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Is it Possible to Find Love on the Internet?

Forums Love, Sex & Relationships Is it Possible to Find Love on the Internet?

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  • well it’s all over the net find love .com is it possible to find true love over the internet, can you really fall in love with some one you don’t know at all. how can you be sure that it is love and not some false infactuation with some one who is feeding you a line of bull shit. how do you know they are being truthfull and how can you be so sure you are being honest as well i guess all you can do is hope for the best and if love is in the wire then i hope it is the love you are looking for.;)

    went i chat to ppl on the net i tend not belive them most of the time but then most of them r after cyber sex n e way just pi**es me off

    my m8 had a bad experience when a guy she met from a chat room stalked her for like a yr but then the silly fecker went and done it again but she is really happy with the guy shes with now they been 2 gether for 2 yrs and got a baby and another 1 on the way so i guess u can all depends on the other person really dont it

    the net is only a large comms circuit – it doesn’t really affect peoples personalities (although in some cases its nature makes it easier to hide behind a mask or pseudonym).

    this makes it ideal for people who are actually a bit shy (like myself) but also for sociopaths and deviants – hence the risks, and those scum who just pounce on any girl they see and want cybersex ( I don’t understand how anyone can even get satisfaction from this, some ppl are just strannge).

    incidentally us blokes are also at risk; I know of incidents where ppl have been encouraged to meet a girl via a chatroom and during the “date” they end up being conned into drawing out a load of cash and are then robbed; or worse still they are mugged by a male accomplice of the girl who is waiting for the “couple”.

    but is the risk really any more than any kind of blind date (or even a normal date these days) in a bar in Cardiff or Reading? This sort of shit happens without the internet being involved… some people enjoy playing mind and power games as a substitute for relationships.

    I’m glad 2 hear your friend met someone they love eventually.. but I wouldn’t want to become a dad after just 2 years in a relationship! Not sure I want to become a dad at all at this time in my life – it would put an end to my freedom and looking after “y gath dew” is enough responsibility for me (it makes as much noise as a baby anyway).



    I know several couples who have met through websites, although it is a London based site and devoted to activism, i think on-line communities are as good a place as any to meet people, provided geographical restrictions aren’t to severe. You still have to meet in the end:)

    But it can be a good way to get to know someone, if you believe a similar set of beliefs is important in a relationship then it can save time chatting to attractive muppets:D

    Recently i met an American couple that i have been chatting to on another site,they themselves met online,and carried their relationship into the real world,so anything is possible.Although, the net is a strange place occupied by stranger people,few of whom are exactly who they say they are.

    I know people who have got married and are STILL married after finding each other on the internet.

    So.. I guess. YES.. it is possible. It seems so fraught with problems tho, i’m not sure i’d try it. Besides, I wouldnt even know where to start looking. Don’t most of these sites charge a fortune for membership and stuff ??


    I could be really cynical and ask if true love exists as such, but that would be entirely too Sartrian and not very uplifting. So instead, I can add that a Dutch friend of mine met someone on the net, and I was best man at their wedding. Add to that, that if it is possible to meet someone on the net, it should be easier still IRL…

    It is my understanding that love is everywhere. So therefore, love can be found anywhere.

    Well this doesn’t really count because I knew her for 3 years already. But I got together with my girlfriend of 2 years through speaking via email and msn etc. Seemed to make it easier to be a bit more open with each other.

    i think it is possible to find love on the net but it could take a long time because so many ppl chat shit on the net but eventually your bound to find someone thats not fake.

    this is a wierd story

    a guy i knew (not very well) ‘met’ and american woman online and they formed a relationship

    he eventually flew out to meet her for real

    she had told him she was slim, about 25, good job, unattached etc

    he got there and she was a 40 year old, 20 stone, mother of 3 living in a trailer in the desert making speed for a living

    he married her anyway :love:

    and that’s true that is 😛

    globalloon wrote:
    this is a wierd story

    a guy i knew (not very well) ‘met’ and american woman online and they formed a relationship

    he eventually flew out to meet her for real

    she had told him she was slim, about 25, good job, unattached etc

    he got there and she was a 40 year old, 20 stone, mother of 3 living in a trailer in the desert making speed for a living

    he married her anyway :love:

    and that’s true that is 😛

    in some bizzare way (and if they’re still together) that’s actually a really touching story – after all he could presumably easily have given up or found someone else after these lies…

    so I guess they must have had real feelings for one another anyway….

    I can’t help thinking of that “you’re a piece of trailer trash” record that Storm play though 😀

    I am not surprised ….love is amazing. I did not believe in love at first sight til i met my beautiful perfect partner – but it really had nothing to do with what he looked like. My brain tells me now he’s gorgeous but the initial feeling which I cannot put into words was just a kind of wow to the whole energy of this person. That is love. The media make out it’s looks related but that’s horseshit. It’s definitely smell, but something else we cant see/hear/smell/measure. I cant explain. All I can say is that I have found myself, I have found my definition of ‘man’ when I didn’t even know I had such a thing as a definition of man in my head.

    So, maybe it’s the certainty that makes it profound absolute love rather than a fling with someone tasty.

    Anyway, the only way of finding your other half, is to get out and about – any chance decision or change of plan could result in this fantastci miracle.

    The question is not really whether you could find love on the internet – of course you can! – so therefore I don’t really understand these succesful “exemples” of love on the internet. Should I thereby conclude that, yes, its a marvellous love-culture-place/space? Well, its not. But its not deprived of love either. Whether virtual or real space, love is out there (or – in there…)






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Forums Love, Sex & Relationships Is it Possible to Find Love on the Internet?