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What are Magic Mushrooms or Shrooms?

Forums Drugs Mushrooms & Cacti What are Magic Mushrooms or Shrooms?

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  • @Buzz 355694 wrote:

    take about 500 and go to a horror movie.

    Shit… I remember doing about 250 shrooms, going home, no one was in so I turned the tv on, and David Lynch’s Eraserhead was on… I was Totally sucked into that film. Too mashed to turn it over, too mashed to even be able to work out where my bedroom was in relation to where I was in the house… Brilliant..! yet a bit stressed that either of my parents could arrive home at any point. well worth it though 😉

    Have fun. Take 50, see how you feel (10min before buzz if brewed in coffee or 25mins if just eaten raw) Go up to 200 max ’til you know your tolerance

    @jessifleur 357134 wrote:

    I picked half a kilo of shrooms last weekend. spent my entire saturday in the field. never seen that many mushrooms in my entire life. then the police came. had my headfones in to listen to radio 4. didn’t hear as two police 4x4s pulled up ten yards away while i was picking a juicy patch. got nicked. apparently they are class A even if they are unprepared! bastard fascist pigs changing things on the qt. on bail now. can u believe it?

    Shit fella, that sucks big time. Sorry to hear that, I hope they let you off with a warning.
    Having a field full of unpicked magic mushrooms is clear ENTRAPMENT! The police know that anyone who knows what they are won’t be able to walk away from it. MuthaFuckas
    good luck

    Does anybody know exactly where I could find some magic mushrooms? Thanks

    Not even my mates would show me where they get them… The Basterds… its highly unlikely that anyones gonna help. All i will say is do a bit of research and learn what kind of land they live on, then go for lots of nice morning walks.


    they grow in the ground mate

    p.s. try google, there’s a location site

    any spots listed on a location site are gonna get absolutely devastated and within a couple of years wont have any shrooms growing on them

    tis the season, they grow absolutly everywhere by me, in all fields but the best place is the cricket pitch early morning where the grass is short, they sometimes disapear by afternoon when the suns out and first major frost and they all die.

    yeah its really a long walk and good luck type situation, or a good friend of course.

    sorry, they’re all mine

    u want someone who knows what they’re doing to take you out first time ideally, there are lots of lookalikes that will make you ill.

    @Iacchus 358009 wrote:

    u want someone who knows what they’re doing to take you out first time ideally, there are lots of lookalikes that will make you ill.

    Partly true, but if you do enough research before going for a hunt then you’ll be fine. As long as you know all the charecteristics and variations then once you find a lib (i asume thats whats being hunted here) you’ll know its a lib! This is my first year of hunting and i found my first libs with internet research only!

    But always have them id’d by somone in the know before you start eating, im just saying that they are quite easy to id even with minimal knowledge!

    If you find any then post pics here or shroomery for id’ing. I would suggest shroomery because its a shroom specific forum!

    Good luck with your hunting!

    1. pixie hat
    2. brown underneath
    3. has a nipple on the top



    @Buzz 358085 wrote:

    1. pixie hat
    2. brown underneath
    3. has a nipple on the top



    This your halloween costume?:laugh_at:

    cocaine and smack are originally natural. so is LSD

    @Clarkson 358186 wrote:

    cocaine and smack are originally natural. so is LSD

    Heroin isn’t natural and Cocaine isn’t natural in the sense that it has to manufactured from coca






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Forums Drugs Mushrooms & Cacti What are Magic Mushrooms or Shrooms?