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  • my brothers been called zammo ever since that story line, weird as I dont think he’s ever been addicted to heroin

    Roland is the coolest cat though


    10/10 would bang

    @p0ly 532701 wrote:

    Roland is the coolest cat though

    I’m pretty sure the dude who played Rolly got nicked for being a massive dope dealer.

    @Chrispydelic 532709 wrote:

    I’m pretty sure the dude who played Rolly got nicked for being a massive dope dealer.

    Yeah i think he did haha

    what a legend.

    Just Say Yes?
    23 November 1998 | Studio Briefing – Film News | See recent Studio Briefing – Film News news »

    A star of a popular British television series of the ’80s has admitted that he and others in the cast used drugs even as they participated in an anti-drug campaign that eventually brought them to the U.S., where they were stoned on marijuana and cocaine when they participated in an anti-drug program at the White House, the London Sunday Mirror reported. Actor Erkan Mustafa, a star of Grange Hill, told the newspaper, “The amazing thing is that we brought the stuff from England … and smuggled it through US customs at the airport. We weren’t even scared about getting stopped. I mean, who’s going to stop a bunch of kids wearing big white “Just Say No” T-shirts on their way to visit Nancy Reagan in the White House to launch an anti-drugs campaign?” NOTE An abbreviated version of Studio Briefing will be published during the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday and Friday. »

    Erkan Mustafa is rolly :laugh_at:

    What fucking legend LOL!’s+drug+shame.-a060651621

    Grange hill star’s drug shame

    CHILDREN’S TV favourite Roland Browning – actor Erkan Mustafa – has boasted of supplying cocaine and ecstasy to teenagers.

    The Grange Hill star, who fronted the famous Just Say No anti-drugs campaign, said: “I can get you as much heroin as you want.

    “With cocaine, I order on a Monday and it’s there by Wednesday.”

    Millions of children have watched the school fatty in current re-runs of the classic show.

    Ironically, Mustafa started using drugs days before he met Nancy Reagan at the White House to launch the Just Say No message in America.

    He added: “I had a smoke in the White House. I was stoned when I met Nancy. I started drugs during the Just Say No thing.

    ”A few years later I started selling Es and putting LSD and ecstasy in the punch at my nightclub – without the punters knowing of course.”

    Just goes to show how much a pile of shit those campaigns are, especially when people believe them and later on realise it’s a load of bullshit so disregard everything even the good advice.

    I remember just say no first time round and it wasn’t taken particularly seriously back then :laugh_at:

    @General Lighting 532750 wrote:

    I remember just say no first time round and it wasn’t taken particularly seriously back then :laugh_at:

    I’m not surprised the song and video are pure hilarity.

    Roland’s on Soccer AM from time to time these days doing random challenges like trying to drink a whole bottle of tomato ketchup in record time!

    Mate there was a LSD story when I was a kid, I remember the kids thinking they were the transfer tattoos. So they licked them and a teacher walked past so they swallowed them. Bless the 90’s grange hill massive.

    I almost thought thy were even gonna do they “he thought he was an orange and pealed himself to death” propaganda story






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Forums Drugs Drug Addiction & Recovery ZAMMO SAYS YES!