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The Church uses legal highs lol

Forums Drugs Legal & Herbal Highs The Church uses legal highs lol

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  • Maybe it’s cos I’ve read all her other posts :rolleyes:

    @MysticGirls69 971248 wrote:

    Take a look at the wine in a 5 year old kids first communion.

    This is not what Roman Catholics do in Europe – at least since 1980 when I had mine. (if they gave alcohol to all the children there would not have been enough left for the adults :laugh_at:)

    Seriously though this is normally done at age 7 to 12 ; not all children are baptised immediately after they are born for a variety of reasons It is usually now held after Confirmation as the child has to understand what is permitted and what is sinful. The sin in taking controlled drugs is actually only because its illegal in secular law and this means the dealing networks can involve violence at some points.

    It would be equally sinful to drink or take legally prescribed drugs and then behave violently towards someone because of this or cause a road traffic collision whilst under the influence.

    In many European nations it would not be unusual for a child of that age to be drinking small amounts of less strong (or watered down) alcohol in a family group after meals anyway; parents are trusted by both church and state to be able to decide for themselves when a child is old enough for certain things.

    Many other faiths found in the UK (which have some input into the church groups protesting against the new laws) also use incense in their ceremonies – all of it has to comply with existing European safety rules and creating excessive smoke is likely to set off fire detector systems anyway – so people are quite rightly pointing out a perhaps unintended consequence of the legislation would be to make a harmless activity illegal.

    Do I really give a shit, northern Ireland will not change until 20015 lol

    18,000 years time?

    The way some stupid fuckers raise there kids here wodnt surprise me, its all old school here

    what currently goes on in NI (in comparison to the rest of the UK and surrounding countries) really doesn’t make sense.

    There may have been some justification for it 40 years ago although it ultimately put the whole UK about a century behind every other nation in the EU (even some supposedly “more religious” ones).

    it does however tend to be those followers of religions who take things to extremes and crack down on any other forms of pleasure (other than any supposedly derived from hard work/capitalist buisiness) which unfortunately infest nearly all faith groups who can actually make religion and entire countries/regions positively dangerous – much more so than drugs (legal or otherwise).






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Forums Drugs Legal & Herbal Highs The Church uses legal highs lol