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Buying GHB and GBL

Forums Drugs GHB & GBL Buying GHB and GBL

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  • Nutin wrong with a bit of ghb, Everything in moderation. If you take the piss with it, It will take the piss out of you! But thats just like any drug, So why do so many people hate it? Sorry canny help you on were to find some, Just keep asking around, Possibly not on the internet.:crazy_diz

    party on;225465 wrote:
    thats just the precursor chemical called gbl to get ghb it has to be synthed into ghb using other additives

    certainly not for the faint hearted

    this is a substance not to be messed with as it can and will kill you ……………………

    party on

    I can’t speak as to whether GBL is safe as GHB or not, but you can dose it directly… more likely to produce nausea/abdominal cramping though. Your body converts it to GHB.

    If you’ve gone through a few chem lab classes the synth is cinch though…. wouldnt reccomend it without education though (otherwise you might just use industrial grade chemicals like the GBL itself probably is… blakkkk!) can you say heavy metal contaminants?

    GHB can be well dodgy. It’s very, very dose dependent and booze also increases it’s effect. Do to much and the funeral director will have his tape measure out.

    My mate decided to try this on Sat, I didn’t know this for a while.. people had to keep picking him up and he didn’t look too well. In the the end he slept loads in the back of the car and spent the morning puking loads and saying what a fucking horrible experience it was.

    He had been drinking before hand which wouldn’t have helped… but he said its something he will never touch again.

    Looking at the state he was in I will never touch it….

    Good man Star, I’ve tried this shit and it ain’t good. At first it was like being on K but then i thought i was gonna die. Fucking horrible shit! :yakk:

    He had been drinking before hand which wouldn’t have helped…

    he is lucky he isnt on the slab at the mortuary bud

    dont ever ever drink before while on or after ghb good one yourself though bud for looking after him ……..

    party on raaa

    tried it a few times … ‘orrid stuff :yakk:

    Digital-A;226194 wrote:
    tried it a few times … ‘orrid stuff :yakk:

    Dirty bastard!! :laugh_at:

    I don’t think i’ll bother trying it sound’s dodgy.

    starlaugh;226218 wrote:
    Dirty bastard!! :laugh_at:

    😉 for your eyes only kid

    GHB is one of my favorite drugs but it is also one of the most dangerous because of it’s effects when mixed with alcohol or the fact that you have to be so precise with the dose. I love it because it’s a gentle come up just making you chatty and bouncy then it’s not particularly intense but it feels somewhere between alcohol and ecstasy and the comedown is unheard of you just return to your normal sober self, still nice and happy and for the price who can argue at like 2/3 pound a hit.

    nivlaccalvin;226665 wrote:
    GHB is one of my favorite drugs but it is also one of the most dangerous because of it’s effects when mixed with alcohol or the fact that you have to be so precise with the dose. I love it because it’s a gentle come up just making you chatty and bouncy then it’s not particularly intense but it feels somewhere between alcohol and ecstasy and the comedown is unheard of you just return to your normal sober self, still nice and happy and for the price who can argue at like 2/3 pound a hit.

    I can think of things that sound a lot safer and more enjoyable for £3 a hit 😉

    We’ve lost 2 friends to GHB this year and know of far too many others gone to soon because of it, some through their own stupidity but others by mistakes and miscalculations.

    Play safe people. Be careful.

    pixiegirl;226974 wrote:
    We’ve lost 2 friends to GHB this year and know of far too many others gone to soon because of it, some through their own stupidity but others by mistakes and miscalculations.

    Play safe people. Be careful.

    Sorry to hear that PG, could you post details on how they died so as others don’t make the same mistakes.

    Was it just GHB involved or was it multiple substances and what was the cause of death e.g respitory depression, traffic accident, choking on voimit ?


    sirstonealot;227062 wrote:
    Sorry to hear that PG, could you post details on how they died so as others don’t make the same mistakes.

    Was it just GHB involved or was it multiple substances and what was the cause of death e.g respitory depression, traffic accident, choking on voimit ?


    Both causes of death were respiratory failure. One was GHB alone, a miscalculated dose in a water bottle at an event. The other was after a day of tripping (LSD and 2CI) an experience user who employed a buddy system when pushing the boundaries, unfortunately that system failed him this one time.






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Forums Drugs GHB & GBL Buying GHB and GBL