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Forums Drugs Ecstasy & MDMA What is Ecstasy?

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  • if you want a gauren-damn-tee that your gonna have a good time id suggest getting pure mdma, its an amazing experience, i do love pills and if its a bit of a dancy night ill chosoe pills over mdma but man, mdma is good just dont over do it

    Hazza88 wrote:
    I pay 30 quid for a gram, but thats a good price, usually your be paying about £40 and i usually put about 0.2-0.4 in my bombs, personal preference really 🙂

    im paying 45, somtimes 50 a gram london prices

    and avarage now i do about half a g in a bomb but only cause md is for special occasions, most iv done is a g at once £45 well spent, dont remember shit i ripped my mouth to shreds and sweated out the river thames but shit did i have a good time

    technomaus wrote:
    mcPP = black death of the rave scene ^^ from what i have found all it does is give you a headache if you drink alcohol and makes you weary but unable to sleep for about 15 hours 🙁

    lol, yer, thats what I found. I ended up with a headache, and I couldn’t sleep for ages. That night, I couldnt get 2 sleep till about 6am, and then only had an hour sleep, but on the plus side, cos of it, I kept on going without feeling tired (despite the lack of sleep) for the whole of the next day.

    I know what u mean when u say its the blackdeath for raves. its not a very good party drug at all. I think I got pills with quite high mdma levels in the first time, cos I had a fantastic night. well worth the money :biggreen:

    I had some horrible pills at Global. Got someone to ask around about them afterwards and apparently they were filthy and unpredictable. I picked them up down here before I went along with some whizz. I can’t remember what they looked like though!

    I took whizz all day and then the first night I took 2 and nothing happened. The second night I was already really wasted on whizzand I double dropped 2 and then the voices started. I thought everybody was talking about me, and specifically my legs and I actually shouted at someone for looking at me. I then sat in a tent crying because I didn’t have any trousers curled up in a ball while the rain came straight through. I stayed there for like 5 or 6 hours before my friend found me and held me for a little bit but I was still sketching out with the voices. I was convinced everybody was talking about me.

    Also while I was there I saw a bloke have to be resuscitated in the first aid tent after taking lots of es and ketamine which scared me about taking lots at the same time so I’ve cut back alot now.

    It’s really hard to get pills down here because they are all crap and I don’t have any contacts. Need to make some new friends 😉

    ro-ro wrote:
    I had some horrible pills at Global. Got someone to ask around about them afterwards and apparently they were filthy and unpredictable. I picked them up down here before I went along with some whizz. I can’t remember what they looked like though!

    I took whizz all day and then the first night I took 2 and nothing happened. The second night I was already really wasted on whizzand I double dropped 2 and then the voices started. I thought everybody was talking about me, and specifically my legs and I actually shouted at someone for looking at me. I then sat in a tent crying because I didn’t have any trousers curled up in a ball while the rain came straight through. I stayed there for like 5 or 6 hours before my friend found me and held me for a little bit but I was still sketching out with the voices. I was convinced everybody was talking about me.

    Also while I was there I saw a bloke have to be resuscitated in the first aid tent after taking lots of es and ketamine which scared me about taking lots at the same time so I’ve cut back alot now.

    It’s really hard to get pills down here because they are all crap and I don’t have any contacts. Need to make some new friends 😉

    sounds like 2 things… 1 you are experiencing panic attacks and 2 take a break

    i hope your next party goes a lot better for you


    Thanks globallon, I did take a break for like 3 months and now I feel a lot healthier overall.

    I think everyone sooner or later needs to take a break from ze drugs.

    I’m up for taking a break but cos of my job and how stressed i get, getting fucked at the weekend and looking forward to it is what gets me thru the week! Bit bad innit:wink:

    HemelRaver wrote:
    I think everyone sooner or later needs to take a break from ze drugs.

    YOU CAN NEVER MAKE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!raaa raaa raaa raaa raaa raaa raaa raaa raaa raaa raaa raaa raaa raaa raaa

    JonnyQuest wrote:
    YOU CAN NEVER MAKE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!raaa raaa raaa raaa raaa raaa raaa raaa raaa raaa raaa raaa raaa raaa raaa

    Thats the kind of thinking i was looking for! Congratulations have a sweet:bounce_g::bounce_fl:bounce_g:

    HemelRaver wrote:
    Thats the kind of thinking i was looking for! Congratulations have a sweet:bounce_g::bounce_fl:bounce_g:

    Can I have one too? If I tidy my room…?

    Course you can but cleaning your room is conforming to the man (Or so i’v heard!) so have a sweetie :you_crazy

    hadnt taken any pills for aaaggggess then succomed to temptation this weekend due to me trying to knowck the old pony powder on the head….felt absolutely amazing until about 8 am then was puking and couldnt sleep until saturday night…thats why i stopped taking them in the first place!!! Methinks these things should be taken on special occasions only:wink:

    Did you happen to have white doves?? those have mdma but are contaminated with mcPP so you get sick if you drink a less than excessive amounts of alcohol…

    ive only heard of good clean pills causing nausea on the comeup… and they shouldn’t make it TOO hard to sleep

    technomaus wrote:
    Did you happen to have white doves?? those have mdma but are contaminated with mcPP so you get sick if you drink a less than excessive amounts of alcohol…

    FFS – to an old skool raver (who can remember what proper doves were like) that is a real fucking travesty 😥

    yeah lol; was so bittersweet because you came up real strong but 4 hrs later actually feeling like death incarnate!






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Forums Drugs Ecstasy & MDMA What is Ecstasy?