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  • ofc there are liberal christians.. but if you took a sample of the population you’d find a strong correlation between conservatism and chirstianity

    (i know at least 50 hardcore christians in my extended family alone so consider myself to have a moderately good idea of the way of thinking in this community)

    @Iacchus 364613 wrote:

    (i know at least 50 hardcore christians in my extended family alone so consider myself to have a moderately good idea of the way of thinking in this community)


    @Iacchus 364610 wrote:

    ofc there are liberal christians.. but if you took a sample of the population you’d find a strong correlation between conservatism and chirstianity

    you do get that with the “Low Church” Anglicans/Protestant communities, (David Cameron recently “came out” about his faith) although even then its fairly mild centre right politics compared to the USA or even other European nations with conservative Christian communities, although in Europe even the centre right now think such things as public funded healthcare are “sacred cows”…

    Most of my extended family in Malaysia are Christians and attend a Lutheran church, although there are some who have Muslim partners. In the UK however none of my family members now attend places of worship, although some were baptised as Catholics and others are Jewish!

    @General Lighting 364609 wrote:

    A lot of British Christians including Anglo-Catholics definitely have centre left and even socialist political views. They are very prominent within the environmental and transition towns movements.

    Definitely mate. There are a lot of British Christian youth work organisations that originally I was apprehensive about – however the religion is in the name of the organisation only, they don’t push beliefs and have the right attitude.

    Of course, there are other organisations that are unfortunately the opposite too.

    @Iacchus 364613 wrote:

    (i know at least 50 hardcore christians in my extended family alone so consider myself to have a moderately good idea of the way of thinking in this community)

    thats maybe shaped your view unfairly then.

    @Iacchus 364610 wrote:

    ofc there are liberal christians.. but if you took a sample of the population you’d find a strong correlation between conservatism and chirstianity

    conservatism? in what sense? socially? economically? define what you mean because i think you are using unfair blanket terms.

    @MisterDuck 364628 wrote:

    thats maybe shaped your view unfairly then.

    maybe, but no

    ive been a member of or attended at least 15 churches over the years, including several I joined completely independently of my family.. they’re all the same. In fact it was my failure to find a more modern/liberal church that made me give up on practicing christianity altogether

    you can say what you like but there’s no denying that liberal christians are in the minority in england and I suspect the states are the same

    @MisterDuck 364629 wrote:

    conservatism? in what sense? socially? economically? define what you mean because i think you are using unfair blanket terms.

    im talking about the moral code according to the bible. english law used to follow it quite closely but the laws are becoming more and more liberal as time goes on. this seriously pisses off christians who for the most part think things like homosexuality and abortion should be totally illegal whatever religion you are

    im sure there are plenty of exceptions but I’m talking about the statistical majority. If you dont believe me go out and conduct a survey.

    My initial comment about obama was because the only people ive ever spoken to who dont actually like obama are christians who do not like his views on abortion

    (ps happy to admit im guilty of sweeping statements and generalisations.. I should put a caveat in my signature saynig ‘the above statement may be a generalisation’)

    @Iacchus 364639 wrote:

    im talking about the moral code according to the bible. english law used to follow it quite closely but the laws are becoming more and more liberal as time goes on. this seriously pisses off christians who for the most part think things like homosexuality and abortion should be totally illegal whatever religion you are

    no they don’t

    moral code varies, people interpret in different ways

    all i know is there is two gay catholic women on my course, there are about ten muslims and only one said he believed homosexuality to be wrong and was shot down by the rest of them. last week only one religious person disagreed with personal choice with regards to abortion.

    two gay catholics, is that a coincidence?

    @p0ly 364680 wrote:

    two gay catholics, is that a coincidence?

    what do you mean mate? they didnt know each other if thats what you mean

    yeah i did, just not often you’d have two gay catholic people in one class if u know what i mean.

    @Iacchus 364639 wrote:

    My initial comment about obama was because the only people ive ever spoken to who dont actually like obama are christians who do not like his views on abortion

    yeah but that means nothing, without meaning to sound harsh – just because you’ve only happen to experience that doesn’t mean thats the way it is.

    the only religious people i’ve spoken to i was watchin the tv with celebratin when he won.

    the people i’ve met who disagree with him do so because they are socially right-wing or economically right-wing, or centre-right.






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