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  • Did you know that if you collect all the sperm that comes out of your penis for your entire lifetime…

    Then you’re single.

    It has been announced that the original Star Trek films are to be remade.

    Shatner will make a cameo appearance while Leonard Nimoy will play Bones.

    ISIS have taken to throwing gay men from the tops of buildings. I hope the executioners appreciate the irony.

    Starting with being tossed off and ending with pain at the bottom.

    The new black dildo I caught my wife using last night looked so realistic.

    Even the black guy it was attached to looked real.

    f someone told me 20 years ago that I’d someday be playing with my phone in the bathroom more than my cock I would have laughed in their face.

    how do you stop a mexican tank? u shoot the guy pushing it.

    whats long an hard on a black man?
    the first grade

    how many cops does it take to push a black man down the stairs?
    none.he fell

    whats the difference between a rock an a dead baby?
    you cant skullfuck a rock

    so i was raping a woman the other night and she said ,please think about my kids.
    i said oh you kinky bitch

    This beautiful woman one day walks into a doctors office and the doctor is bowled over by how stunningly awesome she is. All his professionallism goes right out the window… He tells her to take her pants, she does, and he starts rubbing her thighs. “Do you know what I am doing?” asks the doctor? “Yes, checking for abnormalities.” she replies. He tells her to take off her shirt and bra, she takes them off. The doctor begins rubbing her breasts and asks, “Do you know what I am doing now?”, she replies, “Yes, checking for cancer.” Finally, he tells her to take off her panties, lays her on the table, gets on top of her and starts having s*x with her. He says to her, “Do you know what I am doing now?” She replies, “Yes, getting herpies – thats why I am here!”

    Question: Why are hurricanes sometimes named after women? Answer: When they come they’re wild and wet, but when they go they take your house and car with them.

    An ugly, fat, bad woman with two kids enters Wal Mart, shouting angry at the kids with no reason. The man at the reception says cheerfully to her: “Good morning and welcome to Wal-Mart. Cute kids! Are they twins?” The horrible woman stopped shouting, just enough to say, “Hell, they’ re not twins… The older is 9 and the other is 7! Are you blind or just stupid?” “No madam… I’m neither blind nor stupid… I just can’t get that there’s a man out there who had sex with you twice.”

    Q: Why do women have periods?
    A: Because they deserve them.

    Q: What is loud and obnoxious?
    A: A woman.

    Q: How do you blind a woman?
    A: You put a windshield in front of her.

    A quiet man, is a thinking man.
    A quiet woman, is usually mad.

    Q: Why is life like a penis?
    A: Women make it hard!

    Q: What’s the most common sleeping position of a woman?
    A: Around.

    Q: What do you call a woman with no clitoris?
    A: It doesn’t matter, she’s not going to come.

    Q: Why are men sexier than women?
    A: You can’t spell sexy without xy.

    Q: What book do women like the most?
    A: “Their husbands checkbook!”

    Q: Did you hear about the woman who couldn’t find a singing partner?
    A: She had to buy a duet yourself kit

    Q: Whats another meaning for a women?
    A: Finger puppet

    Q: What do girls and noodles have in common?
    A: They both wiggle when you eat them.

    Q: What do you call a letter from a feminist?
    A: Hate male.

    Q: How do you know your girlfriend is getting fat?
    A: She fits into your wife’s clothes.

    Q: Why do men have 2 heads and women 4 lips?
    A: Cause men do all the thinking and women do all the talking.

    Q: What’s the difference between a knife and a woman arguing?
    A: a knife has a point.

    Q: How much money do you need to satisfy a woman?
    A: It is always just a little bit more.

    Q: What have women and condoms got in common?
    A: If they’re not on your dick they’re in your wallet.

    Q: What do you call a woman who will gives blowjobs for a pair of Jimmy Choos?
    A: Head Over Heels

    Q: How is a woman like an airplane?
    A: Both have cockpits.

    Wife + Period = Whore moans.






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Forums The Vibe Jokes & Comedy Bad Joke Thread