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  • @Tank Girl 506903 wrote:

    hense why I suggest sorting it out

    I’m trying. Problem is the ‘help’ doesn’t seem as enthusiastic as me about finding a solution. I’ve managed this long by myself so why not for another 10years? Unfortunately that is the story right across the entire care industry, those in control of the money are reluctant to share it. I spent nearly 8 years in the care sector (performing various staff roles) and I know how the system works and how fucked up it is. It’s this depressing reality coupled with the abuse of my last employer that made me leave the industry, at least for now.

    I can empathise – which is why i spoke about ‘commissioning’ I am a true believer in the NHS but with all this privatization it is all to do with commissioning and targets – unfortunately
    self help can be great so dont give up hope!

    Back again. This time it’s not me in crisis though. I’m fairly chipper and have my next psychiatric appointment in the morning actually.

    A long standing and loyal friend to me suffered an extreme bout of depression and attempted suicide. He ended up in a psych ward under 24 hour observation to prevent another attempt suicide until he ‘recovered’. That was over 12months ago though.

    I feel guilty cos I’ve not seen him much recently and he’s confided in me he starting hearing voices and believes the tv and radio are sending him messages. I’ve told him to to back to the mind doctor ASAP cos that’s paranoid schizophrenia symptoms.

    He’s had little contact with drugs and never been a massive party head, although he does enjoy a drink.
    I’m really concerned for him and hope I can become of help before he ‘links’ me in with the delusion of people out to get him.

    @The Psyentist 511313 wrote:

    Back again. This time it’s not me in crisis though. I’m fairly chipper and have my next psychiatric appointment in the morning actually.

    A long standing and loyal friend to me suffered an extreme bout of depression and attempted suicide. He ended up in a psych ward under 24 hour observation to prevent another attempt suicide until he ‘recovered’. That was over 12months ago though.

    I feel guilty cos I’ve not seen him much recently and he’s confided in me he starting hearing voices and believes the tv and radio are sending him messages. I’ve told him to to back to the mind doctor ASAP cos that’s paranoid schizophrenia symptoms.

    He’s had little contact with drugs and never been a massive party head, although he does enjoy a drink.
    I’m really concerned for him and hope I can become of help before he ‘links’ me in with the delusion of people out to get him.

    Sending you goodvibes my brother and i hope the appointment goes well 🙂
    In regards to your friend i think the best you can do is tell him to go back to the mind doctor (which you’ve already done) as ultimately if he doesn’t want help he won’t get it.
    It may also be beneficial if he stops the drinking as that can be bad for your mental health too.

    My crisis is i have a random keyboard warrior from London attacking me on this very forum 😥

    @The Psyentist 511313 wrote:

    Back again. This time it’s not me in crisis though. I’m fairly chipper and have my next psychiatric appointment in the morning actually.

    A long standing and loyal friend to me suffered an extreme bout of depression and attempted suicide. He ended up in a psych ward under 24 hour observation to prevent another attempt suicide until he ‘recovered’. That was over 12months ago though.

    I feel guilty cos I’ve not seen him much recently and he’s confided in me he starting hearing voices and believes the tv and radio are sending him messages. I’ve told him to to back to the mind doctor ASAP cos that’s paranoid schizophrenia symptoms.

    He’s had little contact with drugs and never been a massive party head, although he does enjoy a drink.
    I’m really concerned for him and hope I can become of help before he ‘links’ me in with the delusion of people out to get him.

    Slugs,,,, opps I mean bugs,, bah sorry hugs.

    Not a crisis, sure I’m just being paranoid.

    My girlfriend who I love so much has had let’s put it, a highly sexually active lifestyle. I’ve already mentioned she has worked as a dominatrix around 10years ago, this coupled with 16 years of travelling the world gives you a vague idea of the potential of her sexual activity. We’re very open and honest with each other, which is obviously part of why we work so well together. Anyway there’s a chance some of you might meet her one day so no more detail on her past.

    At the beginning of our relationship I felt sexually insecure and paranoid about being unable to satisfy her. We’ve been happily in love for the last 2 years with very few problems in any aspect of the relationship. For a woman who has been so sexually active much of her life in the last few weeks she has displayed little interest in me. We are a couple but live separate lives i.e. do our own thing and not constantly checking up on each other or joined at the hip. Trust I suppose sums it up.
    But the fact I don’t always know what she’s doin and her past plus the recent loss of interest in me has me paranoid about her activities. I don’t question that she loves me as much as I love her but sometimes couples still love each other but don’t sexually satisfy each other, this can lead to 1 of the party fulfilling themselves elsewhere but unable to admit this to the partner they still love. I’m sure this isn’t the case and not too sure why I’m even posting this, just venting I guess.

    She has been diagnosed with an under active thyroid in the last 12months though and I’m aware this can and probably has lowered her libido.

    New years resolution= quit weed.

    I love her far more than I love bud, I’m not letting this one slip away for the sake of a bit of smoke!

    Choo choo, here comes the misery train again. Again not necessarily wanting or expecting any useful/helpful responses, I just need to vent.
    Had a rather eventful couple of weeks with my mental health (next psychiatric appointment in the morn thankfully). Insomnia, depression and adverse reactions to recently prescribed meds have had me flipping out and rampaging about the house. Smashed my living room door to splinters and kicked through a double glazed window somehow eluding any serious injury.

    Had a big argument with my girlfriend yesterday after she went through my phone and misinterpreted some texts I’d been sending a girl. This upset me so much I necked roughly 50x 2mg xanax. Not with the intention of ending my life (this would be a silly choice of suicide aid plus if that had been my intention I would have taken the full 500 I have) but I really didn’t care what they did to me. Of course this caused my girlfriend great concern so she rang an ambulance. When the paramedics arrived roughly 40mins after I’d taken them they were very surprised I was still fully coherent and ‘competent’, i.e. I correctly answered all basic questions such as my name, date of birth, name of prime minister, capital city etc. Plus all my stats such as heart rate, blood pressure and breathing were normal. This left them (and the police who had also arrived) with no authority to make me go hospital with them.

    I did so anyway to put my girlfriend at ease. After a few more checks within 90mins I was allowed to go home.

    I just feel like my life has reached a dead end. No ambitions or prospects, this is pretty much how I’ve felt since 15. Doesn’t seem to matter how much I try to be a good
    person to others I just get fucked over….

    @The Psyentist 519362 wrote:

    Choo choo, here comes the misery train again. Again not necessarily wanting or expecting any useful/helpful responses, I just need to vent.
    Had a rather eventful couple of weeks with my mental health (next psychiatric appointment in the morn thankfully). Insomnia, depression and adverse reactions to recently prescribed meds have had me flipping out and rampaging about the house. Smashed my living room door to splinters and kicked through a double glazed window somehow eluding any serious injury.

    Had a big argument with my girlfriend yesterday after she went through my phone and misinterpreted some texts I’d been sending a girl. This upset me so much I necked roughly 50x 2mg xanax. Not with the intention of ending my life (this would be a silly choice of suicide aid plus if that had been my intention I would have taken the full 500 I have) but I really didn’t care what they did to me. Of course this caused my girlfriend great concern so she rang an ambulance. When the paramedics arrived roughly 40mins after I’d taken them they were very surprised I was still fully coherent and ‘competent’, i.e. I correctly answered all basic questions such as my name, date of birth, name of prime minister, capital city etc. Plus all my stats such as heart rate, blood pressure and breathing were normal. This left them (and the police who had also arrived) with no authority to make me go hospital with them.

    I did so anyway to put my girlfriend at ease. After a few more checks within 90mins I was allowed to go home.

    I just feel like my life has reached a dead end. No ambitions or prospects, this is pretty much how I’ve felt since 15. Doesn’t seem to matter how much I try to be a good
    person to others I just get fucked over….

    Mate although i know it’s easier said then done (Especially from an outsider like me who has no idea what it’s like to have your conditions) but just stay strong and try not to worry about it – as you’ve said your next psychiatric appointment is tommorow, so who knows maybe that’ll be the end of it all? Glad you haven’t injured yourself though, that’s a good thing.

    With regards to the last bit that’s exactly how i’ve felt also since the age of 15, however i find trying to find the positive things in life has helped me a lot. Even though i’m 16 and ‘know nothing’ as DOTM put it, if you just stay strong now things will get better mate – these experiences you’re having now will just strengthen you and your character and take you on a journey of self exploration, when you come out the other end you will be a stronger character and will hopefully know what you want in life and have your happiness and ambitions back.

    Sending you positive vibes man and if you ever want a chat don’t hesitate to PM me

    for many young men their life does not become “interesting / fulfilling until late 20s or even 30s” (which can make the 20s a dodgy time for mental health especially as its mistakenly claimed to be “best years of your life”).

    This is exactly what I found in my 20s, especially when I was taking a great deal of drugs to hide the fact that life was by and large mundane and boring – yes the party lifestyle was fun but it caused other issues with mood swings etc and feeling paranoid even of friends and family. Medium to serious mental health problems are increasingly common amongst younger people – life is getting harder and less fun overall, so it is genuinely hard to cope when you are younger and perhaps have less realistic ambitions or ideas (TBH if you are healthy, have friends/partners and are contributing something positive to society thats all that matters, even when/if you find life isn’t one big party)

    But if you can make it through this age, we are lucky we live in a modern European nation where youth can last well into the mid 40s and health/life expectancy is long so there is plenty of time left to enjoy the better parts of life…

    What i find bad though is society wants me to decide what i want to do for the rest of my life now and i honestly have no idea. I have no ambitions or anything and like you said I find life to be boring on the whole unless im living the party lifestyle which just ruins me when i have to fulfill my responsibilites.

    that is a big problem with English society, it somehow still seems to be stuck in the middle ages when people only lived to 40-50 and it wasn’t even uncommon for women to keel over during or shortly after childbirth, and people aged 16-25 are put under immense pressure to pass their high school exams, have a long term relationship, get a driving license, go to uni and get a well paying job, and are judged by society if they do not comply with accepted timeframes (in fact very few people manage all of these things and if they do it is still easy to lose what you have gained by just one slip) – whereas it makes far more sense to spread out doing these things over a wider timescale of your life…

    most people have got at least until age 80 these days before things start falling apart with their minds/bodies (and even then modern healthcare can give them a few years extra). So there is no need to rush anything ….

    @DeezNuts 519373 wrote:

    What i find bad though is society wants me to decide what i want to do for the rest of my life now and i honestly have no idea. I have no ambitions or anything and like you said I find life to be boring on the whole unless im living the party lifestyle which just ruins me when i have to fulfill my responsibilites.

    I think the most important thing is for YOU to decide what you want to do

    I have had things such as ‘when are you going to stop living like a student’ etc said to me (I am 36 knocking on 37) when I fact I have a very good career, and mortgage on my own and manage the household on my own – what other people think and what their opionion of ‘grown up is’ isnt necessarily mine – or yours,

    and esp as a woman ‘when are you gonna settle down and have kids’…yawn

    I’m guessing you will come to your own conclusion when you are ready, if it is pissing you off – have a real sit down and think about what yo want to achieve, what your values and ethics are etc and then decide, but the worse thing to do (IMO) is live your life by others standards, as then you may be truely unhappy

    @The Psyentist 513622 wrote:

    She has been diagnosed with an under active thyroid in the last 12months though and I’m aware this can and probably has lowered her libido.

    This definatley (!!) has an impact on libido, lethargy, low mood and other symptoms, and it can take time for the doc’s to get the right dose of thyroxine,
    and also hormonal changes (each month) in a woman can – esp in addition to thyroid problems – have an impact – or she could just be feeling off par,

    dont personalise it,

    it sounds as yo both have an open and communicative honest relationship, so speak to her, and I hope it resolves

    in addition to your own mood – if you are down – of course you’re gonna go for the negative option / thinking style, its called negative bias. And youre not doing it on purpose, but glad youre ok after taking a ‘good’ few to many benzos,

    look after yourself fella

    Psy,that sucks Guy i can relate in my younger years,my mom got remarrried in my early teens to a fucktard.right now id leave any psychoactive subs alone.but u did say u seeing a therapist,are u on any medications For this,or any other reason.quite often meds that can b prescribed For a disorder,in turn aggrivate it.mental health is often trial an error,with meds untill they find what suits you,just remember
    Psy this will pass,u wont b living with the asshole For life,so please dont do anything that will make ur life is hard ecspecially in early adolescent s.i did dumb shit when i was young out of anger an just being pist all the time.n it follows me to this day even tho it was 11years it was just cuz i was always mad n nothing removed that.but please ,try breathing exercises anything to quiet the know this is not permanent.u will move on n past ur current living situation.Maybe new meds or whatever u find helps u.dnt let a jerkoff dictate ur future years.ok man i Hope u feel better bro

    Hope you’re alright Psy mate, as you can see from the responses, you’ve got plenty of pals and people you can talk to here man. Be safe dude, all the best.






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Forums Life Health & Medicine Depression Crisis Thread