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What is Cannabis or Marijuana?

Forums Drugs Cannabis & Hashish What is Cannabis or Marijuana?

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  • “What is Cannabis or Marijuana?”
    The shit.

    Cannabis is an 8 letter word.

    Cannabis has 3 syllables.

    It’s also green and can grow to about 10feet tall.

    @klark kunt 1051 wrote:

    UK Legality
    The production, sale, possession and consumption of cannabis is illegal in the UK. Cannabis plants and resin are Class B drugs in the Misuse of Drugs Act, 1971, as well as Cannabis oil. Cannabis is a schedule 1 drug, meaning that it is considered to have no legitimate therapeutic use.

    An older version of this listed cannabis oil as class A. It may well have been at one time but it has been class B since around the time the temporary experiment to make cannabis class C was abandoned.

    Controlled drugs: reclassification of cannabis | Home Office

    The misconception it is Class A is still widely bandied about including on official Police websites, presumably due to outdated information being in force, and that understandably very few drug users are going to ring up the Police and tell them “hey, your website is incorrect”. Even more curiously Norfolk Constabulary website (as at 2013-05-02) contains the incorrect info, whilst that of Suffolk leads to a much newer and more accurate leaflet and a link to the NHS – even though both constabularies now share the same website design and Press Liaison units.

    In reality no Court would be able to convict someone for class A posession/supply of hash oil though this is in practical terms of little relevance as hash oil is not easy to get as it is messy to store and handle (though can be made locally by those with some scientific knowledge) and in 2013 a dealer of any significant amount of cannabis is nowadays likely to get as heavy a sentence as a similar dealer of class A drugs (though overall sentences are lower across the board compared with a couple of decades ago).

    It’s good to know the difference about everything related

    Add me on my kik my kik is chep_bruh_XP

    @Chep 966661 wrote:

    Add me on my kik my kik is chep_bruh_XP

    WTF man, are you mental? Even if that wasn’t s stupid place to put it you can’t buy or sell anything enyway.


      cannabis is the most interressant plant of the world and has huge known and still unknown properties.

      it’s the only plant u can exploit year after yera without waiting every 7 years one year were u plant nothing on a ground.

      its a scandal that the company ” DUPONT DE NEMOUR” applied his power in the 50’s to put it in the drug list to sel his new paper taken from trees

      READING THE BOOK “The emperor weares no clothes” from J.Herrer (RIP) Is the best way to know a huge things about marijuanna

      [ME] we can supply you with good quality weed indica and sativa and hash, Cocaine, research chem, Bath salt and most opiates (oxies,OC,apvp,hydro,oxy powder) get back to me through E-meilat: kirianmax1 at gmail dot com

      we can supply you with good quality weed indica and sativa and hash, Cocaine, research chem, Bath salt and most opiates (oxies,OC,apvp,hydro,oxy powder etc) etc…get back to me through E-meilat: kirianmax1 at gmail dot com
      Here is the new Menu:

      Seeds of different strains
      Local Weed
      Pure Raspberry Kush
      Superkush og
      Superlemon Haze
      Morroccon Hashish
      Iranian Hash
      Speacial K

      and many more, even pills like, Oxycontin, oxycodone, xanax, Dilaudid, hydro, ativan, Valium APVP crystals

      I have many happy and a few sad people in my Network, so it’s not always easy to find good weed. I’m helping

      people with what i can find. And of course like you i always want high quality weed. But now i have diffrent

      type with high quality.

      Your Star is Back

      kirianmax1 at gmail . com

      opana, oxys, roxies , coke, ket , mdma, H, sativa and indica ,research chemical, steroids , coke, ket and other related meds available. HIT morganbriggs55 at gmail dot com.

      This is a great topic, because many people use it not knowing what it really is. I think it is important to know what are u getting in ur system!






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    Forums Drugs Cannabis & Hashish What is Cannabis or Marijuana?