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What is Ecstasy?

Forums Drugs Ecstasy & MDMA What is Ecstasy?

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  • will


    A fff


    page? Those fecking credit card pics f*cks my computer up! :crazy_diz


      fcuked mine up too

      they are huuuuuugeeeeee :hopeless:

      Angel;322223 wrote:
      fcuked mine up too

      they are huuuuuugeeeeee :hopeless:

      Innit, They’re still doing it tho, try to write stuff but the screen goes massive! Annoying!!! :crazy_diz



        Yeah nice one Angel, All better! :love:

        ooops think that may have been my fault… :crazy_drunk:

        djprocess;323012 wrote:
        ooops think that may have been my fault… :crazy_drunk:

        S’all good, fixed now! 😉

        Was chinwagging with my friends yesterday and they’re saying there’s a massive shortage of M in London at the mo. Apparently the main distributor, whoever he /she is, isn’t putting out at the mo. As a result the drug has been difficult to get hold of and becoming over-priced, some friends yesterday paid £50 for a g! Also the stuff being put out at parties hasn’t been up to great standards either. Another mate bought some recently and wasn’t happy with it, so took it back to the dealer. The dealer gave him his cash back immediately without fuss, like he knew the stuff he was selling was crap. Probably dried ear wax…

        Anyroad, anyone had ay similar experiences?

        its all about the dried ear wax these days, mdma just doesnt compare

        yeah slightly burn smelling waxy mdma with a pink crust is all i could get for transmission from round this way i said no tnx and went further afield to get some niceness

        I was going to create a thread on the M’s topic. I bought a G last friday from my normal guy, never doubted his stuff before. Well me and my buddy got banged on it, only later to find out it wasn’t M’s. I got hot and a little nauseous, the buzz was strange, had some weak but tiny visuals. I was laughing and relaxed, enjoyed some parts except of being immensely heated like an oven, felt uncomfy. This shit kept us awake all night and the day after, my tongue felt metalic (like taking acid).I suspect it was speed mixed with another product…






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      Forums Drugs Ecstasy & MDMA What is Ecstasy?