when you cant even trust people your meant to be friends with. i have recently left home to live on my own. everyone i let through my doors i expect to have the same respect for me as i do for them. however ive started noticing things going missing like my lose change and food its nothing big but it has potential to be. 2 years ago i had a 2 and a half grand yamaha bike stolen by one of my ‘mates’ when i had a house party. found it a few miles down the road all smashed up cz the dick was pissed and crashed it, it took a grand to fix it all. im not a angry person but that day i went fucking nuts. went round to his parents house and demanded the money for all the damage he had caused. his parents just said its not coming out of our pockets so they took his ps3 hdtv and all the rest and sold it all to pay for the damage to my bike. Hopefully it can be sorted peacefully but jano what if he is being a cunt about it just raid his yard. the prick should of known better than to do that to a mate

    @thelog 513570 wrote:

    I stole your post psy ^^^

    You could have at least liked it first lol.

    Unfortunately I’ve noticed this happening loads to people who get their own place and are a bit younger or more tolerant and therefore don’t want to judge or set boundaries – especially at house parties, and a lot of people are envious of anyone whose done well (or better than them). That said I don’t have house parties because my neighbour on one side has their grandchildren and a dog staying round and it would be unfair on them to make excessive noise – plus I live in the IP2 area which once had a bad reputation for being a “rough area” with “drugs problems” and everyone has done a lot to make it much better – but that does mean that noisy parties will attract a bobby or three!

    many young people I know these days (unless the thief owned up and paid for it without whining) would have reported the missing bike to the cops as soon as it wasn’t there and would have been prepared to lose a best friend over it. (they would also want to clear their name as it was involved in a collision and they could be accused of riding it if anyone witnessed the crash.

    i live in the countryside with 5 of my mates in a converted barn we can make as much noise as we like and we do so 😛 that must be a annoyance having to constantly have to take your neighbours into consideration. it was very obvious who had done it only a drunken idiot would have thought they could get away with it! i never report to the police because they can just get in the way of a resolution, personally if someone does something to me i like it to just involve me and that person/persons as i hate it when people try to get themselves involved in other peoples business. in a way im glad he crashed the bike because if he had of made it home in one piece i would of found him that night and kicked his head in and i guess i would have been in just as much trouble.






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Forums Life Money Robbed by a ‘friend’