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What is Cocaine?

Forums Drugs Cocaine & Crack What is Cocaine?

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  • Why do big lines? Do moderate lines,lasts a lot longer

    go to peru


    you’ll never want european stock again :yawn:

    globalloon wrote:
    go to peru


    you’ll never want european stock again :yawn:

    aint that the truth :weee: :cloud9: :weee:

    born to party wrote:
    Why do big lines? Do moderate lines,lasts a lot longer

    Yeah I agree but then it doesen’t do much apart form make the back of my throat numb. Its just not for me although I suppose if I had enough money to get an unlimited supply I would! :good_evil

    Gabba_bitch wrote:
    TBH it stops me talking after the 1st hit – it just strigs me out!

    I think that it is on the rise, but maybe mainly in the club scene :-/

    I suppose i might be a user. I am 33 now just about done all drugs possible,but the only one i enjoy now is coke, i do it probably once a month if that. But its so damn easy to get hold of, ilive in a small village and know at least 3 separate dealers here so it must be on the rise with young kids too.

    i like a line now and again but couldnt do it every weekend…. too expensive for one and cant get any decent stuff

    Hey, well get to Leeds we will have a night out and ill get us some good shit??

    Coke is expensive and, ruins lives.

    My boyfriend’s mate is a heavy coke user and has ended up dealing to support his habit. Because he canes it all the time, he is arrogant and thinks he’s invincible. The cops are watching him but he thinks he’s so clever that he can’t be caught.

    His girlfriend told me that his supplier came around to their apartment to drop off a bag and they were all doing coke, suddenly a bit of this bloke’s nose fell out onto the table. Now if that doesn’t put you off, nothing will.

    He thinks he’s on the mend because he’s stopped doing crack… but now he’s just doing twice as much coke… and he’s a bit of an arsehole on it to be honest. I can’t remember the last time I saw him straight.

    Anyway on a lighter note, I think there are people out there who can take it occasionally, I have several friends like that, who only get it for festivals etc. I hate the whole scene though, they were all huddled in their tents snorting in private, then they offered my boyfriend a line like it was some sort of holy grail. My boyfriend refused – he knows I don’t like him on coke because it makes him slightly agressive, a trait I NEVER see in him otherwise.

    Personally, I love e’s, mdma and weed. E’s for dancing (love to dance), weed for chillouts and the comedown. MDMA for Sunday mornings at a festival, for that floaty, smiley feeling. I only go out once a month and I don’t cane it too hard, between 1-2 pills in a night. Then I give my body and mind a month to heal…

    Noding in a more personal style, the cocaine high feels… well, pretty great, but it’s nothing to ruin your life for. Posting for the sake of the curious, here is the opinion of one noder, who has taken the drug only a handful of times.

    Upon snorting the damned stuff, one may soon expect a hideously irritating post-nasal drip and an anaesthetized sensation that says “ah, must be at the dentist’s office” in one’s sinuses and often in the roof of one’s mouth as well (this sensation can last an hour or longer from one line). Shortly you will notice that you cannot stop talking about absolutely anything, and to absolutely everybody. You might feel like you’ve just had a great pep-talk and are ready to take on at least some of the world. Strangers who would normally be intimidating become your favourite conversational targets. There is no visual element such as hallucinations, and the “rush” is not similar to the full-body-tingly-luvvy feeling of ecstasy, either. The main target of cocaine is, weirdly enough, confidence.

    Two elements contribute to its effectiveness. First, the stimulant itself boosts your energy and your confidence, allowing you to temporarily forget all the things you hate about yourself and all your social doubts. Then, as you talk to people, a kind of positive feedback loop emerges, because you notice that the other person is more interested in you than usual, and altogether seems more charmed. This is not to say that you’ll always come across as an arrogant bastard – usually one feels happy to be among other people, and can even get a bit affectionate towards the whole human race. You could go to work on this drug and be extremely productive (until you have to take a week off for reconstructive surgery on your septum). In fact, if you’re in advertising, you probably do.

    After the first time I tried coke, I tried talking to people – strangers and acquaintances alike – with the same level of self-assuredness and energy as when I’d been high, and the results were really quite funny. You don’t need the drug to be the kind of movie-star personality, because if you exude confidence, you will get an appropriate response from other people (that’s right, they start the “we’re not worthy!” chant immediately).

    If you take a lot, you feel extremely great. The downside? The rush doesn’t last very long (so you have to keep snorting), and how great you feel now is directly proportional to how low, insignificant, and generally crap you will feel later. Plus, it’s relatively expensive. To those who are interested, I’d say there’s not much harm in doing it once, especially if you’re smart enough to limit yourself to one line, just to see what it does in a nutshell. Used sparingly, cocaine can be fun. Used often enough, this drug can turn you into an idiot with no sense of self outside of a bag of white powder. I know a lot of people who might do it once or twice a year; likewise I know others who do it every week. Just ask yourself whether you’re the type of person who will remember how to have a good time without it afterwards, and act accordingly.

    (Nose Candy)
    Warning: Do not try this at home. No specific amounts are given here, because the exact recipe varies from region to region and from cartel to cartel.

    Coca leaves. Coca leaves are native to the Andes: the best ones are grown in Colombia and Peru, although you can also find them in Bolivia. Efforts to grow coca leaves elsewhere have not been successful, so unless you live in this region, you will need to find a way to import the leaves. In general, you will need a hundred kilos of leaves for every kilo of cocaine you plan to make.
    Gasoline. Benzene will do in a pinch. (A good deal of money is made in South America by gasoline runners, who buy cheap gasoline by the coast, take it into the mountains, and sell it to the drug cartels at a huge profit.)
    Acid. Hydrochloric acid is the most popular. You can also use sulfuric acid.
    Potassium permanganate.
    Acetone (paint thinner).
    The most common way of doing this is to dig a pit in the ground, called a pozo. Throw the leaves into the pit, pour some gasoline on top of them, and stomp on them with your feet until they are ground into a nice mush. It’s a lot like the old European method of stomping on grapes to make wine.
    Next, strain the gunk you’ve just created, to get all the stems and loose pieces of vegetation out. You should have a somewhat runny paste, a combination of cocaine and ecgonine in gasoline. This is called coca paste in drug lingo.

    The next step is to add some acid, which will dissolve some of the extraneous chemicals in the mixture. Filter the remaining paste again, and add the potassium permanganate and some more acid. Filter once more, and let the paste dry until it begins to harden. Add the ammonia, and let it dry once more.

    You should end up with a substance called cocaine base that is strikingly similar to crack rock. (In fact, crack is actually cocaine that is reprocessed back into cocaine base, so theoretically you can stop here and smoke what you’ve already got… but do you want to become a crackhead? I think not. Read on, kimosabe.)

    Dissolve the base in a bucket of acetone for several hours: you should get a light tan mixture. Then add some more acid, and allow the base to precipitate out of the solution. You should see tiny white crystals begin to form at the top of the bucket. By filtering the slurry through cloth, you can capture the crystals, and let them dry in the sun or under a heat lamp.
    Congratulations! You just scored some coke!

    SilverFox wrote:
    It’s a lot like the old European method of stomping on grapes to make wine.

    but with kerosene and sulphuric acid

    hmmm. nice :crazy_fre

    i can’t pretend i’ve never been into coke, but knowing the things i know know, having been to where coke is being produced, I think it’s a disgusting industry that i don’t want to buy into

    these days I keep it natural

    skattyasfuk wrote:
    Wot are everyones views on coke? personaly I think its completely over rated ,over priced and genrally a waste of time!!
    I here of alot of people taking this drug but I find its mostly chavs going down to some garage or rnb event who dont do n e thing else but snort coke and drink stella! and wen u ask em if they do pills they turn there nose up…. I find this a bit strange perhaps its trendy just like if a celebrity wears a certain type of cap then everyone wears that type of cap(latest one bein van dutch used to be buberry) and if a celebrity takes this kind of drug then i suppose all the sheep in this world have to as well to be in with the in crowd!! well these are my views on cocaine!! plur 😀

    I like coke, everytime I take it some bitch from squatjuice psychicly attacks me, it’s not fair. She won’t leave me alone, I just want to waste my money and wank over bizzare things in peace.

    Does it work? whats it like?

    yes – however (NB: I am not a doctor, so just going by info sources I have read) its possible more is lost/broken down by stomach acids that way so other methods of ingestion are prefferred.

    there is noticabley less uptake of the active alcaloid and a slower come-up

    other than that, it’s a dirty drug, supporting a dirty, abusive trade… that’s my view

    Andy wrote:
    tried coke a few times, but (luckily!) it doesn’t work for me. I hate the taste in the back of my throat, other than that there seems to be no effect…. Add to that the cost, and it should be clear I don’t touch white.

    It is fun to take the piss out of snorters tho, just pretend to wipe your nose a lot and you see them get paranoid [IT’S ONLY PARANOIA IF YOU CAN’T PROVE IT].

    We’re allowed some fun too eh 😀

    same for me, i took while on a mad weekender, was off my nut on pills and the coke did fuck all, just made me real sketchy and had this annoying taste at the back of my throat. Wont do it again i dont think, know too many people who have been fucked up on this drug.






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Forums Drugs Cocaine & Crack What is Cocaine?