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  • amyberthelet

    You have to understand that Evangelicalism outside of the USA is seen as a ‘COMPLETE NUT JOB’ from most of the planet. Some wacky cult where people faint in Church services, do lots of shamanistic rituals and idol worship. If you follow the bible, THIS IS WRONG.

    How the hell can anyone call themselves Christian when they worship a man on a cross? Or cross their bodies and hope to die? Or even when their peers are Child Homosexual molestors and Meth addicts? (Source – Channel 4 Documentory of recent concerning Evangelicalism).

    Just because George Bush Jnr supports the Evangelicals doesn’t mean it’s right.

    You may get some further abuse from people so be cautious and anticipate this. If your ambition is to ‘save’ people them please do not be discouraged and do not force your opinion or believes onto others. Treat others how you want to be treated (Love thy neighbour!!).

    You are now free from drugs, have found a way out and keep it that way.

    This was all done by YOU and in my opinion not ‘God’.

    Sini;239175 wrote:
    Please do keep on posting Amy.
    I just think it’s also very important to give yourself credit :love:

    Missed this by Sini,

    Please keep posting. As I suggested you will get abuse from people because of your firm believe in faith and what type of faith it is. Perhaps you can post not so much about the religion side of things and bring the subject up when you make friends? Your ideaology would be more acceptable to friends compared to people you do not know.

    BTW concerning your Ex boyfriend and Satanism, if he were a true Satanist

    – Satanism is purely a way of worshiping ‘the body’. It’s NOT where a group of men and 1 woman thrusting herself on a table whilst the men masterbate and the candles are made from babys fat. :yakk:.

    Satanisn is a very plausable idealology. It confirms that the body should be given what it wants and its needs fulfilled. This does include sex and the right to riches and wealth. I do hate the idea of worshiping Satan when it comes to this faith. Source – The Satanic Bible was written in 1969 by Anton Szandor LaVey

    I understand Texas is very religious and has more churches than any state in the USA? Is this true?

    yeah you are right!god helps!he always does…believe me…i know…thanks for sharing your story with us and congratulations for your progress!every is gonna be ok now…the sun is shinning my friend!!!!congratulations!forget the past and just go on!!!peace!

    kely25;239274 wrote:
    yeah you are right!god helps!he always does…believe me…i know…thanks for sharing your story with us and congratulations for your progress!every is gonna be ok now…the sun is shinning my friend!!!!congratulations!forget the past and just go on!!!peace!

    risky thing forgetting one’s past *nods*

    Here is a link to the church me and my hubby attand :

    Pastor Cleetus is awesome! 😉

    And tho’ it’s charismatic and Evangelical, people do not act like backwoods Pentecostal holy rollers. You’re just free to dance, stand,sit…whatever u feel led to do during worship. And the praise band ROCKS! Not some ‘wimpy’ stuff – rockin electric!

    Yes, TX has a lot of churches. And I pretty much feel comfortable in any type of church, be it Evangelical or Roman Catholic.

    As for my ex – he wore an upside down pentagram and thought there was nothing wrong with doing drugs or fing a friend. He called himself a Satanist.

    amyberthelet;239293 wrote:
    Here is a link to the church me and my hubby attand :

    Pastor Cleetus is awesome! 😉

    And tho’ it’s charismatic and Evangelical, people do not act like backwoods Pentecostal holy rollers. You’re just free to dance, stand,sit…whatever u feel led to do during worship. And the praise band ROCKS! Not some ‘wimpy’ stuff – rockin electric!

    Yes, TX has a lot of churches. And I pretty much feel comfortable in any type of church, be it Evangelical or Roman Catholic.

    As for my ex – he wore an upside down pentagram and thought there was nothing wrong with doing drugs or fing a friend. He called himself a Satanist.

    Whilst i admire and respect your views and beliefs it really ain’t a bit of me! I like the concept of religion and some of it’s ideals but i just can’t get down with it! :love:

    amyberthelet;239293 wrote:
    Here is a link to the church me and my hubby attand :

    As for my ex – he wore an upside down pentagram and thought there was nothing wrong with doing drugs or fing a friend. He called himself a Satanist.

    so what happened to this chap then? you don’t seem too worried about him at all 🙁 Tis sad with drug addiction that often when two people are a couple one person has to effectively desert and leave the other person with the mess.

    I hope someone gets him into a good drug rehab program, but as its in the USA, i dout this will happen. God bless the land of the free (bar the 2.2 million that are locked up lol)

    well, after he left the chapel, he shoplifted at a drugstore, and led the cops right back to that abandoned house, where EVERYBODY got busted!!!! So I would’ve ended up in jail had I not listened to that small voice…..I saw him again years later – he told me he was in jail for 6 months. He was still skinny as a rail, and looked to be still using – he was still living in the same neighborhood (we moved there cuz of easier access to drugs) – and he even asked me for money! I told him I didn’t have any – which was the truth – I was about to go to the bank to get $2 for Ramen! I told him I almost got Hep C, and his reaction was – ah I’m not worried about that, just AIDS! :yakk: I left him with a hug and a blessing…

    amyberthelet;239553 wrote:
    well, after he left the chapel, he shoplifted at a drugstore, and led the cops right back to that abandoned house, where EVERYBODY got busted!!!! So I would’ve ended up in jail had I not listened to that small voice…..I saw him again years later – he told me he was in jail for 6 months. He was still skinny as a rail, and looked to be still using – he was still living in the same neighborhood (we moved there cuz of easier access to drugs) – and he even asked me for money! I told him I didn’t have any – which was the truth – I was about to go to the bank to get $2 for Ramen! I told him I almost got Hep C, and his reaction was – ah I’m not worried about that, just AIDS! :yakk: I left him with a hug and a blessing…

    🙁 nasty thats a shame. How do u almost get Hep c? 🙂

    I went to the county hosp in 99 for bloodwork for a sugical procedure (to remedy another bodily function that got f-d up from drugs)….they found Hep C antibodies, and told me I HAD HEP C. Long story short…..when I was able to see a ‘normal’ doc outside of the charity system, she had me see a specialist, who determined that I WAS exposed, but subsequent titer tests (testing for the actual virus) proved I did not have it!!!!! And yes, I am aware it can lie dormant for yrs – my present doc is keeping an eye out… far so good! :bounce_fl:bounce_g:

    amyberthelet;239293 wrote:
    thought there was nothing wrong with doing drugs or fing a friend

    presuming fing means fucking, well no, there isn’t anything wrong with either of those.

    amyberthelet;239603 wrote:
    I went to the county hosp in 99 for bloodwork for a sugical procedure (to remedy another bodily function that got f-d up from drugs)….they found Hep C antibodies, and told me I HAD HEP C. Long story short…..when I was able to see a ‘normal’ doc outside of the charity system, she had me see a specialist, who determined that I WAS exposed, but subsequent titer tests (testing for the actual virus) proved I did not have it!!!!! And yes, I am aware it can lie dormant for yrs – my present doc is keeping an eye out… far so good! :bounce_fl:bounce_g:

    hep C testing is a bit tricky – if your interested read bellow:

    the infection rates are on the increase,- they are even encourageing testing on london radio stations, the treatment can be quite difficult – always worth using protection / not shareing equipment (even pipes / spoons) as it can lay dormant for months

    There are many different tests performed on people who are suspected of having hepatitis C infection or in whom hepatitis C is diagnosed. These are to help in diagnosis, or to follow its progression, or to see the response to treatment.

    Blood tests
    Hepatitis C antibodies are detected by a blood test known as an anti-HCV test. It looks for antibodies to hepatitis C which are produced by the body’s immune system in response to the virus. This test does not detect the virus itself, but rather the body’s immune response to the virus.

    A positive antibody test will usually be confirmed on the same sample by a second antibody test and then by a later test on another sample of blood.

    A positive result, known as anti-HCV positive, shows that a person has been exposed to the virus at some time. It does not detect whether the virus is still present or whether the person is infectious.

    It may take a long time, sometimes a few months, for antibodies to appear in blood following infection. It is usually eight to twelve weeks after exposure to the virus, but can occasionally be up to six months or more; this means that an antibody test taken too early may not detect exposure to hepatitis C.

    The hepatitis C virus itself can be detected by a molecular test called Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). This test is normally done only in people who are anti-HCV positive. If the PCR test is positive, the individual is infected.

    Liver function test (LFTs)
    Liver function tests (LFTs) are blood tests that measure substances in the bloodstream which indicate that the liver is damaged. However, they are not always good indicators of liver damage and do not detect the presence of the virus. LFT levels can fluctuate throughout the course of the disease. Sometimes they are normal, but this does not prove that liver damage is absent.

    Liver biopsy
    The only way to assess the amount of liver damage is a liver biopsy which involves taking a small sample of liver tissue for examination under a microscope. The test is usually performed under a local anaesthetic. A hollow fine needle is passed through the skin into the liver and a small piece of tissue is withdrawn inside the needle.

    In most people the procedure can be uncomfortable, so good pain relief is important, though in some cases the procedure is quite painless. In many hospitals the procedure is performed as a day case, in others an overnight stay is necessary. The results of the biopsy are graded and staged according to the degree of inflammation and scarring.

    Following a biopsy, some people feel sore and/or experience some discomfort. Therefore, anyone having a biopsy should think about making arrangements for someone to collect them from the hospital and to take them home.

    Strains of hepatitis C
    The hepatitis C virus is not a single type of virus. There are different strains (genotypes) of hepatitis C with numerous subtypes.

    Different strains vary from country to country. In the UK, Western Europe and the United States the most common strains are types 1, 2 and 3. Subtypes are labelled a, b, c, etc. Therefore the patient could have hepatitis C 1a, hepatitis C 2a or hepatitis C 2b, and so on.

    It is possible to be infected again with a different strain, or be infected with two strains at the same time. The different strains do not appear to result in different patterns of disease, but they do differ in their response to treatment.

    Because treatment response does vary according to the strain of hepatitis C infection, a test is usually performed to determine the strain before treatment is advised. Genotype 1 is the most difficult strain to treat with current therapy.

    The results of the various tests can be confusing and require specialist interpretation. It is important that people who have hepatitis C are referred to a specialist who should be a hepatologist or a gastroenterologist with knowledge of liver disease.

    ok, first off, yes, as a Christian there IS something wrong with doing illegal drugs and having sex with a FRIEND!!!!

    As far as the Hep C testing goes, your post pretty much confirms what happened in my case. The county hosp. made the BIG mistake of doing an ANTIBODY test and telling me I WAS INFECTED. I went for YEARS thinking that, until my bf urged me to talk to my doc, who sent me to a specialist. Here in the US that other test is called a ‘titer test’ – basically take 6 vials of blood to see if there is any quantity of virus. I have had that twice so far, and NOTHING! :weee: What my doc now does is a liver enzyme test, and so far so good!

    amyberthelet;239888 wrote:
    ok, first off, yes, as a Christian there IS something wrong with doing illegal drugs and having sex with a FRIEND!!!!

    Just curious but does it say in the bible that i shouldn’t do pills? :weee:

    DJCliffy;239894 wrote:
    Just curious but does it say in the bible that i shouldn’t do pills? :weee:

    doesn’t matter .. your going to hell any way :laugh_at:






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