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  • An now at 6Kg+, thought I’d just document it here, so within 3 weeks, 2 and a half, I’ve put on a stone of mostly muscle, absolutely smashing gym! Time to get some protein shakes and whey shakes in! Gonna be a beast soon! My goal has always been 80KG, and its coming faster than ever! 🙂

    this broheem is gonna get bare gashish hashish with his fine toned body. BIG UP

    @Lshak 541405 wrote:

    I’ve put on a stone of mostly muscle,

    LOL no.

    Sorry dude but no, you haven’t.

    @DeezNuts 541506 wrote:

    LOL no.

    Sorry dude but no, you haven’t.

    6 kg of muscle? not fat? really hard to tell and doubtful especially if you’re drinking ridiculous amounts of calories which are not natural.

    Well on average for your first year of training you can expect ~2lbs a month of muscle. So I really fuckin doubt he got seven times that in 2 weeks, unless he has crazy hulk genes and insane amounts of steroids.

    What you mean its not natural? If you mean the protein shakes and shit its literally just powdered food dissolved in water/milk/liquidofyourchoice.. nothing unnatural or amazing about it. They are just supplements, much better to get the protein and calories through real food but so many kids think protein shakes are steroids or something for some reason..

    that creatine is a supplement + for sure. i used to go gym and wen i started taking creatine shake my chest muscles started growing straight away and my nipples pointed in different directions (still do lol), but it made my piss glow in the dark so i was a bit concerned so i stopped taking it. i never put much on after that.

    @know_hope 541513 wrote:

    that creatine is a supplement + for sure. i used to go gym and wen i started taking creatine shake my chest muscles started growing straight away and my nipples pointed in different directions (still do lol), but it made my piss glow in the dark so i was a bit concerned so i stopped taking it. i never put much on after that.

    creatine is found naturally in food, like beef…

    wait I think I was just trolled


    @DeezNuts 541511 wrote:

    Well on average for your first year of training you can expect ~2lbs a month of muscle. So I really fuckin doubt he got seven times that in 2 weeks, unless he has crazy hulk genes and insane amounts of steroids.

    What you mean its not natural? If you mean the protein shakes and shit its literally just powdered food dissolved in water/milk/liquidofyourchoice.. nothing unnatural or amazing about it. They are just supplements, much better to get the protein and calories through real food but so many kids think protein shakes are steroids or something for some reason..

    Protein shake can be a useful way of packing on that extra protein without having to measure out how much you’re getting in your food. I find it more a convenience (especially in the morning since I haven’t been eating eggs) than anything else.

    @DeezNuts 541506 wrote:

    LOL no.

    Sorry dude but no, you haven’t.

    Gone through some BMI (is it?) tests at the gym and errr I think I have 🙂

    I haven’t started creatine or protein shakes yet, I did about 2 months ago then stopped, so its time to get BACK on them and bulk insanely

    Forgive me but what is the point of all this hulk bulking?

    @Lshak 541536 wrote:

    Gone through some BMI (is it?) tests at the gym and errr I think I have 🙂

    I haven’t started creatine or protein shakes yet, I did about 2 months ago then stopped, so its time to get BACK on them and bulk insanely

    No.. BMI is a way of telling if you’re at a healthy weight or not, not if you’ve put on 6kgs of muscle in 2 weeks.

    Once again.. you don’t *need* creatine or protein shakes, if you have put on 6kg of muscle then you obviously don’t need them lol

    @Chrispydelic 541548 wrote:

    Forgive me but what is the point of all this hulk bulking?

    I’m not being provocative. I would really like to know the thought behind the practise of bodybuilding. I train regularly for both speed and explosive power but I try to avoid gaining mass as this is a drag factor to me.

    @Chrispydelic 541566 wrote:

    I’m not being provocative. I would really like to know the thought behind the practise of bodybuilding. I train regularly for both speed and explosive power but I try to avoid gaining mass as this is a drag factor to me.

    What do you mean it’s a drag factor?

    To be honest I just want a good base for when I eventually start martial arts (hopefully around September time, just looking around atm.) and I love doing it so yeah..






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Forums Life Sports & Exercise Muscle mass