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What is Ecstasy?

Forums Drugs Ecstasy & MDMA What is Ecstasy?

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  • JonnyQuest;223423 wrote:
    i love a good bit of sleep paralysis, its like a free drugs waking up not able to move an inch until u can snap yourself out of it , lot of fun

    sleep paralysis is fucking ace. When it next happens, dont fight it, just become aware that you are concious while still being asleep and you can have the slickest lucid dreams or out of body experiences, ive got up out of my body and flew round my house before, really strange.
    False awakenings are a bit strange tho… the other day i woke up about 6 times before i actually woke up for real.. wierd.

    Sini;223393 wrote:
    Lovehearts are my fave pills.
    Also, question for you all, is it commen to come down before you come up?
    I was asking yesterday and noone knows anyone who does this…

    Do you mean coming down in the sense that you go a little bit moody? When Eing as soon as i swallow em, i always go a little bit moody but then comeup and am happy as a the pope in shit. :love:

    Hey everyone.

    Tried the both at the same time for the first time.

    Amplified my experience by heaps, eg. Crazy lip licking, heaps of eye blinking and crazy eyes, peaked for ages and good peaks.

    I had a strong pill to that could of been a big factor aswell just wondering if this is the normal thing that happens when you combine the two.

    Does anyone else have any stories of combining the two?

    i dont think i can recall taking ecstasy without smoking weed, but i also cant recall doing the ironing without smoking weed so im no use to you

    One time I smoked during my roll and it just made me come down really fast, it was weird. Maybe it was just the ecstasy or the bud or something….:you_crazy
    That’s really the only time I tried it.
    But I heard from some friends that when you smoke after you peak, it creates wonderful effects.:crazy_dru
    Gotta try it one day.

    Fuck smoking weed when you’re buzzing. try this, I have one of these and when combined with pills it is the bullshits!

    Not a sales pitch but fucking well worth it! 😉

    If I ever get really fucked, especially on mdma, then have a phat smoke it gives me well good trips, and I just get really confused and my mind does some wicked things.

    when im rolling off e pills and i smoke weed it brings my high up for a few minutes then it brings me down, consequently i end up smoking alot of blunts back to back to sustain it.

    personally, E without weed is pretty shit. unless u have other hard substance instead

    I’m going to do md for the first time this july at a music festival. do you guys think it’s a good environment??

    marysometimes;224580 wrote:
    I’m going to do md for the first time this july at a music festival. do you guys think it’s a good environment??

    What sort of Fest is it? 😉

    well, it’s not a festival like Boom.
    there’s going to be RATM, gogol boredello, bob dylan, the hives, nouvelle vague, mgmt, mstrkrft, the national, peaches (dj set). there are other bands, which i can’t remember right now, but you get the idea.

    first time i did md was at a festival and i had a whale of a time

    marysometimes;224582 wrote:
    well, it’s not a festival like Boom.
    there’s going to be RATM, gogol boredello, bob dylan, the hives, nouvelle vague, mgmt, mstrkrft, the national, peaches (dj set). there are other bands, which i can’t remember right now, but you get the idea.

    Is it? You’ll be fine then taking MD. If you haven’t done it before, See if anyone in your group has and can show you the ropes. If not and no one’s done it before then just don’t cain it and do loads. Just chop up a small amount, put it in a rizla paper or equivalent. Swallow with water (Not beer/alcohol) enjoy the music and you’ll soon be rushing.

    Try not to overdo it because Md can fuck some people up when large amounts are consumed! Other than that have fun! :love:

    :love: i can’t wait !!

    there’s going to be at least one guy, who is well experienced with the stuff, so I shouldn’t worry, though knowing him as i do he’ll storm off asap.

    just another quaestion, how long is md traceable in your blood? (i’m asking this, because last year my parents made me run blod tests to see if i was doing drugs|: not fun )






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Viewing 15 posts - 661 through 675 (of 1,448 total)
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Forums Drugs Ecstasy & MDMA What is Ecstasy?