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Forums Drugs Trip Reports 1P-LSD + 2-MeO-ephenidine

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  • @smokemary 986540 wrote:

    For us we really do have to plan it, we have parents who live on the same street, brother 10min walk, brother 25min walk, sister 30min walk, sister 40min walk, parents 30min walk, brother 90min walk

    And every brother and sister have kids and another baby the way by one of them

    Sounds a lot like Austria and the more rural parts of Germany TBH. And then when you do finally get a chance to go tripping out in the mountains you might have to watch out for families of Bears.

    That said, I think bears are much more chilled out and tolerant of humans that do not bother them than folk realise – otherwise half of Canada (where many psychedelics may still not be controlled) would have landed up in the hospital by now..

    @General Lighting 986545 wrote:

    Sounds a lot like Austria and the more rural parts of Germany TBH. And then when you do finally get a chance to go tripping out in the mountains you might have to watch out for families of Bears.

    That said, I think bears are much more chilled out and tolerant of humans that do not bother them than folk realise – otherwise half of Canada (where many psychedelics may still not be controlled) would have landed up in the hospital by now..

    I know someone who feeds and pets a black bear that lives near his house. Large brown bears are more of a worry because they’re bigger than humans and thus won’t scare as easy, neither type of bears really wants an encounter but an encounter with a brown bear with cubs is probably the most likely to produce serious injury for humans and even then the person probably did something dumb to provoke the bear.

    European bears are brown bears, though outside RU they might not grow quite as big as the USA varieties. They tend to be tolerated more in RO, BG, IT, CH and AT than the more populated areas of DE (the last one in DE 10 years ago started killing sheep, it was declared as einen Problembär and shot (although they did initially try to capture it alive).

    I actually found an animation from WWF Austria explaining how to peacefully co-exist with bears whilst wandering in the woods (amongst other things, taking selfies with them is verboten) – might post it up in the animals section, although perhaps only illiesse might also understand it as its all in German.

    AT and CA work very closely together on human-bear co-existence projects, including bear proof trash containers!

    Grizzly Bears are way larger than other bears and thus are much scarier/dangerous while black bears and some american brown bears are probably close in size to European brown bears and thus not as worrisome.

    A national forest nearish to me has a high elevation area that requires a bear proof food container, things run like $80 at the ranger station.

    @Digital Buddha 986544 wrote:


    What’s that mean

    @General Lighting 986545 wrote:

    Sounds a lot like Austria and the more rural parts of Germany TBH. And then when you do finally get a chance to go tripping out in the mountains you might have to watch out for families of Bears.

    That said, I think bears are much more chilled out and tolerant of humans that do not bother them than folk realise – otherwise half of Canada (where many psychedelics may still not be controlled) would have landed up in the hospital by now..

    I do not think I will see a bear in Northern Ireland, might go to slemish climb it and keep an eye out haha

    @smokemary 986558 wrote:

    I do not think I will see a bear in Northern Ireland, might go to slemish climb it and keep an eye out haha

    Could have saved yourself some time wuth that comment and just said you don’t think. HAHAHAHA

    @smokemary 986557 wrote:

    What’s that mean

    In your case someone who hoards psychedelics.

    @smokemary 986558 wrote:

    I do not think I will see a bear in Northern Ireland, might go to slemish climb it and keep an eye out haha

    There haven’t been any for a few centuries now, since the ice age.

    IE/NI is a relatively small area, although bears don’t care for checkpoints or the RUC/Garda there isn’t enough open space for them to thrive. For the same reason they are not found wild in the rest of UK, NL, BE and DK any more..

    The Irish Brown Bear |

    @tryptameanie 986570 wrote:

    Could have saved yourself some time wuth that comment and just said you don’t think. HAHAHAHA

    Really……. hahaha

    @General Lighting 986577 wrote:

    There haven’t been any for a few centuries now, since the ice age.

    IE/NI is a relatively small area, although bears don’t care for checkpoints or the RUC/Garda there isn’t enough open space for them to thrive. For the same reason they are not found wild in the rest of UK, NL, BE and DK any more..

    The Irish Brown Bear |

    It’s Garda and psni not ruc anymore haha really should be tho ,them mad bastards wernt scared to kick the shit out of a criminal who deserved it

    @smokemary 986579 wrote:

    It’s Garda and psni not ruc anymore

    I know 😉 – bear in mind what era I grew up in, that I lived in an unusual Catholic enclave of SE England where about 30% of the population it seemed were formerly from IE or NI and that at least one of my junior schools were run by nuns (old skool ones; to be fair not as bad or fearsome as they were made out to be although one of them would whisper the names of everyone who was in h-block during the rosary intentions. that would probably result in social services closing the school nowadays).

    Cops in mainland England were also equally hardcore then but so were the criminals, as were political and religious extremists of every type. And the same applied across Europe (but with more guns and bombs involved).

    There was far worse shit going dowin in the 1980s even compared to today, I remember listening to French radio and there would be reports about bombs and shootings in France every other week. Friends from DE and DK have also told me about what really went on in their countries (when there wasn’t any Internet or EU so we didn’t hear about it). Middle East was as bad as today but because there was so much trouble amongst “native” Europeans no one paid the area much attention.

    As the 1990s and parts of the 2000s were very prosperous and peaceful (the rave scene was part of these former good times) many folk have forgotten all this (or to be fair were not born when much of it happened).

    ^^^^^^^The victorian era hahahahah

    @tryptameanie 986588 wrote:

    ^^^^^^^The victorian era hahahahah

    TBH we had Thatcho and Mary Whitehouse, it was just as bad…

    GL is a rave fossil.






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Forums Drugs Trip Reports 1P-LSD + 2-MeO-ephenidine