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Forums Drugs Drug Addiction & Recovery Bring ex-addicts on board to tackle drug deaths crisis, say experts Reply To: Bring ex-addicts on board to tackle drug deaths crisis, say experts

[quote quote=1262435]

It’s sickening that the government which made this country’s drug problem worse and roughly doubled the number of deaths per year with their NPS ban refuse to do anything to prevent these deaths. It wouldn’t surprise me if the fuckers in government privately wish more drug users would die every year.

This sounds already a fact with the heroin crisis in USA, I am sure that the government is for a big part responsible for that, happzy as more people die and found a good reason giving hard sentences to heroin dealears and users

You are exactly right. The pharmaceutical industry that developed some of the most addictive opiates also rewarded doctors for prescribing them. Suddenly the government says you can’t prescribe these willy nilly and suddenly you have an entire country with an opium based addiction who can’t get their fix and have no choice but to turn to heroin and the worst of the dark markets.

The government caused the epidemic and they dealt with it in the worst way possible.[/quote]Just want to throw in that for the longest time the Mexican Cartels could only cook black tar and now make fine powder heroin and are the main supplier (90%) in the USA. That has changed the dynamic greatly, I don’t want to let Purdue Pharma off the hook completely they made a lot of pill heads who moved to dope but a good number of the younger addicts got into the game after pills largely went away. I think like 1/3 of new heroin users starts with shooting up like skip the bullshit with pills or smoking or snorting, whereas 10 years ago anyone who went straight to shooting skipped the queue and was an anomaly and while heroin was around during my formative years it wasn’t a draw because the crowd was kinda seedy and I think that has likely changed some as it has taken over suburbia.