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  • @MC G-Tek 523187 wrote:

    Thanks mate, likewise man. It’s good to have a warped sense of humour, but some people think that if you make jokes about something, then you don’t care about it. I find it’s quite the opposite, the more abhorrent I find a subject, the more inclined I am to joke about it. Dunno if it’s a coping mechanism or what, but it defo gets me in trouble from time to time…

    Yeah man, rather then take serious topics serious why not joke about it? It removes the stigma on certain subjects aswell, plus rather then crying about bad things we can laugh at ’em so its a win win really.
    Never understood why people won’t joke about certain things, it’s all or nothing!

    @DeezNuts 523190 wrote:

    Yeah man, rather then take serious topics serious why not joke about it? It removes the stigma on certain subjects aswell, plus rather then crying about bad things we can laugh at ’em so its a win win really.
    Never understood why people won’t joke about certain things, it’s all or nothing!

    You and I are of very similar minds and viewpoints pal, totally agree man.

    @MC G-Tek 523169 wrote:

    Mate, I don’t mean to make light of your condition (don’t know why I said that, cos I’m obviously gonna follow it up with something that makes light of it! Might as well have said, ‘I’m not racist, but…’). Anyways, back on topic, the phrase ‘mood stabilizers’ had always conjured up funny images in my mind of someone with a couple of training wheels attached to their head, and in turn, that image just makes me laugh even more! I know this doesn’t help you in any way whatsoever and if it offends you, my apologies, but I just wanted to contribute something to the conversation!

    No offense taken. There’s no boundaries in humour even if it’s an aspect that affects me:wink:

    @The Psyentist 523226 wrote:

    No offense taken. There’s no boundaries in humour even if it’s an aspect that affects me:wink:

    Cool man, didn’t think you’d take offence, but just thought I’d put a disclaimer in there as insurance!


    Every night this thread takes a bumping. If I had power I would close the thread just to show who’s boss.

    @thelog 523367 wrote:

    Every night this thread takes a bumping. If I had power I would close the thread just to show who’s boss.

    Lol, weird thing is this thread was made quite a while before mods decided to sticky it then it suddenly became popular and jumped the ranks to be a top thread.

    Its still early but I’m so fuckin wwreckd!!

    Who else is on sesh tonight? C’mon PVers I know someone out there is as trollied as I am.

    I’m drinking wine, eating cheese, and catching some rays.

    I’m smoking Peyote cactus. Things are getting really effing strange

    I FEEL MIND :banana2::banana2::banana2::banana2:

    I am very drunk. Braved some townie student night but it didn’t pay off. No atmosphere at these places! 🙁

    Need some entertainment. Anyone feel like dancing? :banana2:

    I’m still ‘avin it large.

    Argh I was ruined last night tbf.
    I feel pretty decent this morning though, don’t even feel like i took anything last night tbh, just skinned up a fat zoot and gonna go for a run and blaze it up!

    How was the peyote btw?

    Also interested in hearing about the peyote. 😉

    Don’t worry, the trip report will come.

    Still trying to piece together the fragments of my shattered mind lol.






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Forums Life Health & Medicine Sleeping & Dreaming Calling All Insomniacs